LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, June 30, 2011
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Responds to Live Action Expose
• Planned Parenthood Receives Kansas Abortion License, Won t Sue
• Bachmann: Devastating Miscarriage Shaped Pro-Life Abortion Views
• Polls Have Rick Perry in Second in Republican 2012 Primary
More Pro-Life News
• New Hampshire Must Re-Vote on De-Funding Planned Parenthood
• Christie Asked to Veto Planned Parenthood Funding Again in NJ
• South Dakota Judge Halts 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period Law
• Huntsman Takes Heat for Not Signing Pro-Life Pledge, Hits Back
• Delaware May Up Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Funding 25%
• Arizona Planned Parenthood Sues Abortion Drug Safety Rules
• Kansas Will Hold Hearing on Law Shutting Abortion Centers
• Abortion Advocates Target Pro-Life Rep. Allen West for Defeat
• Iowa OKs Abortion Funding Limits, Ultrasound for Women
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Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Responds to Live Action Expose
The Planned Parenthood abortion business has responded to a new expose video from Live Action showing its staffers admitting it doesn t need taxpayer funding because legitimate medical centers offer the same kind of health care.
Undercover phone calls released yesterday show Planned Parenthood of Indiana abortion business staffers admitting that they are not the only source of women s health care for women on Medicaid, even though denying women heath care has become the thrust of its argument against losing taxpayer funds.
One reason Planned gives in a new response for why it needs taxpayer funding is that it offers different services from other Medicaid providers. However, federally-funded non-abortion health care clinics offer all of the services Planned Parenthood does, and more, with the exception of abortions. That makes it appear Planned Parenthood is saying it needs state taxpayer funding in Indiana because it does abortions.
Planned Parenthood s new statement says: We focused on helping our patients even those posing as patients to find reproductive health care during the short period of time we were unable to provide services covered by Medicaid. We maintain, as we ve said all along, that just because there are other providers does not mean they offer the same patient-friendly hours, are accepting new Medicaid patients or offer the same services that PPIN offers.
Live Action president Lila Rose, in an email to LifeNews, says the video showing Planned Parenthood deceiving the public and lawmakers into believing the abortion business is vital to women s health is accurate. Rose said there are 800 other facilities in Indiana that take Medicaid, provide the same services, and most likely offer those patient-friendly hours everyone reportedly loves at Planned Parenthood. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/06/30/planned-parenthood-abortion-biz-responds-to-live-action-expose/
Planned Parenthood Receives Kansas Abortion License, Won t Sue
Planned Parenthood will receive a license after all and will withdraw its lawsuit, slated for a hearing on Friday. However, two other abortion centers did not get licenses and are moving forward with their lawsuit. President and Chief Executive Officer Peter Brownlie said Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri told AP late Thursday that the state health department granted it a license reversing earlier reports that it would not receive one The other two abortion centers have not yet been inspected but do not believe they will receive licenses.
Brownlie indicates Planned Parenthood has received a one-year license to do abortions in Kansas under the new law. Acceptance of the license came after state health officials visited the abortion business a second time late Thursday.
Notwithstanding that the regulations are burdensome and unnecessary, the findings of the inspection indicate what we have known and said throughout this process, Brownlie said in the statement. Planned Parenthood operates with the highest standards of patient care and has rigorous safety procedures in place.
The statement also had the abortion business director attacking pro-life Gov. Sam Brownback.
This is radical, extreme government intrusion into private health care, Brownlie said. It seems Brownback is against more government regulations unless the regulations suit his agenda.
Kansans for Life responded to LifeNews, saying, This afternoon Kansas granted Planned Parenthood a facility license under the new law which begins tomorrow. Frankly, securing a license was never seriously in doubt and they knew it but used it for political purposes to re-position themselves as the victims of political persecution prior to their having to return to criminal court in Johnson County on July 15th after a two year interruption caused by former Attorney General Steve Six. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/06/30/planned-parenthood-receives-kansas-abortion-license-wont-sue/

Bachmann: Devastating Miscarriage Shaped Pro-Life Abortion Views
Campaigning in South Carolina, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said a devastating miscarriage helped shape her pro-life views on abortion. The compelling personal story ties in to her rationale for becoming a foster care mom.
While on the campaign trail in Rock Hill, South Carolina, the Minnesota congresswoman revealed she had a miscarriage decades ago and that the event led her to solidify her pro-life views and prompted her and her husband to become a foster home to 23 children over the years.
After our second child was born, we became pregnant with a third baby, Bachmann said, according to a Politico report. And it was an unexpected baby, but of course we were delighted to have this child. And the child was coming along, and we ended up losing that child. And it was devastating for both of us, as you can imagine if any of you have lost a child.
She said the miscarriage also prompted Bachmann and her husband Marcus to re-evaluate their personal and professional life goals.
At that moment we didn t think of ourselves as overly career minded or overly materialistic, she said, according to Politico. When we lost that child, it changed us. And it changed us forever.
We made a commitment that no matter how many children were brought into our life, we would receive them because we are committed to life, she added. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/06/30/bachmann-devastating-miscarriage-shaped-pro-life-abortion-views/
Polls Have Rick Perry in Second in Republican 2012 Primary
The buzz about pro-life Texas Gov. Rick Perry potentially entering the race for the Republican presidential nomination has him shooting up to second place in a new Fox News poll of Republicans nationwide.
Perry, who has a long record of pushing pro-life legislation on abortion and recently spoke in favor of life at a pro-life event for Hispanics in Los Angeles, trails only Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts governor pulls in 18 percent to 13 percent for Perry in the Fox News poll.
Behind the two state executives, pro-life Rep. Michele Bachmann receives 11 percent of the Republican support and pro-abortion former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani takes in 10 percent, even though it appears unlikely he will run and even more unlikely that he would earn the nomination after failing to get more than one delegate in the 2008 contest.
Sarah Palin, the pro-life former vice presidential candidate took in 8 percent in the new nationwide survey, pro-life Rep. Ron Paul received 7 percent, pro-life businessman Herman Cain received 5 percent and three pro-life advocates tied with 3 percent apiece: former governors Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and Jon Huntsman of Utah and former Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Rick Santorum, the pro-life former Senator from Pennsylvania received 2 percent and pro-abortion former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson received just one percent. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/06/30/polls-have-rick-perry-in-second-in-republican-2012-primary/
New Hampshire Must Re-Vote on De-Funding Planned Parenthood
Last week, the members of the Executive Council rejected a taxpayer funded contract with the Planned Parenthood abortion business but it appears the members will have to vote again on voiding the 1.8 million contract.
In a move that generated little media attention or focus, New Hampshire became the latest state to scrap taxpayer funding of the Planned Parenthood abortion business when members of a panel voted 3-2 to revoke the funding. Members of the Executive Council said they made the decision because Planned Parenthood does abortions and spends large amounts of money paying its administrators huge salaries and lobbying the state government.
The Executive Council voided the contract with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE) with Councilor Dan St. Hilaire of Concord casting a vote against the contract along with David Wheeler of Nashua and Raymond J. Wieczorek of Manchester. The Union Leader indicated Raymond S. Burton of Bath and Chris Sununu of Newfields supported funding the abortion business.
Now, the New Hampshire Journal obtained an e-mail from Health and Human Services Commissioner Nick Toumpas, a Democrat, to council member Wheeler that it says makes it appear the council will have to re-vote on the state contracts, giving Planned Parenthood a second chance to make its case. In his letter, Toumpas admits HHS used strange budget numbers concerning the contracts and the newspaper says the wrong numbers are being used as an excuse to require a second vote. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/06/30/new-hampshire-must-re-vote-on-de-funding-planned-parenthood/
ACTION: Contact members of the Executive Council at http://www.nh.gov/council/ and ask them to vote against the Planned Parenthood contract.
Christie Asked to Veto Planned Parenthood Funding Again in NJ
Governor Chris Christie is getting a request from the leading pro-life group in New Jersey to, once again, veto state taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business.
The New Jersey Senate passed the measure to restore the $7.5 million in funding 26-13 with all of the Senate Democrats voting to restore the Planned Parenthood funds along with Republicans Diane Allen and Jennifer Beck.
Two of the abortion business centers closed last year following the first veto of the funding.
New Jersey Right to Life is calling on the pro-life governor to line item veto $7.5 million out of the state budget for Planned Parenthood family planning clinics at a time when the state still faces a difficult financial situation. The organization says fraudulent activity, poor health and safety inspections, expose videos showing it looking the other way at sex trafficking and the fact that it is the leading abortion business should disqualify it from receiving state funds.
Yesterday, the Democratic-controlled Senate and Assembly passed their own budget which contains $7.5 million in taxpayer funds for Planned Parenthood family planning clinics, NJRTL director Marie Tasy said in an action alert email to her group s members. Please email and call Governor Christie today and ask him to please line item veto the $7.5M out of the budget for Planned Parenthood. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/06/30/christie-asked-to-veto-planned-parenthood-funding-again-in-nj/
ACTION: Contact the governor at http://www.nj.gov/nj/feedback.html
South Dakota Judge Halts 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period Law
A judge in South Dakota issued a temporary injunction to halt enforcement of a new pro-life law in South Dakota that was scheduled to take effect tomorrow had it not been for a Planned Parenthood lawsuit.
Chief Judge Karen Schreier issued a written ruling today voiding the longest abortion waiting period in the country 72 hours. The measure also helps women find abortion alternatives. The ruling prevents the law from going into effect while the lawsuit continues.
She indicated the abortion business is likely to win its case in court and provided several ways in which she believed the law is unconstitutional making it appear that she will likely issue a ruling striking down the law once she holds oral hearings on the lawsuit. Schreier claims the law violates a woman s 1st and 14th amendment rights.
The law in question, which takes effect July 1, would require women considering an abortion to visit a crisis pregnancy center before going to an abortion business to get counseling on abortion s alternatives as well as the risks associated with having one. The idea behind the bill which goes further than legislation in other states is to get women tangible pregnancy help and support that they won t normally find at an abortion center. The counseling would not require any out of pocket expense on behalf of the women considering an abortion. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/06/30/south-dakota-judge-halts-72-hour-abortion-waiting-period-law/
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