"Do you believe prayer and public
witness can end abortion?"
We do!
"The Summer of Mercy 2.0"
July 30-August 7 in Germantown, Maryland.
This summer the Holy Spirit is giving the Church a prophetic call to
"establish justice in the gates" as we cry out to end abortion
and stand for human rights and the dignity of life.
Christians and people of good will be gathering in Germantown, Maryland
world, Leroy Carhart, for a peaceful and prayerful witness for life.
We know this sounds difficult to believe, but Carhart routinely
does abortions on women who are 7 months pregnant!
The Church cannot remain silent and indifferent as viable children
are brutally destroyed within the shadow of our nation's captiol.
Now is the time for Christians to embrace the cross and the heart
of Christ and walk in obedience unto our Lord.
Our desire is to see a sovereign God powerfully move, shift history,
bring spiritual awakening to our nation and end abortion!
Make plans today to join us for "The Summer of Mercy 2.0"