Pro-Life News Report
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Democrats Prevent House Passage of Late-Term Abortion Ban
• Obamacare s Pro-Abortion HHS Mandate Takes Effect Tomorrow
• China: Newborn Girl Found in Trash With Throat Cut, Fights for Life
• Obama Admin Not Charging Nidal Hasan With Killing Unborn Baby
More Pro-Life News
• Six Vatican Ambassadors Start Catholics for Romney Outreach
• Obamacare Rationing Begins, States Cut Prescription Drug Benefits
• Prayer Vigil Celebrates Effort to Keep Planned Parenthood Out
• White House Won t Say Obama Position on Late-Term Abortion Ban
• God Has Placed the Miracle of Adoption in Your Hands
• First Ruling Upholding Fetal-Pain Abortion Ban a Pro-Life Milestone
• Euthanasia Rate in Netherlands Has Increased 73% Since 2003
• Activists in Spain Once Applauded Aborted Babies as Trophies
• Abortion Debate Help: What Makes Human Beings Valuable?
• Kansas Abortion Clinics Put Women at Risk With Filthy Conditions
---> Planned Parenthood: 51% of Its Clinic Income Comes From Abortions

Democrats Prevent House Passage of Late-Term Abortion Ban
House Democrats objected to a bill that would stop the policy of unlimited abortions for any reason throughout the entirety of pregnancy in the nation s capital. The bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy in D.C. needed a two-thirds vote but enough Democrats voted against the measure to prevent it from going to the Senate.
The bill received a supportive vote of 220 to 154 with Republicans voting 203 to 6 for the bill and Democrats voting 148 to 17 against it.
Obamacare s Pro-Abortion HHS Mandate Takes Effect Tomorrow
Despite one positive ruling in a case allowing a company to be exempted from the Obamacare HHS mandate, the pro-abortion mandate that pro-life groups strenuously oppose will take effect tomorrow.
A memo from the Catholic Association explains how the ruling was a positive step but not sufficient to stop the mandate nationwide.
Last week, a federal court dealt a major blow to the Department of Health and Human Services mandate requiring employers to provide contraception, sterilization, and abortion-causing drugs in their healthcare plans, it said.
China: Newborn Girl Found in Trash With Throat Cut, Fights for Life
Another ghastly story is coming out of China, where women and children continued to be victimized daily by the one-child policy that nation employs which encourages abortions and infanticides.
In this new story, an abandoned newborn baby girl is struggling for her life after a local man found her in a trash bin after having her throat cut. The bay girl, who still had her placenta and umbilical cord attached, is now receiving hospital treatment, according to a report in the London Daily Mail newspaper.
Obama Admin Not Charging Nidal Hasan With Killing Unborn Baby
I have written recently of President Obama s covert zeal for the spread of abortion. I took that phrase from Abraham Lincoln s description of how President Franklin Pierce and Sen. Stephen A. Douglas sought covertly to spread slavery in the 1850s. In that column, I noted specific actions of this president to advance abortion-on-demand and to force us all to pay for it.
Now, I want to focus on something Mr. Obama is not doing. He is not charging Nidal Hasan, the accused Fort Hood killer, with violation of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (UVVA). This law was passed and signed in 2004. After the highly publicized conviction of Scott Peterson in California for the murder of his wife and her unborn child, the law was named the Laci and Conner Peterson Unborn Victims of Violence Act.
Six Vatican Ambassadors Start Catholics for Romney Outreach
Six former Vatican ambassadors have banded together to lead a new outreach for Mitt Romney presidential campaign to encourage Catholic voters to support him over pro-abortion President Barack Obama in November. The issue of abortion is one of the reasons for their decision to endorse Romney, as they explain in a new letter announcing the effort.
Catholics for Romney National Co-Chairs and Former U.S. Ambassadors to the Holy See include Frank Shakespeare, Tom Melady, Ray Flynn, Jim Nicholson, Francis Rooney, and Mary Ann Glendon. Together, they wrote the following letter supporting the former governor.
Obamacare Rationing Begins, States Cut Prescription Drug Benefits
When Democrats in Congress pushed the Obamacare bill through, pro-life groups warned about rationing that could take place as a result. Although liberal groups and the mainstream media laughed at the projections, they are now coming to pass.
A new report from Kaiser Health indicates states are now moving in the director of capping or cutting prescription drug benefits.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2012? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
Prayer Vigil Celebrates Effort to Keep Planned Parenthood Out
Eleven months ago, 400 pro-life activists gathered in front of an empty building in Auburn Hills, Michigan to protest Planned Parenthood s plan to use the building for an abortion clinic. Meanwhile, pleadings with the owners of the property resulted in a judgment that the building would not go to Planned Parenthood. This called for a celebration.
On Saturday July 28, I joined a party at the Comfort Inn, whose owners cooperated in keeping the abortion clinic out of the neighborhood.
White House Won t Say Obama Position on Late-Term Abortion Ban
The White House is refusing to say whether or not President Barack Obama supports or opposes a bill pending in the House today that would ban abortions in the District of Columbia after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

God Has Placed the Miracle of Adoption in Your Hands
We long for miracles as believers. We pray for God to break in and do mighty works, we pray He will somehow surprise us with a work we can t achieve by human hands. Yet He gives us that ability to be a part of that, if we will accept the invitation.
First Ruling Upholding Fetal-Pain Abortion Ban a Pro-Life Milestone
That the first court to consider and uphold a ban on abortions based on the scientific evidence showing unborn children have the capacity to feel pain before birth comes just one day before the House will vote on a bill to ban abortions in D.C. on that reason is not lost on pro-life advocates..
Euthanasia Rate in Netherlands Has Increased 73% Since 2003
On July 11, the Lancet published the long-awaited 2010 euthanasia statistics based on a meta-analysis by a group of researchers.
Activists in Spain Once Applauded Aborted Babies as Trophies
During the first weeks of November 1983, a meeting was held in the beautiful old city of Barcelona, Spain the majestic city facing the Mediterranean Sea was overtaken by thousands of angry Spanish feminists. They were gathered there to conference on how to best change and repeal Spain s protective abortion laws.
Abortion Debate Help: What Makes Human Beings Valuable?
It s Life Report s 150th episode, and Trent Horn is back in studio to discuss how pro-lifers should respond when their discussion of abortion gets down to the metaphysical basement: why are human beings valuable in the first place.
Kansas Abortion Clinics Put Women at Risk With Filthy Conditions
The State of Kansas will ask for summary judgment at a hearing on Friday, August 3, 2012, in a suit brought by Kansas abortionists challenging a clinic licensing law passed last year.
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