Wednesday, September 3, 2014

my adoption story

September 3, 2014
Students Open Campus Pregnancy Center
Summer Break? No way! Students for Life at the University of New Mexico used their summer to impact their school by opening their own student run pregnancy resource center on campus, in collaboration with local community organizations.
As Samantha Serrano, the former President of the UNM Students for Life Club says,
It is incredibly important that each club works hard to reach out to their campus, and be visible with open arms and hearts to help those in need. Students for Life at UNM only began in March 2013 and is an amazing testimony of what a student group can do in one year!
Congratulations to The University of New Mexico Students for Life for being true defenders of life and Students for Life of America’s College Group of the Month for August!

Read more about this awesome group!

Plan Your Year Today
We’ve created a 2014-1015 Plan Your Year Guide to help you and your group plan a successful, life-saving, culture-changing year!
One of the key aspects of being a successful group is planning ahead! Before the school year begins, or as your group is forming, sit down with your adviser and other club leaders to plan your year.
Go here to download your very own copy of SFLA’s Plan Your Year Guide and get to planning!

An Informed Birthparent
By: Amanda Lord, SFLA’s New Media Coordinator
Placing my son for adoption is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and probably will ever do. It is uncertainty that causes much of the anxiety. The biggest stressor during the placement process was fear that my son’s parents wouldn’t follow through with our plan of an open adoption.
Unfortunately many states don’t yet legally recognize contracts that set the perimeters of an open adoption. Which means parents can choose to not follow through with what they agreed to in the contract. This can leave a birthparent feeling helpless and uncertain of how their child is doing.
A pro-lifer should be fully equipped to help a mother in a crisis pregnancy situation. That means being knowledgeable about all parenting options – including adoption.
Read more here.

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Leadership Summit
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We are coming to you! Save the date for this year’s Regional Leadership Summits.
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“My mother was raped; many would say I am the rapist’s baby. Those mothers who have been raped will quickly say their child is their baby, not the rapist’s. In my case, I was never the rapist’s baby, nor my mother’s.”
Continue reading here.
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