Saturday, October 11, 2014

National Right to Life News This Week 10/11/2014

Best of NRL News Today for the week of October 6-11, 2014    

NJ Board of Medical Examiners permanently revokes notorious abortionist's medical license

Abortionist Steven Brigham   By Dave Andrusko The list of states that abortionist Steven Brigham has lost his right to practice medicine in is practically as long as your arm. At the same time the 57-year-old Brigham has been able to continue practicing

The largest pro-life display in Canadian history ignored by CBC News but network gives lavish attention to six women going to Maine to have their abortions

Last week dozens of volunteers came to Parliament Hill in the capital of Ottawa to insert 100,000 pink and blue flags into the lawn in front of the House of Commons. These flags represent the 100,000 lives lost to abortion every single year in Canada.   By Mike Schouten This story–"Abortion clinics in Maine see 'spike' in New Brunswick clients"– from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is a textbook example of making news instead of reporting news. Taken in the context of what happened last

Full 5th Circuit overwhelmingly rejects pro-abortionists' challenge to Texas pro-life law

5thCircuit4   By Dave Andrusko In the latest challenge to provisions of Texas's 2013 omnibus abortion bill, the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth District yesterday refused to review a decision reached last week by a three-judge panel that

Genetic counselors report sex-selection abortion qualms yet do nothing

gender-equality1   By Sarah Terzo Pro-choice feminists find themselves in a quandary when they are faced with sex–selection abortions, especially when, as is usually the case, they are performed because the baby is a girl. Sadly, most feminists have chosen to

Compassion & Choices uses tragedy to promote its assisted suicide agenda

Brittany Maynard with her Great Dane, Charlie (Courtesy Dan Diaz)   By Dave Andrusko Like most people will, I suspect, I have a multitude of reactions to news that a 29-year-old woman is teaming up with Compassion & Choices to use her own assisted suicide to help convince the state

Colorado Senator Udall defends sex-selective abortion, abortions in the 8th month

Pro-abortion Senator Mark Udall (D-Colo.)   By Dave Andrusko Talk about the face of pro-abortion extremism. After being alerted to what pro-abortion Senator Mark Udall (D-Colo.) said in a debate sponsored by the Denver Post, I was reminded yet again why abortion advocates are desperate

Parents ignore doctors' gloom and doom prognosis, "miracle baby' born at 23 weeks now thriving

LucasMoorepreemiere   By Dave Andrusko Because it is such a powerful contrast, a staple of pro-life conversation for decades has been the simple truth that the same-age baby who in one room doctors will struggle frantically to save can be killed

Couple celebrates brief life of baby born with anencephaly, gave him a lifetime of memories –his "bucket list"–before he was born

Priceless hours with son ... Jenna Healy with Shane. His every move inside her womb was followed by more than 794,800 people on Facebook. Picture: Prayers for Shane Source: Facebook   By Dave Andrusko Okay, before you read this, please make sure you have a box of Kleenex nearby. The story of Jenna Gassew and Dan Healy and their son Shane Michael will make you cry but it will also

Really? Stanford Doc Says No Jahi Life

Jahi McMath   By Wesley J. Smith This is disturbing. Two internationally respected neurologists [Dr. Alan Shewmon and Dr. Calixto Machado] conclude that Jahi McMath isn't brain dead, and the Stanford court appointed independent expert isn't even curious to see what is

Mother to about-to-be aborted baby: "Next time you can call me Mom"

unbornbabysm1   By Dave Andrusko One of the best exercises to help us think through situations is the familiar compare and contrast. I would like to compare the following situation--a pregnant woman writing an "open letter" to the baby she is

China's One-Child Policy: Massive Crimes Against Women and the Girl Child

(Left to right) Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), celebrated blind Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng,  Director of Heritage's Asia Study Center, and Reggie Littlejohn, founder and President of  Women's Rights Without Frontier   Editor's note. The following is the Keynote address delivered today by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) at The Heritage Foundation. Rep. Smith's remarks were part of an event commemorating the International Day of the Girl Child. China's one child policy

Fox News poll, CNN poll show pro-life Sen. Pat Roberts surging ahead in Kansas

RobertsOrmancompare   By Dave Andrusko Two new polls show a dramatic turnabout in the race for the Kansas Senate seat held by NRLC-endorsed Sen. Pat Roberts (R). As recently as Monday, an NBC/Marist poll showed "Independent" Greg Orman ahead by ten

More Embryonic Stem Cell Hype, Less Reality and Ethics

Dr. David Prentice   By David Prentice Excitement over a newly-released paper on stem cells making insulin is a tribute to the Harvard stem cell Press Office. The actual report is quite a bit less earth-shaking than the first paragraph from the Harvard Gazette

Pro-abortion writer says Internet's First Abortion Class 'could be exactly what abortion education needs to move forward in the 21st century'

dadhands2   By Katie Yoder It's a liberal media specialty: advertising abortion like it's a good thing. Starting next week, the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) will offer a class on "Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications" through Coursera,

National Right to Life, 512 10th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20004, USA