Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Heroic News: Conceived in rape, still worthy of life


Pregnancy crisis centers have been plugging adoption as an abortion alternative for years, but the larger pro-life movement is now embracing it as a friendlier way to reach women. Perhaps because of this new marketing plan, a smaller subset of pro life activists got more vocal this year. They are people who were conceived through rape and incest.
He’s the first-ever student intern employed by Vatican Radio, the author of a book about living with disabilities, an actor and a student in media studies with professional experience in television news and documentary production: it’s hard to imagine why anyone would question Michael Gannon’s worth as a human being.

The Grammy Awards celebrated outcasts and outsiders, lionizing a couple of French robots, white rappers and a country gal espousing gay "rights," and a Goth teenager who’s clearly uncomfortable with the current themes in pop music.