Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
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Top Stories
• Jahi McMath in ‘Very Bad Shape” After Weeks of Starvation, Medical Neglect
• Planned Parenthood Abortionist Who Reused Blood-Stained Gloves Just Gets $1,500 Fine
• MSNBC Calls Catholic Nuns Who Don’t Want to be Forced to Fund Birth Control “a Threat”
• Frantic Search is On for Missing Son of Pro-Life Columnist Jeff Jacoby
More Pro-Life News
• Abortionist: I Would Never Say No to Aborting a Disabled Baby After 27 Weeks
• Comedians Hosting “Night of a Thousand Vaginas” Fundraiser for Abortion
• Botched Abortion Victim Rushed to Hospital, Abortionist Killed Woman in 1988
• Medical Miracle: Baby Born at 29 Weeks After Amniotic Fluid Completely Drained Out
• Liberal Media Wants Man to Take Pregnant Wife Off Life Support, Killing Unborn Baby
• Supreme Court Sets Date for Hobby Lobby’s Challenge to Obama’s HHS Mandate
• Judge: Houston Baptist University Doesn’t Have to Obey HHS Mandate • 25% of Women Getting Abortions Faced Physical, Sexual or Emotional Abuse Beforehand
• Media Change Definition of Abortion to Promote Obamacare • New Pro-Life Movie Gimme Shelter Challenges Pro-Abortion Attacks on Pregnancy Centers • Victims of Forced Sterilization Should be Compensated • Testimony Begins in Case of Man Who Tricked Girlfriend Into Taking Abortion Drug
• Court Should Hear How Planned Parenthood Defrauded Washington of $377 Million
• Alaska Law Could Finally Stop Hundreds of Tax-Funded Abortions
McMath in ‘Very Bad Shape” After Weeks of Starvation, Medical
The attorney for the family of Jahi McMath says the teenage girl is in “very bad shape” following three weeks of starvation and medical neglect while the family battled Children’s Hospital in Oakland over her fate.
Late Sunday night, Children’s Hospital Oakland released Jahi to her family after a protracted legal battle over whether the hospital had the right to remove her from life support.
Planned Parenthood Abortionist Who Reused Blood-Stained Gloves Just Gets $1,500 Fine
Timothy Liveright, a former abortionist at Planned Parenthood of Delaware,received just a slap on the wrist for running a filthy abortion clinic and engaging in actions and antics that put women’s health at risk.
In November reached a consent agreement with the Delaware Board of Licensure and Discipline to avoid losing his medical license over medical misconduct and filthy conditions at his abortion clinic. Liveright also refused to wear sterile gloves during abortions and wore smelly, blood stained scrubs.
The attorney for the family of Jahi McMath says the teenage girl is in “very bad shape” following three weeks of starvation and medical neglect while the family battled Children’s Hospital in Oakland over her fate.
Late Sunday night, Children’s Hospital Oakland released Jahi to her family after a protracted legal battle over whether the hospital had the right to remove her from life support.
Planned Parenthood Abortionist Who Reused Blood-Stained Gloves Just Gets $1,500 Fine
Timothy Liveright, a former abortionist at Planned Parenthood of Delaware,received just a slap on the wrist for running a filthy abortion clinic and engaging in actions and antics that put women’s health at risk.
In November reached a consent agreement with the Delaware Board of Licensure and Discipline to avoid losing his medical license over medical misconduct and filthy conditions at his abortion clinic. Liveright also refused to wear sterile gloves during abortions and wore smelly, blood stained scrubs.
Calls Catholic Nuns Who Don’t Want to be Forced to Fund Birth Control
“a Threat”
Monday’s NOW with Alex Wagner on MSNBC started with some video footage of nuns singing songs to the elderly poor. But, judging by the discussion that ensued between Wagner and her two guests, you’d think the Little Sisters of the Poor were more intimidating than the Sopranos.
Monday’s NOW with Alex Wagner on MSNBC started with some video footage of nuns singing songs to the elderly poor. But, judging by the discussion that ensued between Wagner and her two guests, you’d think the Little Sisters of the Poor were more intimidating than the Sopranos.
“The administration
must now deal with this latest threat to the nation’s health care law:
these ladies, the Little Sister of the Poor.”
Frantic Search is On for Missing Son of Pro-Life Columnist Jeff Jacoby
Conservative writers and activists are frantically trying to help fellow columnist Jeff Jacoby, a pro-life Jewish Boston Globe columnist whose son has reportedly gone missing.
Frantic Search is On for Missing Son of Pro-Life Columnist Jeff Jacoby
Conservative writers and activists are frantically trying to help fellow columnist Jeff Jacoby, a pro-life Jewish Boston Globe columnist whose son has reportedly gone missing.
Bostonians, Jewish
groups and friends of Jacoby’s on twitter have been actively posting
messages trying to get more information to help authorities.
Abortionist: I Would Never Say No to Aborting a Disabled Baby After
27 Weeks
National Right to Life News Today has posted a number of stories about the documentary “After Tiller,” hailed by the usual culprits as a successful effort to “humanize” the four remaining abortionists in the United States who perform third trimester abortions. (See, for example “A brief for third-trimester abortions: the documentary ‘After Tiller’”)
One of the more remarkable statements to which I have not paid sufficient attention was that at least one of these abortionists went out of her way to accommodate those women who wished to name the nearly-full term babies they had aborted and/or hold them.
National Right to Life News Today has posted a number of stories about the documentary “After Tiller,” hailed by the usual culprits as a successful effort to “humanize” the four remaining abortionists in the United States who perform third trimester abortions. (See, for example “A brief for third-trimester abortions: the documentary ‘After Tiller’”)
One of the more remarkable statements to which I have not paid sufficient attention was that at least one of these abortionists went out of her way to accommodate those women who wished to name the nearly-full term babies they had aborted and/or hold them.
Comedians Hosting “Night of a Thousand Vaginas” Fundraiser
for Abortion
You read that right. On Sun., Jan. 19, the crude comedian Sarah Silverman (right) who once tried to pawn off a “vag napkin” in the name of “charity,” will join The Hangover star Zach Galifinakis, Josh Homme of the band Queens of the Stone Age and a few other people who think they’re funny to try to raise money for the Texas Abortion Fund.
The organization A is For in
LA, described as “an ally and advocate for organizations working to
protect reproductive rights,” is holding the abortion rights event
in LA’s Largo comedy theatre. read that right. On Sun., Jan. 19, the crude comedian Sarah Silverman (right) who once tried to pawn off a “vag napkin” in the name of “charity,” will join The Hangover star Zach Galifinakis, Josh Homme of the band Queens of the Stone Age and a few other people who think they’re funny to try to raise money for the Texas Abortion Fund.
Botched Abortion Victim Rushed to Hospital, Abortionist Killed
Woman in 1988
An abortion patient shrouded completely in sheets was rushed to a local hospital on Monday, January 6, 2014, from the Family Planning Associates abortion clinic in Bakersfield, California.
Saynsumthn’s Blog reported the
following: According to pro-lifer Terri Palmquist, an ambulance showed up without
sirens, went to the wrong area, and then was instructed where to drive and park,
loaded patient into ambulance and head one block to hospital. She was transported
to San Joaquin hospital, according to pro-life sidewalk counselors. abortion patient shrouded completely in sheets was rushed to a local hospital on Monday, January 6, 2014, from the Family Planning Associates abortion clinic in Bakersfield, California.
Medical Miracle: Baby Born at 29 Weeks After Amniotic Fluid Completely
Drained Out
In a medical miracle in India, a baby was born at 29 weeks of pregnancy after the amniotic fluid inside the mother’s womb completely dried out.
In a medical miracle in India, a baby was born at 29 weeks of pregnancy after the amniotic fluid inside the mother’s womb completely dried out.
Liberal Media Wants Man to Take Pregnant Wife Off Life Support,
Killing Unborn Baby
On bioethical matters of life and death, the liberal media can generally be counted on to come down on the side of death. But once in a while, exceptions arise.
On bioethical matters of life and death, the liberal media can generally be counted on to come down on the side of death. But once in a while, exceptions arise.
Supreme Court Sets Date for Hobby Lobby’s Challenge to Obama’s
HHS Mandate
The Supreme Court has set the date for oral arguments for Hobby Lobby’s challenge to the Obama HHS mandate.
The Supreme Court has set the date for oral arguments for Hobby Lobby’s challenge to the Obama HHS mandate.
for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event in
2014? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing
thousands of dollars? Contact LifeNews at
about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.
Judge: Houston Baptist University Doesn’t Have to Obey HHS
A new development is on the forefront of the highly-scrutinized debacle over the Affordable Care Act’s HHS contraception mandate.
A new development is on the forefront of the highly-scrutinized debacle over the Affordable Care Act’s HHS contraception mandate.
25% of Women Getting Abortions Faced Physical, Sexual or Emotional
Abuse Beforehand
A new study reveals that about 25 percent of women who got an abortion faced some sort of abuse beforehand — whether it be physical, sexual or emotional in nature.
A new study reveals that about 25 percent of women who got an abortion faced some sort of abuse beforehand — whether it be physical, sexual or emotional in nature.
Media Change Definition of Abortion to Promote Obamacare
Shortly before the new year, a number of religious organizations were given protection from the HHS abortion and contraception mandate.
Shortly before the new year, a number of religious organizations were given protection from the HHS abortion and contraception mandate.
One of my favorite parts of going to the movies is the trailers. I didn’t know what I was in for when I saw a trailer for Gimme Shelter.
Imagine living in a country where the government could forcibly sterilize people they deem somehow “deficient”. You don’t have to imagine.
Testimony Begins in Case of Man Who Tricked Girlfriend Into Taking Abortion Drug
It seemingly came out of the blue. John Andrew Welden admitted tricking his then-girlfriend Remee Jo Lee into taking misoprostol (Cytotec)last March with the intention of causing Ms. Lee to miscarry her 6-7-week-old unborn baby.
Alliance Defending Freedom filed an appeal Wednesday with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on behalf of Jonathan Bloedow, a Washington taxpayer who alleges that Planned Parenthood submitted “repeated false, fraudulent, and/or ineligible claims for reimbursement” to the state’s Department of Social and Health Services.
Alaska Law Could Finally Stop Hundreds of Tax-Funded Abortions
The State of Alaska has adopted a new regulation requiring abortion practitioners to give greater clarity on why they think an abortion is “medically necessary.”
The State of Alaska has adopted a new regulation requiring abortion practitioners to give greater clarity on why they think an abortion is “medically necessary.”
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