Thursday, October 9, 2014

Happy Surrogate Families, Another Sperm Donation Goes Wrong, Alive Inside

The Happy Surrogate Families

by Jennifer Lahl, CBC President
In addition to the tragic stories of surrogacy gone wrong, there are families and surrogates with “happy endings.” It is important to hear these stories, too, and to respond to the arguments they make in favor of surrogacy.
Since the release of my latest film, Breeders: A Subclass of Women?, and with the media attention surrounding our work to ban surrogacy, I have received many personal emails from women who want to tell us about their tragic surrogacy stories. As you might expect, I’ve also received a fair share of emails from . . . [continue reading]

Another Sperm Donation Goes Wrong

by Christopher White, CBC Director of Research and Education
Much media attention has been devoted to the case of Jennifer Cramblett—the white Midwestern mother who is suing her sperm bank for providing her with the sperm of a black man, resulting in the birth of her biracial daughter, Payton.
Following the debate over the case, there’s been no shortage of opinions: some believe that Cramblett is racist and she has no valid case at all. Others believe that as a paying customer, she should have received the product she was promised. And a few (though only a few!) commentators have . . . [continue reading]

Alive Inside

by Matthew Eppinette, CBC Executive Director
Over the weekend I attended a screening of the documentary Alive Inside, which won the Audience Award at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. It’s easy to see why it won the award—it is a very well made documentary that engages viewers in a range of emotions.
The film raises a number of points related to the field of bioethics, particularly as it regards end-of-life issues. For example . . . [continue reading]