May 12, 2016
(Psa 139:13-14) You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.
CNA: The Miracle of Life
ALL: Abortion Is Always Deadly
CFAM: UN Radicals are Gearing Up for a Huge Push
NCR: Catholics Grapple With a Trump Candidacy
VIA Priests for Life: Priests for Life is awaiting word from the Supreme Court on its case, Priests for Life vs. HHS, challenging the HHS mandate. Our case illustrates the importance of the 2016 elections.
With the Supreme Court evenly divided along ideological lines, it becomes clear that how Americans vote in November will not only impact the next four years, but the next 40 years as well. The president and the Senate together shape the Supreme Court and the other federal courts. Depending on what party controls each branch of government, the court will move solidly to the right or to the left. The differences between the two parties on fundamental issues could not be more clear, more stark, or more extreme.
I have recorded a series of short videos to explain more about Priests for Life vs. HHS, the Supreme Court case in which Priests for Life is a petitioner along with 36 others. The videos can be found Please share them with your contacts in email and on social media.
Please also read and share a list of talking points about the case found at
Voters who find themselves dissatisfied with the likely Democratic and Republican candidates have to look beyond the nominees themselves and understand the impact of a party, and its prevailing philosophies, not only on the next four years but on the next 40 years. Among other things, do we want to protect the unborn or do we want to continue to be a nation that sanctions the murder of its most vulnerable citizens?
You can find information on voting in your state at .
Be sure to vote in your state’s primary election and take advantage of
early voting, if your state offers it, in the General Election.
Finally, please pray for the outcome of the election by joining us in saying a Prayer for our Nation as we Prepare to Elect our Leaders from now until Election Day.
Fr. Frank Pavone National Director, Priests for Life
P.S. Priests for Life is pleased to announce that we are distributing, free of charge, prayer cards in honor of Pope St. John Paul II. These cards are Third Class Relics, because they have been touched to the First Class Relic of his blood, which we have in our chapel here at Priests for Life. Order as many as you want at spread the word.
P.P.S. Please tune in to our TV and Radio shows this week:
The Gospel of Life: Come Holy Spirit: Father Frank Pavone and Janet Morana will discuss the significance of Pentecost, and check in on the Vote for Life campaign. Airs on Radio Maria, Tuesday at 6 p.m. ET. Each show re-airs on Thursdays at 2am and Mondays at 12 midnight. Ask questions on the live show at 866-333-6279 (MARY) or email us ahead of time at Tune in at
Defending Life: Always a dad: Two men share how the loss from abortion has personally affected them; Fr. Stephen Imbarrato retells how he found healing and went on to become a priest. Airs on EWTN Wednesday, May 11 at 3:00 am and Thursday, May 12 at 11:00 pm. Listen on EWTN Radio and EWTN shortwave on Sunday at 5am and 1pm. Also on EWTN shortwave every Saturday at 6:30pm. On EWTN RadioPlus Sunday at 9am and Saturday at 7:30pm. (All times Eastern) You can also stream EWTN online by going to and clicking on the "television" tab.
The Catholic View for Women: Finding my vocation: Guests Mother Agnes Donovan of the Sisters of Life and inspirational speaker Jackie Francois Angel offer practical advice for women trying to discern between marriage or religious life. Airs on EWTN Wednesday, May 11 at 11:00 pm and Friday, May 13 at 10:30 am . Hear us on EWTN radio on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo. Fr. Frank will be on with Teresa on Tuesday, May 10 at 8:45 am. Call-in to the live show with questions at 877-573-7825. For more information and to listen to the live show on the internet, go to .
Father Frank Pavone will talk about his new book, Proclaiming the Message of Life, on Redeemer Radio at 7:15 a.m. May 11. Listen online at
Prayer request? Send an email to:
(Psa 139:13-14) You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works! My very self you know.
CNA: The Miracle of Life
ALL: Abortion Is Always Deadly
CFAM: UN Radicals are Gearing Up for a Huge Push

NCR: Catholics Grapple With a Trump Candidacy
VIA Priests for Life: Priests for Life is awaiting word from the Supreme Court on its case, Priests for Life vs. HHS, challenging the HHS mandate. Our case illustrates the importance of the 2016 elections.
With the Supreme Court evenly divided along ideological lines, it becomes clear that how Americans vote in November will not only impact the next four years, but the next 40 years as well. The president and the Senate together shape the Supreme Court and the other federal courts. Depending on what party controls each branch of government, the court will move solidly to the right or to the left. The differences between the two parties on fundamental issues could not be more clear, more stark, or more extreme.
I have recorded a series of short videos to explain more about Priests for Life vs. HHS, the Supreme Court case in which Priests for Life is a petitioner along with 36 others. The videos can be found Please share them with your contacts in email and on social media.
Please also read and share a list of talking points about the case found at
Voters who find themselves dissatisfied with the likely Democratic and Republican candidates have to look beyond the nominees themselves and understand the impact of a party, and its prevailing philosophies, not only on the next four years but on the next 40 years. Among other things, do we want to protect the unborn or do we want to continue to be a nation that sanctions the murder of its most vulnerable citizens?
You can find information on voting in your state at PoliticalResponsibility.
Finally, please pray for the outcome of the election by joining us in saying a Prayer for our Nation as we Prepare to Elect our Leaders from now until Election Day.
Fr. Frank Pavone National Director, Priests for Life
P.S. Priests for Life is pleased to announce that we are distributing, free of charge, prayer cards in honor of Pope St. John Paul II. These cards are Third Class Relics, because they have been touched to the First Class Relic of his blood, which we have in our chapel here at Priests for Life. Order as many as you want at
P.P.S. Please tune in to our TV and Radio shows this week:
The Gospel of Life: Come Holy Spirit: Father Frank Pavone and Janet Morana will discuss the significance of Pentecost, and check in on the Vote for Life campaign. Airs on Radio Maria, Tuesday at 6 p.m. ET. Each show re-airs on Thursdays at 2am and Mondays at 12 midnight. Ask questions on the live show at 866-333-6279 (MARY) or email us ahead of time at Tune in at
Defending Life: Always a dad: Two men share how the loss from abortion has personally affected them; Fr. Stephen Imbarrato retells how he found healing and went on to become a priest. Airs on EWTN Wednesday, May 11 at 3:00 am and Thursday, May 12 at 11:00 pm. Listen on EWTN Radio and EWTN shortwave on Sunday at 5am and 1pm. Also on EWTN shortwave every Saturday at 6:30pm. On EWTN RadioPlus Sunday at 9am and Saturday at 7:30pm. (All times Eastern) You can also stream EWTN online by going to and clicking on the "television" tab.
The Catholic View for Women: Finding my vocation: Guests Mother Agnes Donovan of the Sisters of Life and inspirational speaker Jackie Francois Angel offer practical advice for women trying to discern between marriage or religious life. Airs on EWTN Wednesday, May 11 at 11:00 pm and Friday, May 13 at 10:30 am . Hear us on EWTN radio on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo. Fr. Frank will be on with Teresa on Tuesday, May 10 at 8:45 am. Call-in to the live show with questions at 877-573-7825. For more information and to listen to the live show on the internet, go to
Father Frank Pavone will talk about his new book, Proclaiming the Message of Life, on Redeemer Radio at 7:15 a.m. May 11. Listen online at
Ladder of Divine Ascent excerpt: Step 5- "On painstaking and true repentance"
Others stood in prayer with their hands tied behind their backs like
criminals; their faces, darkened by sorrow, bent to the earth. They
regarded themselves as unworthy to look up to Heaven. Overwhelmed by the
embarrassment of their thoughts and conscience, they could not find
anything to say or pray about to God, how or with what to begin their
prayers. But filled with darkness and a blank despair, they offered to
God nothing but a speechless soul and a voiceless mind.Prayer request? Send an email to:
This month's archive can be found at: .