OAKLAND, Calif., Mar. 31 /Christian Newswire/ -- On April 4, 2009 at 9:00am there will be a Rally and Press Conference in front of the City Hall in Oakland, California. On this 41st anniversary of the slaying of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Pro-Life and Christian leaders will stand in support and unity for another civil rights leader, Pastor Walter Hoye, who was arrested for standing in front of an abortion facility with a sign reading, "Jesus loves you and your baby, let us help you."
"Pastor Walter Hoye embodies Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy, standing up for the least of these, the vulnerable mothers and their babies." said Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Pro-Life Unity President, Peter Shinn, Pastor Dion Evans, point man for the unjustly jailed Pastor Hoye, and Mrs. Lori Hoye, wife of Pastor Hoye will be speaking at the Press Conference along with other Pro-Life and Christian leaders.
Peter Shinn stated "Pastor Hoye stands on the front- lines of the battle for the unborn, risking his freedom, challenging pastors, preachers and church leaders everywhere to get involved in the Pro-Life movement. As Pastor Hoye preaches: 'Like Ezekiel if we fail to warn the people of impending danger their blood will be on our hands.'"
Pastor Hoye had this to say from his jail cell, "As I look through the bars of my incarceration the Holy Spirit occupies my mind with three (3) thoughts:
First, the words of Edmund Burke -- "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Second, my thoughts turn to the testimony of Dr. Luke who wrote that Barnabas and Paul were "men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 15:26) Finally, I recall the words of Peter and the other apostles who said, "We ought to obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s letter from the Birmingham Jail - 1963
There will be a live Internet broadcast of the events at ProLifeUnity.com and ProLifeNews.tv starting at 9:00 am, April the 4th.
Contact Information:
Lori and Walter Hoye
Issues4Life Foundation
Website: www.issues4life.org
Blog: issues4lifefoundation.wordpress.com
Dion Evans - Point Man
Chosen Vessels Christian Church
Senior Pastor
Peter Shinn
Pro-Life Unity
Were there to be no support in the whole history of ethical and moral thought, were there no acknowledged confirmation from medical science, were the history of legal opinion to the contrary, we would still have to conclude on the basis of God's Holy Word that the unborn child is a person in the sight of God. He is protected by the sanctity of life graciously given to each individual by the Creator, Who alone places His image upon man and grants them any right to life which they have.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Pastor Walter Hoye Support Rally & Press Conference
President Barack Obama Should Receive One Million Red Envelopes on Abortion
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- President Barack Obama, who has compiled a radical pro-abortion record since taking over the White House, should receive more than one million red envelopes this week. That's thanks in part to the Red Envelope Campaign that a Christian pro-life advocate in Massachusetts started. Inspired during a prayer, Christ Otto came up with the idea of sending red envelopes to President Barack Obama to protest his pro-abortion policies. As he told LifeNews.com back in February, what started out as an email request to 120 of his ministry friends and supporters turned into a nationwide phenomenon that saw others ask pro-life advocates to coordinate sending their red envelopes to Obama this week. "We are trying to change the president's heart," Otto says. "This is a message to a man that God hears the cry of innocent blood. It is not a political stunt, although I hope it changes policy in Washington." "If the capital is flooded with so many letters that no one can deny it, I am hoping the image will be burned into Barack Obama's mind that this is about human blood, and that he lies awake at night until he cannot resist doing something about it," he continues. Full story at LifeNews.com
Democratic Senators Tell Obama Not to Rescind Abortion Protections for Doctors
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The only two Democratic members of the U.S Senate who are not strong abortion advocates like the rest of their party's caucus have sent a letter to President Barack Obama asking him not to rescind the conscience protections on abortion that President Bush put in place. Sens. Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania sent Obama a letter last week telling him that the Provider Conscience Clause should remain. That is the collection of new regulations the Bush administration put on the books to provide better enforcement of three federal laws making sure medical staff and facilities are not forced to participate in abortions. The White House announced in February that Obama is starting the process of overturning the protections and he will make a final decision after the public comment period expires in April. Pro-life advocates have been actively responding to the proposal. The Democrats' letter says, "We urge you to preserve the conscience protection rule, which defends individual health care providers and entities with moral concerns regarding specific procedures." "We believe it is very important that federally funded health care providers and entities not be discriminated against because they refuse to participate in procedures or activities which are a violation of their consciences," they add. Full story at LifeNews.com
Polling Data Shows Catholics Strongly Pro-Life on Abortion Despite Gallup Analysis
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The Gallup polling organization released a report yesterday that appears to downplay the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church. The report, which has been bandied about the Internet over the last two days, says Catholics are no more pro-life on abortion than Americans as a whole. The report attempts to make it appear that Catholics are not strongly pro-life and do not support the pro-life views the Church holds dear. However, other polling data makes it clear Catholics strongly oppose abortion. An October 2008 poll conducted by Marist College found 63 percent of Catholics say they oppose all abortions, all abortions except to save the mother's life, or all abortions except to save the mother's life or in cases of rape or incest. That puts nearly two-thirds of Catholics favoring a pro-life position opposing about 98 percent of all abortions, according to Alan Guttmacher Institute information about when abortions are done. Breaking down the polling data further, 72 percent of practicing Catholics take one of the three pro-life positions opposing all or almost all abortions as do 47 percent of non-practicing Catholics. Full story at LifeNews.com
Congressman Introduces New Bill Banning Sex-Selection, Race-Based Abortions
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A pro-life member of Congress introduced today a new bill that would ban sex-selection or race-based abortions. Congressman Trent Franks, an Arizona Republican who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, held a press conference today with leading pro-life women and black Americans. Responding to problems he pointed out, Franks has introduced the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act, which would prohibit knowingly performing or financing sex-selection or race-based abortions. Franks says the bill is needed because abortions on black babies are done at much higher rates than abortions on babies of other races. "It is estimated that as many as 50% of African-American babies conceived in the U.S. each year" become abortion victims, he said. Franks also noted that abortion centers are disproportionately placed in African-American communities and he pointed out that Planned Parenthood has come under fire for accepting donations from people claiming to want the abortion business to target blacks. Full story at LifeNews.com
March 31, 2009
Breaking News on Obama-Notre Dame flap
Please click on the link to learn the latest on the flap surrounding President Obama's upcoming commencement speech at Notre Dame.
Four Years Ago Today, Terri Schiavo Died . . .

We must never forget what happened to Terri and the horrible way she was killed.
However, just as important is to remember that what happened to Terri is occurring every day in our nation. Moreover, in this very moment countless people are suffering slow, agonizing deaths in hospice, nursing homes, and hospitals in America and around the world.
Remembering Terri Schiavo, Continuing the Fight for Life
March 31, 2009 (OneNewsNow)
Today is the fourth anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman who suffered starvation and dehydration at the hands of her physicians and her husband.
Married and in her twenties, Terri Schiavo suffered a sudden illness and was hospitalized, then put on a ventilator and a feeding tube. In a court battle with attempted congressional intervention, her family tried to prevent the removal of her feeding tube. However, her husband fought to remove it, and she eventually died.
(Continue reading...)
White House Protest Denouncing Obama's Speech at Notre Dame and Proposed Change in Conscience Regs
WASHINGTON, Mar. 31 /Christian Newswire/ -- On Wednesday, April 1, at 12:00 Noon, DC area Pro-life leaders and activists will gather at Lafayette Park to protest the change in HHS regs regarding conscience for health care workers who refuse to participate in any way with abortion or chemical birth control.
A local physician will be present to discuss the ramifications of the proposed health reg changes for doctors.
Protesters will also join the growing condemnation of Obama's planned speech at Notre Dame commencement on May 17.
Randall Terry States:
"Our goal is to create such controversy over the next 7 weeks, that President Obama has a 'change of plans' regarding his speech. His address at Notre Dame is doubly vile because he is even now planning to force Catholic hospitals and health care workers to become agents of death by requiring them to do abortion referrals, dispense plan B, and dispense the pill."
Mr. Terry just returned from South Bend, where he is opening an office to coordinate protests around Notre Dame, to pressure school officials to rescind their invitation to the President.
A protest will also be held on Wednesday, in Dallas TX. Contact: Sue Cyr, 214-685-1079
On Monday, March 30, public protests were held in:
Jacksonville FL: Contact, Jeremy Blanchard, 904-838- 1408
Grand Junction CO: Contact, Patti Brown, 970-241- 6266
"That man's life was train wreck," Nolan Jones is now an Ex-abortionist!
CA Medical Board Revokes Abortionist Nolan Jones' License
Los Angeles, CA - The California Medical Board has revoked the medical license of abortionist Nolan Jones, effective on April 20, 2009. According to the order, Jones falsified the medical records of two non-abortion patients, and violated his probation on other charges.
"This follows a national trend of abortionists being held accountable to the law," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, who worked to expose Jones' dangerous practice to the public. "Jones was one of the most incompetent and dishonest abortionists in the country - and that is saying a lot. His license should have been taken years ago."
Jones has been disciplined at least four times by the California Medical Board for offenses ranging from botched abortions to negligence during childbirth that led to the death of a wanted baby. Community Hospital in San Bernardino terminated his hospital privileges in 1997.
Jones was a predatory abortionist who set up shop in strip malls in seedy areas of Southern California to take advantage of low income and Hispanic women. When he got in trouble or fell behind on bills, he would close up his clinics and reopen in another location under a new name, such as La Rose, The Butterfly Clinic, Women's Center Medical Group, Clinica Medica Latina Femina, and Clinica Medica Para La Mujer De Hoy, to name a few.
In the latter clinic, Jones worked for illegal abortionist Bertha Bugarin, and later "bought" the clinics from Bugarin after her arrests in LA and San Diego for committing abortions without a medical license. Bugarin is currently serving 3 years in prison on 7 charges in Los Angeles, and is scheduled for sentencing in San Diego on 9 felony counts on Friday, April 3.
Of the six abortion mills that Jones allegedly purchased from Bugarin, all but one location has closed. That location is now being operated by two other abortionists.
Jones had also racked up a staggering amount of financial liability and unpaid bills, declaring bankruptcy in 2003 with approximately 100 creditors and nearly $100,000 in credit card debt. At one point a pro-life supporter observed an eviction notice in the back seat of Jones' car. Jones appeared to be homeless and sleeping inside his abortion clinics.
"That man's life was train wreck," said Newman. "We pray for Jones' repentance and salvation, but as far as his abortion career goes, it is good riddance."
About Operation Rescue®
Web site: www.operationrescue.org
Pro-Life News From Spain & Peru
EUROPE/SPAIN - Madrid, capital of the Civil Alliance in defense of the right to life: 700 associations from across the world, representing 20 million people, take part in the March for Life
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) – Yesterday, Madrid became the capital of the Civil Alliance in defense of the right to life. This is what the Institute for Family Policies said in commenting on the Right to Life March that was held in various Spanish cities, and was supported by nearly 700 associations from all over the world, representing 20 million people. France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Malta, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Slovakia, Hungary, United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, and Brazil are just a few of the countries whose civil society groups have supported the initiative that took place in Spain in defense of the prenatal rights of children.
Among the associations that declared their support for the event were: the AIC, which is formed by 53 associations present in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the USA; Family Network (representing over 500 associations from across Latin America); the North American group "C-FAM," United Families International, International Organization Research Group, Alliance Defence Fund, Concerned Women of America, and the International Organization Law Group, as well as the Hungarian "Association of Large Families"; "Gift of Life" of Malta; the Portuguese Federation of Families, the British Society for the Protection of Unborn Children; the German Family Association , and the "Forum Zivota" (Pro-Life Forum) formed by 30 NGOs from Slovakia.
"The government cannot turn its back on this cry that arises not only from Spain, but from the world, in defense of the right to life," said Lola Velarde, President of the European Network of the Institute for Family Policies. "Protecting the rights of children in their prenatal stages is a value shared by all civilizations and one that forges an authentic alliance. This is evident in the support that Sunday' March in Spain received from associations from so many different countries," Velarde explained.
"These marches are just the tip of the iceberg of an entire movement throughout Spain that is showing social rejection for this law that is so detrimental to the rights of the woman and the child," Lola Velarde added.
The March for Life, whose theme was: "There is no right to kill, but there is a right to live," that was held through downtown Madrid, was attended by half a million citizens, surpassing organizers' expectations. The demonstration was accompanied by another 87 simultaneous marches in other Spanish cities. Among the speakers at the event were Paloma de Cendra, member of the Committee of Experts for "Derecho a Vivir" (DAV - "Right to Life"), marriage and family psychologist and expert in pregnancy crisis and post-abortion syndrome; Ignacio Arsuaga, President of HazteOir.org; and Dr. Gador Joya, national spokesperson for "Derecho a Vivir" (DAV), who was responsible for the proclamation of the "Manifiesto por la Vida" (Pro-Life Manifesto), which was read almost simultaneously before city halls all over the country of Spain.
Paloma de Cendra observed that abortion "not only kills children, but it destroys mothers, families, entire societies, and consciences." She also mentioned the fact that "abortion has two main victims: the child and the mother." "It is not true that this Law is defending mothers' rights. It is not true that this Law seeks their best interests. Abortion goes against the woman. It is not a solution to a problem. It is the real problem. It does not make life easier; it makes it a heavy burden," she said.
At the end of the demonstration, Dr. Gador Joya read the "Manifesto of the March for Life," which begins by pointing out that "scientific evidence shows that from the moment of conception there exists a human life worthy of being respected and protected" and that "abortion results in the violent death of a human being and a terrible drama for the woman who undergoes it."
"With unrestricted abortion, the number of deaths among children will almost double," as will the number of women who are victims of the "known physical and psychological damages that abortion produces," the manifesto says. The document continues by requesting that "our laws protect the right to life" and that "the healthcare personnel's right to conscientious objection be respected," and ends by expressing a firm opposition to "the new abortion law that will only bring about more deaths and cause more suffering for thousands of women."
(RG) (Agenzia Fides 30/3/2009)
AMERICA/PERU - "The Church lifts her voice once more to proclaim: You shall not kill," says Bishop of Ayaviri on the "Day of the Unborn Child" celebrated March 29
Ayaviri (Agenzia Fides) – On Sunday, March 29, the Prelature of

Machu Picchu in Peru Image via Wikipedia
After mentioning that "the Church has once again been attacked in the person of the Successor of Peter, as a result of her teachings which are coherent to the Gospel," he recalled how in his trip to Africa, "the Holy Father explained that the solution AIDS consists more in 'bringing out the human dimension of sexuality, that is to say a spiritual and human renewal that would bring with it a new way of behaving towards others,' which goes far beyond the simplistic solution of condoms, at times violently defended by countries, governments, and groups with economic interests working from developed nations. Today, it is not uncommon to find that their reaction at times is irrational and very little tolerant."
He later said that "the Church must lift her voice once more to proclaim: 'You shall not kill'." Abortion, the elimination of human life, is never a solution. It remains a serious problem that has terrible consequences on individuals and on society."
Mentioning the social effects of abortion, the Prelate recalled that "a society that consents to the elimination of its own children in their mothers' wombs is headed for self-destruction and moral decadence. Abortion is, in fact, a direct attack on life and authentic murder, in many cases not even desired by the mother who at times has no other way out."
Lastly, Bishop Schmalhausen observed that "there are an increasing number of chilling testimonies of women, victims of post-abortion syndrome, who in their quest to be healed (whether it be through the Sacrament of Confession or through therapy) of their terrible spiritual wounds from the death of their child in their womb, bear witness to the absolute indifference and even guilt of the society and the government as conspirators in this drama that leads to an abortion. Today they suffer because they were not offered the help they needed beforehand in finding a solution that would be just for both the human lives involved: that of the mother who suffers solitude and that of the child inside her who has the right to live and fights for life."
(RG) (Agenzia Fides 30/3/2009)
Deacon John
Monday, March 30, 2009
Comments by Obama Nominee Dawn Johnsen Reveal Extreme Support for Abortion on Demand
WASHINGTON, March 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today the president of the Susan B. Anthony List commented on radical pro- abortion activist Dawn Johnsen, whose nomination was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and currently awaits a floor vote.
"Dawn Johnsen does not represent mainstream America or the type of common ground abortion policy President Obama promised this nation," said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List. "Her bizarre characterizations of pregnancy as 'slavery' and mothers as 'losers in the contraceptive lottery' expose an unacceptable disdain for commonsense abortion restrictions and motherhood in general. Furthermore, Johnsen's opposition to existing federal restrictions like the ban on partial-birth abortion casts doubt on her ability to perform her duties faithfully as the head of the Office of Legal Counsel."
Across the country, Susan B. Anthony List members expressed outrage at Johnsen's nomination, sending over 26,000 letters of opposition to their U.S. Senators. Johnsen was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 19th by a vote of 11-7.
While Johnsen served as the legal counsel for National Abortion & Reproductive Rights Action League (now NARAL Pro-Choice America), she authored numerous legal opinions rejecting any and all restrictions on abortion. Some notable quotes from Johnsen's amicus curiae brief in the case Webster v. Reproductive Health Services include:
"Abortion restrictions 'reduce pregnant women to no more than fetal containers.'"
"The argument that women who become pregnant have in some sense consented to the pregnancy belies reality...and others who are the inevitable losers in the contraceptive lottery no more 'consent' to pregnancy than pedestrians 'consent' to being struck by drunk drivers."
"The experience [of abortion] is no longer traumatic; the response of most women to the experience is relief."
Johnsen awaits a floor vote by the full U.S. Senate to gain confirmation to head the Office of Legal Counsel.
The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 154,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process.
STOP Sebelius Action! Sebelius Confirmation this Week

STOP Sebelius Action! Sebelius Confirmation this Week
Dear Friends,
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius is set to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate this week as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Please join me in calling on our senators to stop this enemy of the preborn.
Please take a moment to call your senators and ask them to reject the nomination of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to Health and Human Services Secretary. Please call the Senate switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
I know you and I share a feeling of horror at the thought of this rabidly pro-abortion governor in charge of the nation’s healthcare.
Gov. Sebelius has been not only a supporter of abortion access – she has actively promoted the culture of death in Kansas. Sebelius is so wedded to the pro-abortion agenda she hosted the notorious late-term killer Dr. George Tiller at the Kansas governor’s mansion.
Thanks to you and your participation in the STOP Sebelius campaign, the nation has taken notice of the surge of opposition to Sebelius’ appointment as Health and Human Services Secretary.
But the fight’s not over yet. Gov. Sebelius’ Senate confirmation hearing could come as early as this week.
The Senate’s decision this week will be the deciding factor. Please help us inundate the Senate offices with our voice of outrage.
Sincerely yours in the Lord who IS Life,
Judie Brown
President, American Life League
P.S. Below is a letter to the editor I sent to The Washington Times today. It is a response to a report on the Catholic Church’s reaction to the Sebelius’ nomination and the continued call to enforce Canon 915 and not allow pro-abortion politicians access to the Holy Eucharist.
Dear Editor,
Julia Duin ("Sebelius in trouble with Catholic Church," March 24) has inadvertently tossed confusion into what is already a very sad situation. Duin reports that a spokesperson for Archbishop Wuerl told her “the admonition [denial of Communion] does not prohibit priests from serving Mrs. Sebelius if she does present herself…”
This is incorrect. The subject of the “admonition” is Catholic Church law, Canon 915 to be specific. This is a law of the Church and is not a matter of debate or opinion, regardless of what many priests and bishops may suggest. When a Catholic public figure unapologetically supports abortion, that Catholic is in violation of the Code of Canon Law. Canon 915 makes clear that those who “obstinately persist in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Communion.”
This means that no ordained priest, deacon or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion should give the sacrament to Sebelius.
Further, during Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the United States, many pro-abortion Catholic politicians snuck around to priests at the rear of the public Masses and received the sacrament of Communion even though they are painfully aware of their sinful action in doing so.
Finally please note that Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, advised the American Catholic Bishops five years ago, in 2004, in his memo “Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion,”
5. Regarding the grave sin of abortion or euthanasia, when a person’s formal cooperation becomes manifest (understood, in the case of a Catholic politician, as his consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws), his Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist.
6. When “these precautionary measures have not had their effect or in which they were not possible,” and the person in question, with obstinate persistence, still presents himself to receive the Holy Eucharist, “the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it” (cf. Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts Declaration “Holy Communion and Divorced, Civilly Remarried Catholics” [2002], nos. 3-4). This decision, properly speaking, is not a sanction or a penalty. Nor is the minister of Holy Communion passing judgment on the person’s subjective guilt, but rather is reacting to the person’s public unworthiness to receive Holy Communion due to an objective situation of sin."
Judie Brown
President, American Life League, Inc.
Katie Walker
Director of Communication
American Life League
1179 Courthouse Road
Stafford, Virginia 22554
kwalker@all.org http://www.all.org/
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Planned Parenthood 'escorts' try to silence teen playing pro-life rap song outside San Francisco abortion clinic
"Police officers just told us to enjoy ourselves"
News from the Trenches
From http://www.calcatholic.com/
Planned Parenthood "escorts" twice summoned police during 40 Days for Life vigils outside the 815 Eddy St. clinic in San Francisco after a high school student shared a pro-life rap song from his Ipod with passersby.
Will Campbell, 15, a student a Stuart Hall High School and parishioner at St. Dominic's Church in San Francisco, said the first incident occurred on Saturday, March 7, about 11:30 a.m.
"At the time, I started playing music from my Ipod on my portable speaker," Will told California Catholic Daily. "The Planned Parenthood escorts immediately started jotting down notes, making phone calls, and moving around anxiously (excited that they finally had something to complain about). When the police arrived they simply asked us if we were playing music to ourselves. We said yes and offered to turn it down repeatedly if we needed to, but the police officers just told us to enjoy ourselves. The two officers thought it was no big deal."
Will said the song he was playing is called "Happy Birthday" by the rap artist Flipsyde. To see a video of the song that so upset the Planned Parenthood escorts, Click Here.
During the first incident, Will said, he, his mother and his father were joined by five others praying outside the facility. "There were two Planned Parenthood escorts," he said. "Many people walking down the street, hearing the music, gave thumbs up and thank yous. People going into the clinic obviously were trying to ignore the music, but kept looking over to us praying. Oh and by the way it was sunny!"
On Sunday, March 15, at 12:30 p.m., Planned Parenthood summoned police a second time over the music. "We started playing the music again, and the escorts called the police (again)," said Will. "But this time the officer did nothing but give me a thumbs up."
Will said he decided to join the vigil because of the example of his mother. "I got involved through my mom (she's a Catholic blogger)," he said.
Inauguration of the Shrine for Life “a place for honoring, respecting, defending, and giving thanks for life”

Image via Wikipedia
Santiago de Queretaro (Agenzia Fides) – Bishop Mario De Gasperin of Santiago Queretaro, presided a Mass on Wednesday, March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord and celebration of the "Day of the Unborn Child," in honor of the inauguration of the Shrine for Life, a chapel located near the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the city.
Accompanying the Bishop were Fr. Jorge Valencia (new Rector of the Shrine for Life), Fr. Jaime Gutierrez Jimenez, President of the Diocesan Commission for the Family, Youth, and Laity, and several parish priests and lay faithful.
In his homily, Bishop De Gasperin affirmed that "the human life that begins to grow in the mother's womb is the same that can live on in eternity." In precisely these moments in history, in which "human life is being threatened by so many aggressions and its meaning and value are trivialized and distorted, we should return to the source of life and dignity of every person, who took flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, we should return to her maternity." "Adopting a child or saving a life – the Bishop said – means imitating God, spreading His paternal love throughout the world. Sharing life is imitating God, who sent His Son into the world, so that "we could all have life in abundance."
He later mentioned that "every human life should always be defended: that of the unborn child, that of that of the pregnant mother, that of the new born, the weak, the sick, the elderly, and even the criminal, as God protected the life of Cain after he killed his brother."
"Our God is a God who loves life," and thus, as Catholics we are "the people of life and for life. This is our vocation, our honor and our prides."
As for the new Shrine for Life, Bishop Mario affirmed his hope that it will become "a place for honoring, respecting, defending, and giving thanks for life, as well as where one can come and weep their frustrations and experience mercy, forgiveness, and peace. It should become an ode to life; a light that brings hope of fullness of life for all." After his homily, the Bishop blessed the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which will preside the Shrine that is located in the historic part of the city of Santiago de Queretaro.
(RG) (Agenzia Fides 27/3/2009)
Blessings+Deacon John
Sent from: Mount Dora FL United States.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tiller could still lose his medical license
It's Not Over: Tiller Charged With 11 Counts By KSBHA
Wichita, KS - Just after a jury in Sedgwick County, Kansas, returned not guilty verdicts in the criminal case against late-term abortionist George Tiller, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts released to the public a petition it filed in December listing eleven allegations against Tiller's license.
According to a statement released by the KSBHA, "Violations alleged include performing an abortion on a fetus that was viable without having a documented referral from another physician not legally or financially affiliated with him; unprofessional or dishonorable conduct or professional incompetency; and commitment of acts likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public."
The KSBHA also indicated that the case they have filed against Tiller is independent from the criminal charges and will proceed in its own merits.
Tiller could have his medical license revoked, suspended, or dramatically restricted, depending on the outcome of the Board's determination.
In October, 2006, Cheryl Sullenger filed a complaint with the KSBHA alleging an improper financial relationship between Tiller and Neuhaus that violated Kansas law. That complaint was amended in February, 2007. Sullenger has been periodically notified by the Board that her complaint is active and continuing, although no final resolution has been reached.
"As a famous baseball player once said, 'It ain't over 'til it's over.' We are encouraged by this news from the KSBHA," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We have never put all our hope in the criminal prosecution and continue to work through a number of avenues to ensure that one day Tiller will be brought to justice."
Read KSBHA Statement
Read KSBHA Petition
Read about Sullenger's complaint
About Operation Rescue®
Web site: www.operationrescue.org
Fr. Tom Euteneuer: Article by Vatican Official Needs Prompt Clarification
Spirit & Life® | ||
"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63) Human Life International e-Newsletter Volume 04, Number 12 | Friday, March 27, 2009 | ||
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Article by Vatican Official Needs Prompt Clarification It is no secret that pro-lifers over the years have been greatly burdened by the general lack of support by many of the members of our clergy on life issues, but until now, we have been able to rely on the various Vatican offices for a clear, consistent and correct defense of life. A statement made two weeks ago by an official of the Vatican about an abortion case in Brazil, however, has raised more than a few eyebrows, and is causing grave concern for its potential impact on the Church's ability to defend life around the world. I am asking your prayers that the Holy See will clarify and correct this situation right away before further damage is done. The incident in question involves - unbelievably - the head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, who issued a statement on March 15th criticizing a bishop in Brazil for properly declaring to be excommunicated the doctors who performed an abortion on a nine-year-old girl who was pregnant from rape. The girl was pregnant with twins so the doctors aborted two babies. Despite her young age, she was not in any serious danger (according to the hospital), nor were the two babies she was carrying in any danger. Even if she would have been in danger, the abortion would have been immoral because the direct killing of the innocent never is allowed. It goes without saying that the Church condemns unequivocally the incestuous act committed against this young girl, however, the issue of excommunication of the perpetrators of the abortion stands on its own and deserves applause, not criticism by other prelates. Unfortunately, Archbishop Fisichella is not the only bishop to publicly criticize the decision of the Brazilian bishop in applying church law. The innocent little girl, thus, became the center of a perfect storm created by the abortion industry which capitalized on her victimization to promote abortion in Brazil where it is currently illegal. Unfortunately, Abp. Fisichella's intervention gave the impression of a quasi-doctrinal statement and played right into the hands of the abortion promoters by seeming to give permission for abortion in such a "hard case" scenario. Archbishop Fisichella was not condoning these abortions per se, but due to some unfortunate choices of words in his article, and predictably, on the very day that Abp. Fisichella issued his statement, the Associated Press picked it up and titled their own article, "Vatican prelate defends abortion for 9-year-old." The world is indeed watching and listening to what comes out of the Vatican because of the Holy See's immense moral and spiritual authority; hence the responsibility to be loyal without fault when speaking in the name of the Catholic Church. I applaud most of all the handling of this case by the local diocese in Brazil and pray that all bishops may take an example from this picture perfect handling of a difficult pastoral situation. Credit needs to go to Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho and several priests of his diocese for providing generous pastoral care to the family during this terrible crisis. Indeed, when the girl was transferred to a hospital 140 miles away from the parish, her priest travelled that distance every day to visit her and to assure the family that the Church would provide every possible care for the welfare of the three vulnerable children. The great irony in all this is that while we get little or no support from Church officials to correct bishops who are negligent in their duty to guard the faith and the flock, in this case, the local bishop did exactly the right thing in issuing this excommunication edict and he was slapped down by a Vatican official! The appearance of a Vatican compromise on this issue comes at the worst possible time in the cultural and political situation of Latin America. This Catholic continent is especially the target of attack by the aggressive forces of the culture of death, so the last thing we need is for the Church to look weak or divided about our teachings or our resolve to fight the purveyors of death to our brothers and sisters there. The Catholic Church, and her divine authority, is in many places the only shield that the unborn have to keep the abortionists' instruments of death from them. Let us pray that the Vatican will rectify this error and fortify that shield without delay. The unborn children of Brazil as well as all other parts of the world are counting on us! Sincerely, Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, President, Human Life International | ||
Copyright 2009 - Human Life International Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required. Human Life International 4 Family Life Lane -- Front Royal, VA 22630 U.S.A. Phone: (540) 635-7884 Fax: (540) 622-6247 E-mail: hli@hli.org Website: www.hli.org |
Operation Rescue vows to continue efforts to bring Tiller to justice
Wichita, KS - Today a jury of three men and three women found George Tiller not guilty on 19 charges of illegal abortions.
Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue releases the following statement:
Justice has been denied! Today a jury found late-term abortionist George R. Tiller not guilty of having committed 19 illegal abortions in 2003. While disappointed in the verdict, we at Operation Rescue are not deterred in our commitment to one day bring Tiller to justice. The 19 charges that Tiller faces were only a small fraction of the illegal activity that we believe and have documented that occurs at Tiller's Wichita abortion clinic. On behalf of the pre-born children wrongly killed by Tiller and his associates, we vow to press on until Tiller is finally held accountable to the law and his late-term abortion mill is permanently closed.
Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue releases the following statement:
We must remember that these are the weakest charges that could have been brought by the state. There were thirty criminal charges filed by former Attorney General Phill Kline, which were much stronger that were dismissed on jurisdictional grounds without having been considered on their merits. While we are disappointed by the verdict, we are far from surprised.
We thank Assistant Attorney General Barry Disney for the job that he tried to do. He did the best he could with the hand he was dealt. We wish he had been dealt a stronger hand. We are committed to continuing our efforts to bring Tiller to justice and we are confident that justice will one day prevail.
About Operation Rescue®
Web site: www.operationrescue.org
Deacon John
Sent from: Mount Dora FL United States.
Secretary of State Clinton to Receive Award Named for Leading Eugenicist today at Planned Parenthood Gala

WASHINGTON, Mar. 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is set to receive the highest award given by Planned Parenthood Federation of America -- the Margaret Sanger Award, named for the organization's founder, a noted eugenicist. The award will be presented at a gala event in Houston, Texas this evening.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List, released the following statement:
"If Secretary Clinton were fully aware of the eugenicist past of Margaret Sanger, I cannot believe that she would be accepting an award in her name. It is in fact shocking that the award still bear's Sanger's name. Sanger broadly supported the Eugenics movement, advocating for a superior race that was free of poor, immigrant, and minority citizens. She even spoke at a rally of the Klu Klux Klan. Despite this evidence, Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading abortion provider, has done little to distance itself from Sanger's legacy. Last year's controversy involving a Planned Parenthood employee accepting donations earmarked specifically for the abortion of African American children draws attention to an important reality for the nation's largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood Federation of America needs to be very careful to steer clear of any appearance of adhering to Sanger's pro-eugenics philosophy. And this ought to begin by renaming their highest award."
Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916. Some notable quotes illustrating her attitudes in support of eugenics include:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members" (Sanger's letter to Clarence J. Gamble, 1939, December)
Margaret Sanger referred to immigrants and Catholics as reckless breeders, writing in her book, Pivot of Civilization, "[They're] an unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all." (Sanger, p.187).
"The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it," Margaret Sanger wrote in her 1920 book Women and the New Race (Sanger, p. 63).
Last year an Idaho Planned Parenthood employee was disciplined for accepting a donation earmarked for the abortion of African Americans. According to a transcript of the call, Autumn Kersey, vice president of development and marketing for Planned Parenthood of Idaho, took a call from an actor saying he wanted his money to be used to eliminate unborn black babies because "the less black kids out there the better." Kersey responded: "Understandable, understandable. ... Excuse my hesitation, this is the first time I've had a donor call and make this kind of request, so I'm excited and want to make sure I don't leave anything out."
The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 154,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process.
www.sba- list.org
Image via Wikipedia
Time to Get Off the Fence and Be Active
Notre Dame’s president, Fr. John Jenkins, has betrayed the teachings of Christ and the Church in lieu of the prestige of Obama speaking at the university and giving him an honorary degree. Both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI relayed that Catholic institutions must adhere to Catholic teachings or remove the Catholic name off of institutions that do not act in accordance with the Catholic faith.
Rev. David Tyson C.S.C.
Phone Number: 574-631-6196
Indiana Provincial Administration Center
P.O. Box 1064
Notre Dame, IN 46556-1064
Email: sfocht@nd.edu
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