EUROPE/SPAIN - Madrid, capital of the Civil Alliance in defense of the right to life: 700 associations from across the world, representing 20 million people, take part in the March for Life
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) – Yesterday, Madrid became the capital of the Civil Alliance in defense of the right to life. This is what the Institute for Family Policies said in commenting on the Right to Life March that was held in various Spanish cities, and was supported by nearly 700 associations from all over the world, representing 20 million people. France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Malta, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Slovakia, Hungary, United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, and Brazil are just a few of the countries whose civil society groups have supported the initiative that took place in Spain in defense of the prenatal rights of children.
Among the associations that declared their support for the event were: the AIC, which is formed by 53 associations present in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the USA; Family Network (representing over 500 associations from across Latin America); the North American group "C-FAM," United Families International, International Organization Research Group, Alliance Defence Fund, Concerned Women of America, and the International Organization Law Group, as well as the Hungarian "Association of Large Families"; "Gift of Life" of Malta; the Portuguese Federation of Families, the British Society for the Protection of Unborn Children; the German Family Association , and the "Forum Zivota" (Pro-Life Forum) formed by 30 NGOs from Slovakia.
"The government cannot turn its back on this cry that arises not only from Spain, but from the world, in defense of the right to life," said Lola Velarde, President of the European Network of the Institute for Family Policies. "Protecting the rights of children in their prenatal stages is a value shared by all civilizations and one that forges an authentic alliance. This is evident in the support that Sunday' March in Spain received from associations from so many different countries," Velarde explained.
"These marches are just the tip of the iceberg of an entire movement throughout Spain that is showing social rejection for this law that is so detrimental to the rights of the woman and the child," Lola Velarde added.
The March for Life, whose theme was: "There is no right to kill, but there is a right to live," that was held through downtown Madrid, was attended by half a million citizens, surpassing organizers' expectations. The demonstration was accompanied by another 87 simultaneous marches in other Spanish cities. Among the speakers at the event were Paloma de Cendra, member of the Committee of Experts for "Derecho a Vivir" (DAV - "Right to Life"), marriage and family psychologist and expert in pregnancy crisis and post-abortion syndrome; Ignacio Arsuaga, President of; and Dr. Gador Joya, national spokesperson for "Derecho a Vivir" (DAV), who was responsible for the proclamation of the "Manifiesto por la Vida" (Pro-Life Manifesto), which was read almost simultaneously before city halls all over the country of Spain.
Paloma de Cendra observed that abortion "not only kills children, but it destroys mothers, families, entire societies, and consciences." She also mentioned the fact that "abortion has two main victims: the child and the mother." "It is not true that this Law is defending mothers' rights. It is not true that this Law seeks their best interests. Abortion goes against the woman. It is not a solution to a problem. It is the real problem. It does not make life easier; it makes it a heavy burden," she said.
At the end of the demonstration, Dr. Gador Joya read the "Manifesto of the March for Life," which begins by pointing out that "scientific evidence shows that from the moment of conception there exists a human life worthy of being respected and protected" and that "abortion results in the violent death of a human being and a terrible drama for the woman who undergoes it."
"With unrestricted abortion, the number of deaths among children will almost double," as will the number of women who are victims of the "known physical and psychological damages that abortion produces," the manifesto says. The document continues by requesting that "our laws protect the right to life" and that "the healthcare personnel's right to conscientious objection be respected," and ends by expressing a firm opposition to "the new abortion law that will only bring about more deaths and cause more suffering for thousands of women."
(RG) (Agenzia Fides 30/3/2009)
AMERICA/PERU - "The Church lifts her voice once more to proclaim: You shall not kill," says Bishop of Ayaviri on the "Day of the Unborn Child" celebrated March 29
Ayaviri (Agenzia Fides) – On Sunday, March 29, the Prelature of

Machu Picchu in Peru Image via Wikipedia
After mentioning that "the Church has once again been attacked in the person of the Successor of Peter, as a result of her teachings which are coherent to the Gospel," he recalled how in his trip to Africa, "the Holy Father explained that the solution AIDS consists more in 'bringing out the human dimension of sexuality, that is to say a spiritual and human renewal that would bring with it a new way of behaving towards others,' which goes far beyond the simplistic solution of condoms, at times violently defended by countries, governments, and groups with economic interests working from developed nations. Today, it is not uncommon to find that their reaction at times is irrational and very little tolerant."
He later said that "the Church must lift her voice once more to proclaim: 'You shall not kill'." Abortion, the elimination of human life, is never a solution. It remains a serious problem that has terrible consequences on individuals and on society."
Mentioning the social effects of abortion, the Prelate recalled that "a society that consents to the elimination of its own children in their mothers' wombs is headed for self-destruction and moral decadence. Abortion is, in fact, a direct attack on life and authentic murder, in many cases not even desired by the mother who at times has no other way out."
Lastly, Bishop Schmalhausen observed that "there are an increasing number of chilling testimonies of women, victims of post-abortion syndrome, who in their quest to be healed (whether it be through the Sacrament of Confession or through therapy) of their terrible spiritual wounds from the death of their child in their womb, bear witness to the absolute indifference and even guilt of the society and the government as conspirators in this drama that leads to an abortion. Today they suffer because they were not offered the help they needed beforehand in finding a solution that would be just for both the human lives involved: that of the mother who suffers solitude and that of the child inside her who has the right to live and fights for life."
(RG) (Agenzia Fides 30/3/2009)
Deacon John