"I would never have let her go in there had I seen this"
Pro-lifers continue to save lives, spread truth to women outside abortion centers
Planned Parenthood, First Avenue and Grape Street, San Diego,
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Planned Parenthood at First Avenue and Grape Street near downtown San Diego started telling customers last Saturday, February 28, they would not be allowed in if they had leaflets given them by "the protestors."
Surprisingly, this did not stop nearly the same number of potential clients getting the "Danger" pamphlet on Saturday, March 7.
Most clients seemed willing to roll down their windows as they were turning into the clinic's driveway and accept information about the clinic.
By 8 a.m., nearly 10 customers coming in the driveway or parking on First Avenue near the clinic accepted the information, which contains information on Edrica Goode, Holly Patterson, and Diana Lopez -- all women who died after abortions at Planned Parenthood.
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