“Local news media ignored the event”
Hundreds of pro-lifers line street outside Planned Parenthood in Riverside
During the weekend of March 15, about 300 people lined both sides of the street outside Planned Parenthood in Riverside.

Demonstrators held large photos of Edrica Goode, a 21-year-old African-American woman who died after a procedure at Planned Parenthood’s Riverside facility. The medical malpractice case brought by Edrica’s mother, Alethea Meloncon, is making its way through the civil court in Riverside. The suit charges that Planned Parenthood negligently caused Goode's death by inserting cervical dilators even though she was suffering from a vaginal infection.
Despite the enormous turnout of demonstrators, local news media ignored the event.
According to the most recent IRS Form 990 filed in 2006 by Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties, they had annual gross revenues of more than $30 million. In fact, they were so awash in money that they were able to invest more than $5 million in securities. According to the 990, a form required by the IRS for “non-profit” organizations, Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties spent more than $1 million for lobbying purposes.
Planned Parenthood affiliates, including the Riverside Planned Parenthood, gave huge chunks of money to the Planned Parenthood-led political campaign to defeat Proposition 4, the November 2008 initiative to protect minor girls and require family notification before a minor undergoes an abortion.
Proposition 4 was strongly approved by voters in Riverside County and the measure was endorsed by Riverside County District Attorney Rod Pacheco, though statewide voters narrowly defeated the initiative.
As of today, the 40 Days for Life project continues in Riverside. San Bernardino Bishop Gerald Barnes has not yet participated, and a check of his calendar on the diocesan website indicates he has made no plans to do so.