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EUROPE/POLAND - Nationwide celebration on March 25, for the "Day for the Sanctity of Life"
Czestochowa (Agenzia Fides) – On March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation of Our Lord, the Church in Poland celebrated the "Day for the Sanctity of Life," in defense of human life from conception until natural death. According to a report sent to Fides, Archbishop Stanislaw Nowak of Czestochowa presided a Mass in the city's Holy Family of Nazareth Cathedral. Especially active in the day's celebration were the priests working in family apostolate, religious, and members of Catholic pro-life/pro-family groups.
In his homily, Archbishop Nowak spoke of the importance, greatness, and sanctity of human life: "The life of every person is sacred. As Christians, we should defend human life from conception to natural death. The Church should be against abortion, in vitro fertilization, and euthanasia. We should create a culture of life. Today's philosophy and culture are a philosophy and culture of death. We, as Christians, should promote a culture of life and work against ethical relativism," the Archbishop said.
The most widely read Catholic magazine in Poland, "Niedzela" (based in Czestochowa), March 16-24, worked on promoting pro-life activities entitled "Saving the Sacred," in collaboration with Polish Catholic websites. In the parishes of Czestochowa, there were prayer vigils held for the defense of human life.
(MF/SL) (Agenzia Fides 26/3/2009)
Deacon John