"Uphold the law and prosecute Planned Parenthood"
Students' undercover videos prompt probe by Arizona attorney general
PHOENIX, Mar. 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Arizona Attorney General's Office has opened an investigation into Planned Parenthood after the student-led nonprofit Live Action released videos with undercover footage from three Planned Parenthood of Arizona clinics. The footage shows two Planned Parenthood clinics in Phoenix and one in Tucson deliberately disregarding mandatory reporting laws for sexual abuse, and offering secret abortions to sexually abused minors.

State courts have found Planned Parenthood of Arizona negligent before for failing to report sexual abuse. Arizona law requires state authorities to be contacted immediately if an adult-child sexual relationship is revealed. In response to Planned Parenthood's repeated violations, Arizona Right to Life is organizing a major protest on Sunday to draw attention to the abortion provider's disregard for the law.
Similar investigations conducted by Live Action through its "Mona Lisa Project" have resulted in state investigations and employment terminations at Planned Parenthood. One Planned Parenthood of Indiana employee was fired and another was suspended and then resigned after both were taped covering up sexual abuse. Also, the Indiana Attorney General opened an investigation of the abortion provider. In contrast, Planned Parenthood of Arizona has appeared non-responsive, neither recognizing the severity of its sexual abuse reporting violations nor offering a public apology.
Lila Rose, the 20-year-old UCLA student who is president of Live Action, emphasized the importance of enforcing the laws that protect minors from sexual abuse. "We expect the Arizona Attorney General to uphold the law and prosecute Planned Parenthood for returning victimized young girls into the arms of their abusers, rather than notifying the responsible authorities as required by law," she said. "When compared to all of the responsible organizations that carefully follow reporting laws, Planned Parenthood's negligent and outright subversive conduct stands out as both shameful and criminal."
Live Action's undercover videos can be viewed at www.LiveAction.org.