LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
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Current Headlines
• Kagan Defends Expansive Health Exception on Abortion During Senate Hearing
• Kagan Tells Senate She Implemented Clinton's Views, She Promoted Abortion
• Senate Hears Elena Kagan Still Favors International Law for Judicial Rulings
• Pro-Life Advocates to Testify Thursday on Pro-Abortion Nominee Elena Kagan
• Catholic Bishops Tell Congress: Don't Turn Military Hospitals in Abortion Ctrs
• When Toys Are Valuable: Toy Story 3 Affirms Pro-Life Message of Value in Life
• Pro-Life Candidate Vitter Leads in Louisiana, Johnson Trails in Wisconsin
• New Jersey Legislature, Governor Christie Fight Over Funds to Abortion Ctrs
• Vandals Hit Pro-Life Advocates in Iowa, New Mexico With Graffiti, Egg Attacks
• Rhode Island Treasurer Candidate Gina Raimondo Has Pro-Abortion Support
• News: Fertility Center, Ohio, Methodist Church, England, Tasmania, Euthanasia
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Kagan Defends Expansive Health Exception on Abortion During Senate Hearing
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Abortion advocate Elena Kagan defended expansive life and health exceptions on abortion during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings today on her nomination to the Supreme Court. The health exception is the part of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions responsible for allowing unlimited abortions.
In those 1973 decisions, the high court essentially paved the way for legalized abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy -- even though legal abortions claim women's lives and cause them numerous physical and mental health problems.
During questioning today, pro-abortion Sen. Diane Feinstein of California asked Kagan, "Do you believe that the constitution requires that the health of the mother be upheld?"
"With respect to abortion generally, I think that the continuing holdings of the Court are that a woman's life and women's health must be protected in any abortion legislation," Kagan responded.
However, the majority of the members of the Supreme Court think differently and, in the 2007 ruling in Gonzalez v. Carhart, they determined that the national ban on partial-birth abortions did not need a health exception that would have rendered the ban meaningless and allowed all such abortions to remain legal.
Michael Ciccocioppo, the director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, says the testimony from Kagan to this point shows "it is clear that Ms. Kagan would be a judicial activist who would read things into the Constitution that simply aren't there." Full story at LifeNews.com
Kagan Tells Senate She Implemented Clinton's Views, But She Promoted Abortion
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- During the Senate hearings today on her nomination to become the next member of the Supreme Court, pro-abortion activist Elena Kagan told lawmakers she attempted to implement former President Bill Clinton's views when she worked for him during his administration.
However, Senate Republicans point LifeNews.com to a memo calling Clinton's views on the partial-birth abortion ban a "problem."
Kagan ultimately went on to ignore and essentially manipulate an opinion form a medical group that said the gruesome abortion procedure was never necessary to protect the health of a woman.
"I worked for President Bill Clinton and we tried to implement his policy views and objectives," Kagan told the Senate Judiciary Committee today.
The Senate Republican conference is objecting to that statement and sent out a factsheet pointing to a memo Kagan wrote on February 5, 1996.
"Attached is a memo from Leon, Jack, George and Nancy-Ann Min on the partial birth abortion bill, setting forth four policy options and attaching a proposed letter to Senator Hatch. DOJ believes that only Option 4 is constitutional, while our Counsel s office believes any of Options 2-4 are constitutionally sound. In essence these are the options," the memo reads.
The first option would have had the administration saying partial-birth abortions soul be legal unless the woman's pregnancy presents health problems, essentially keeping all partial-birth abortions legal because the health exception wouldn't prohibit any of them.
After hearing Clinton himself favored that option, Kagan called the stance a "problem," likely because the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said an expert panel it commissioned could find no medical reason why the partial-birth abortion procedure would ever be used to protect a woman's life or health. Full story at LifeNews.com

Senate Hears Elena Kagan Still Favors International Law for Judicial Rulings
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony from pro-abortion Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan today that she still favors the use of international law in American jurisprudence. That has concerned pro-life groups worried that it will further entrench legalized abortion.
As LifeNews.com reported in May, Americans United for Life said it worried Kagan could use it as another basis to support legal abortions.
The use of foreign law in defending unlimited abortion "rights" as laid out in Roe v. Wade is nothing new for the pro-life movement. It came up during the confirmation hearings on pro-abortion Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who pledged not to use it.
"There are some cases in which the citation of foreign law, or international law, might be appropriate," Kagan said today in a response to a question from pro-life Sen. Chuck Grassley.
The Iowa lawmaker asked: "If cofirmed, would you rely on or cite international foreign law when you decide cases?"
She added that she is "in favor of good ideas coming from wherever you can get them" and said "there are a number of circumstances" when foreign law might be appropriate. Full story at LifeNews.com
Pro-Life Advocates to Testify Thursday on Pro-Abortion Nominee Elena Kagan
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- After senators finish their job of asking pro-abortion Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan a plethora of questions about her legal views, they will hear from legal experts activists and people who have strong views about Kagan from both sides of the political divide.
When they do, they will hear from two pro-life leaders: Family Research Council president Tony Perkins and Americans United for Life president Charmaine Yoest.
According to the official witness list released by the committee, Perkins and Yoest are the only members of any abortion-related groups slated to testify -- and pro-abortion groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood will not have a representative addressing the panel.
Both have agreed to speak as official Senate witnesses, invited by Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on Thursday afternoon.
"Less than a dozen or so non-members are called upon to speak, so it is a distinct honor--and opportunity--for FRC as we work to highlight just how extreme this administration is in its policies and personnel," Perkins told LifeNews.com about his speaking.
Perkins says pro-life advocates know Kagan's "credentials will help this administration steer the court into a new level of liberal social activism. That will be among FRC's primary concerns during my testimony at this week's hearings." Full story at LifeNews.com
Catholic Bishops Tell Congress: Don't Turn Military Hospitals in Abortion Centers
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The nation's Catholic bishops have a message for members of Congress: don't turn American taxpayer-funded military base hospitals into abortion centers. They are oppose language in a Senate bill that would overturn the ban on abortions at the approximately 250 military base hospitals.
Sen. Roland Burris attached an amendment to a bill in the Senate Armed Services Committee that received a 15-12 vote.
All Democrats supported it except for Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, who joined all of the committee's Republicans in opposition.
In a June 29 letter to members of the Senate, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, the chairman of the U.S. bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities, said authorizing abortions at military hospitals in this country and around the world is misguided.
He urged lawmakers to vote for an expected amendment that would remove the Burris language from the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 3454).
Cardinal DiNardo said it was disingenuous to suggest, as the amendment s proponents have, that the amendment is moderate in requiring patients at military facilities to pay for their abortions.
Which is a more direct governmental involvement in abortion: That the government reimburses someone else for having done an abortion, or that the government performs the abortion itself and accepts payment for doing so? the Cardinal wrote. Full story at LifeNews.com
When Toys Are Valuable: Toy Story 3 Affirms Pro-Life Message of Value in Life
by Paul Stark
One theme (of many) running through Toy Story 3, currently the top movie at the box office, is the conflict over "toy nature," so to speak -- the nature, purpose and value of the toy characters.
The toys' owner is all grown up and leaving for college, and they face an existential crisis. Without a child to play with them, what are they supposed to do? Are they unwanted? Will they be thrown out? Full story at LifeNews.com
The Value of Life Project. See a preview of this unique animated video illustrating the miracle of a baby s development and help fund the completion of this unique project. The final DVD will be available for elementary schools. View the trailer at www.lumen.tv and help complete/distribute the DVD. |
Pro-Life Candidate Vitter Leads in Louisiana, Johnson Trails in Wisconsin
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- New polls of two key Senate races shows a pro-life candidate leading in Louisiana while another pro-life candidate trails in Wisconsin. The surveys have Sen. David Vitter ahead in Wisconsin while Ron Johnson is behind pro-abortion Sen. Russ Feingold in a marquee matchup in Wisconsin.
Louisiana s race for the U.S. Senate looks largely the same way it has since the beginning of the year, with incumbent Republican David Vitter continuing to earn over 50% of the vote.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters finds Vitter, who is seeking a second six-year term, with 53% support.
His Democratic challenger, Congressman Charlie Melancon, picks up 35% of the vote while three percent favor another candidate and nine percent are undecided.
Vitter has a 100 percent pro-life voting record from the National Right to Life Committee while Melancon has voted right on pro-life issues but upset the organization with his vote on the DISCLOSE Act, which would place stringent limits on the ability of pro-life groups to inform the public about legislative and political happenings.
Meanwhile, a new Public Policy Polling institute survey of the Wisconsin Senate race finds it is looking more and more likely that Wisconsin will be in the top tier of competitive Senate races this fall. Full story at LifeNews.com
New Jersey Legislature, Governor Christie Fight Over Funds to Abortion Centers
Trenton, NJ (LifeNews.com) -- When Governor Chris Christie ran for office last year, he campaigned on a pro-life platform and he is making good on his promise to advocate life. At present, he is skirmishing with Democrats in the state legislature over the millions in taxpayer funds the state sends abortion centers for family planning. Although the money doesn't directly fund abortions, Christie thinks there's little reason to send the abortion centers $7.5 million when the state currently faces an $11 billion deficit.
Christie's state budget removed the millions in funding for the abortion businesses but Democrats, last Thursday, voted to restore the health and family planning services via a supplemental funding bill. The Democrat-controlled Assembly and Senate chambers both set up battles with the governor by passing the bill restoring the funds.
The money goes to 58 family planning clinics but Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion chain, runs 29 of the facilities.
Assemblyman Jay Webber, a Republican, last week surprised his colleagues by reading a Planned Parenthood brochure advocating teenage sexual relations and he disputed the contention that the money saves lives. "It's wrong to put a price tag on children. Children are our future. We want more children, not less,'' he said. Full story at LifeNews.com

Vandals Hit Pro-Life Advocates in Iowa, New Mexico With Graffiti, Egg Attacks
Dubuque, IA (LifeNews.com) -- Pro-abortion vandals have hit pro-life advocates in two states -- Iowa and New Mexico. In the former, a member of Dubuque County Right to Life was victimized by having his property spray-painted with pro-abortion graffiti; in the latter, a pro-life group's truck and the home of its driver were pelted with eggs.
In Iowa, Allen Troupe reported last week that his home was spray-painted with the phrases support abortion and baby killer" -- causing about $100 worth of damages.
He told the local newspaper he believes he was targeted because he has a sign in his window reading: Planned Parenthood: Bad for Dubuque."
I don't care what side you're on, there are some things that are just never right, he told the Telegraph Herald.
"This is outrageous and I think there should be a little more attention. I realize some jerk out there will get their 15 minutes of fame, but I believe it speaks again to the disparity of violence against pro-lifers versus the other way around," Steven Brody, the local Right to Life president, said about the incident.
Meanwhile, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a truck belonging to Operation Rescue and its driver's home were vandalized after an unknown assailant egged them. Full story at LifeNews.com
Rhode Island Treasurer Candidate Gina Raimondo Has Pro-Abortion Support
Providence, RI (LifeNews.com) -- With major election battles across the country for congressional and higher offices in play this November, why would one of the nation's top pro-abortion groups concern itself with a race for treasurer in Rhode Island. That's the question on the mind of the head of the state's pro-life group.
Emily's List, which spends tens of millions on races every election cycle, is endorsing Rhode Island General Treasurer candidate Gina Raimondo.
Raimondo faces no Democratic primary opposition for the September contest after winning the endorsement of the Rhode Island Democratic Party. She is running to replace Frank Caprio, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor.
Barth Bracy, the director of Rhode Island Right to Life, tells LifeNews.com he suspects Emily's List is backing Raimondo because the pro-abortion groups wants to position her for a run for higher office in the future.
My hunch is that neither EMILY s List nor Ms. Raimondo care much at all about the position of General Treasurer. EMILY s List and their hand-picked candidate, Ms. Raimondo, see this race as stepping stone to some higher office," he said.
What Bracy knows for certain is that Raimondo is a staunch abortion advocate given Emily's List's endorsement. Full story at LifeNews.com

Fertility Center Fined for Giving Woman Wrong Embryos, Destroys Them Later
Hartford, CT (LifeNews.com) -- A woman who sought help from a prominent Connecticut fertility center last year received human embryos for a pregnancy, but they belonged to another woman with the same last name.
The mistake happened in April 2009 at the Center for Advanced Reproductive Services at the University of Connecticut Health Center, which will pay a $3,000 fine.
Ohio Pro-Abortion Governor Strickland Leads Pro-Life John Kasich, For Now
Columbus, OH (LifeNews.com) -- A new poll shows pro-abortion Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland retains a lead over pro-life challenger John Kasich. But that lead may not hold once voters have a chance to learn more about Kasich, a former congressman.
British Methodist Church Votes to Clarify, But Not Change, Position for Abortion
London, England (LifeNews.com) -- The Methodist Church of Great Britain voted at its annual conference to clarify, but not change, its position favoring legalized abortion. The church, whose U.S. counterpart also backs abortion, opposes abortion on demand but also says abortions before viability are morally okay.
Tasmania, Australia Will Try to Legalize Euthanasia Will Draw Opposition
Tasmania, Australia (LifeNews.com) -- The Australian state of Tasmania is expected to have a bill introduced to legalize euthanasia, according to ABC. The Tasmanian Government is hoping its voluntary euthanasia legislation will be ready by the end of next year.
Full story at LifeNews.com
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