Tuesday, May 25, 2010

“Clinical, chilling and cynical”

State values contracepted or aborted babies at between $4 and $9 each when computing budget, according to California Catholic Conference

As the state teeters on bankruptcy, the California Catholic Conference, the political action arm of the state's bishops, has asked members of the legislature's budget committee "why funds continue to be allocated to programs designed to eliminate those at the beginning of life, and at the same time withhold funds from those who are unable to provide for themselves or, in the case of the elderly, those who are at the end of life," according to the May 21 email alert of the Catholic Legislative Network, "Public Policy Insights." 

"If you're looking for a line item in the California Budget that says abortion funding you will not find it," said the email. "State Medi-Cal dollars are used to pay for abortions -- more than 80,000 in 2007. Publishing such a number would make it too open to attack." 

Continue reading this article here: http://www.calcatholic.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?id=b4fd1ca6-2c58-4490-8cfc-98377358784c