Thursday, June 10, 2010 Pro-Life News Report 6/11/10 Pro-Life News Report

Friday, June 11, 2010

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Current Headlines

Kagan Files From Clinton Administration Show Her Backing Human Cloning
GOP Leader Asks Obama About Delay on Abortion Funding Executive Order
Boxer Attacks Fiorina on Abortion, Emily's List Bashes Pro-Life Women's Group
Obama's Pro-Rationing Medicare Nominee Donald Berwick Criticized Further
Sharron Angle Takes Double Digit Lead Over Pro-Abortion Harry Reid After Win
Mich Daniels Causes Pro-Life Uproar After Declaring "Truce" on Abortion
Pro-Life Movement Not Interested in Truce on Abortion, Not Now, Not Ever
UN Leaders in Disarray as Studies Show Abortion Doesn't Help Maternal Mortality
Pro-Abortion Women Deliver Conference Sees Low Attendance, Fundraising
Youth Pro-life Mission Team to Hit the Road for Summer Christian Festivals
Right to Life of Michigan Announces Proudly Pro-Life Social Networking Day
Former Memphis Cop Kills Girlfriend After She Refuses His Abortion Request
Indiana County Considering Whether to Hire Pro-Life Group to Defend Law

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Kagan Files From Clinton Administration Show Her Backing Human Cloning
Washington, DC ( -- Add human cloning to abortion and assisted suicide as practices pro-life groups oppose but Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan supports. Files released from the Clinton library about Kagan's time in the Clinton administration show her advocating cloning humans for dubious research.

Kagan served as a top domestic policy advisor for ex-President Bill Clinton from 1997-1999 and she played a key role in shaping and executing his response to new cloning technologies.

"Memoranda and emails released by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library on Friday document Kagan s involvement in crafting an anti-life position and legislative proposal," says Americans United for Life, whose attorneys investigated them.

A May 29, 1997 memo from Kagan to Clinton and Jack Gibbons, the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, had Kagan suggesting that Clinton support banning only the kind of human cloning that results in the birth of a live baby.

She urged "that [the President] support domestic legislation banning human cloning" but added Clinton should "support the gist of France's proposed cloning paragraph [in the G-8 Communiqué]."

That proposal would have had Clinton supporting a clone and kill policy whereby he would have advocated for the cloning of human beings for the sole purpose of killing them in research.

"As the memo explains, Kagan s 'ban' on cloning only banned the use of cloning aimed at the live-birth of a baby, not at cloning that takes human life," AUL notes. Full story at

GOP Leader Asks Obama About Delay on Abortion Funding Executive Order
Washington, DC ( -- House Republican Leader John Boehner, in a meeting today with President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders at the White House, asked Obama to provide a progress report on abortion and health care. Boehner is looking for more information on Obama's disputed executive order.

When Congress passed the government-run health care bill, it did so without any limits on abortion funding and language mandating taxpayer financing of abortion in certain circumstances.

Obama eventually issued a controversial executive order supposedly taking the abortion funding issue off the table.

However, virtually every pro-life group said would not mitigate the abortion funding because it doesn't have the effect of law, could be reversed in the future, and because it didn't tackle much of the abortion funding in the bill. The Obama administration could also ignore the order and not put it in place when the health care law goes into effect.

During the meeting, Boehner noted that Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, in her recent report on implementing the health care law Obama signed, did not make any mention of efforts by the administration to implement the executive order.

"While the Obama Administration plows ahead on implementing what it regards as the 'popular' aspects of ObamaCare, administration officials have been coy about their aims for putting into practice the president's executive order on taxpayer-funding of abortion," Boehner's office said.

"Boehner is still awaiting a response, other than a cryptic reply that executive order guidance was still being developed," it said. Full story at

Boxer Attacks Fiorina on Abortion, Emily's List Bashes Pro-Life Women's Group
Washington, DC ( -- It didn't like long for pro-abortion champion Barbara Boxer to come out swinging against her Senate opponent Carly Fiorina. Just one day after Fiorina cruised to an easy victory to capture the Republican nomination, Boxer and her pro-abortion allies went on the attack.

Fiorina is known for her business and financial views and background given her position as an HP executive, but she is also pro-life.

In a state where voters have rejected a modest proposal to allow parents to know when their minor daughters are considering an abortion, Boxer hopes to use abortion as a means of keeping her job that polls show is tenuous.

In a Tuesday interview with the Los Angeles Times, Boxer said Fiorina's views are out of step with most California voters.

She wants to make it a crime, and that would mean women and doctors in jail, Boxer said. That is so out of touch with Californians.

When the Times asked Fiorina about Boxer's comment, she replied, That s a ridiculous statement.

I happen to believe in the sanctity of life, but the great majority of Californians disagree with Barbara Boxer, who believes that taxpayers should be funding partial-birth abortion, Fiorina said. Full story at

Obama's Pro-Rationing Medicare Nominee Donald Berwick Criticized Further
Washington, DC ( -- President Barack Obama's nominee to become the director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services is receiving further criticism for his pro-rationing views. Donald Berwick has drawn criticism from pro-life groups and Republican lawmakers who may bring strong opposition to bear.

Now, in a column at WorldNetDaily, liberal writer Nat Hentoff warns that Berwick will implement the rationing policies in the Obama health care plan he and others have warned about repeatedly.

"Unlike Obama, Berwick is enthusiastically, openly candid in his support of Britain's socialistic National Health Service," he writes.

Hentoff points to the quote that is making the rounds, where in a 2008 speech to British physicians, Berwick said, "I am romantic about National Health Service. I love it (because it is) 'generous, hopeful, confident, joyous and just.'"

But that "just" National Health Care Service, as Hentoff explains, "decides which care can be too costly for the government to pay."

"Its real-time decider of life-or-death outcomes is the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)," he says. Full story at

Sharron Angle Takes Double Digit Lead Over Pro-Abortion Harry Reid After Win
Washington, DC ( -- Newly-minted Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle has scooted out to a double digit lead over pro-abortion Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid following her come-from-behind victory in Tuesday's primary election. Angle has already picked up the endorsement of three pro-life groups.

Angle received 39 percent compared with 28 percent for former Republican Party Chairwoman Sue Lowden and businessman Danny Tarkanian receiving 23 percent.

Now, a new Rasmussen Reports poll has her ahead of Reid, the top Democrat in the Senate, by 11 percent.

Its survey of likely voters on Wednesday night finds Angle earning 50% support while Reid picks up 39% of the vote. Five percent support another candidate and six percent are undecided.

A month ago, Angle led Reid 48% to 40% but ran poorest against the incumbent of the three GOP primary hopefuls, though that will likely change now that she has the nomination and shown voters she can win.

Although Reid will likely make the race about Angle's pro-life and conservative views, he has never risen above the low 40s as voters are upset Reid pushed through the pro-abortion, government-run health care bill. Full story at

Mich Daniels Causes Pro-Life Uproar After Declaring "Truce" on Abortion
Washington, DC ( -- Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is seen as a potential 2012 presidential nominee to take on pro-abortion President Barack Obama. But, in an interview with the Weekly Standard, the potential candidate may have put is foot in his mouth by declaring a "truce" on social issues like abortion.

Daniels told the conservative publication the next president "would have to call a truce on the so-called social issues."

"We're going to just have to agree to get along for a little while," by casting social issues like abortion aside so the next president can focus on fixing the beleaguered economy.

Expecting a backlash if the remarks weren't explained further, Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack followed up with the governor. He asked Daniels if his remarks meant the next president shouldn't try to stop the abortion funding in the Obama health care law or put the Mexico City Policy back in place to stop international abortion funding.

Daniels said the United States faces a "genuine national emergency" concerning the economy, budget and national debt and that "maybe these things could be set aside for a while."

"But this doesn't mean anybody abandons their position at all. Everybody just stands down for a little while, while we try to save the republic," the governor added.

Daniels replied, "I don't know," when asked if he would issue the executive order every pro-life president has done by instituting the Mexico City Policy Obama revoked. Full story at

Pro-Life Movement Not Interested in Truce on Abortion, Not Now, Not Ever
by Kristan Hawkins
When it involves life, one can make no a truce. There is no room for gray area, no time to play dead, and no time to stick out head in the sand. When you realize that 1.3 million babies are aborted every year, Governor Mitch Daniels words show a level of cowardice that is not expected from a presidential hopeful.

The Indiana Governor stated yesterday in an interview with Andy Ferguson of The Weekly Standard that as president would have to call a truce on the so-called social issues. We're going to just have to agree to get along for a little while until the current economic crisis is resolved.

Further, when asked if he would reinstate Reagan s Mexico Policy to ban international tax-funded abortions, Governor Daniels remarked, I don't know. These statements illustrate that the Governor is willing to sacrifice human life in order to appease abortion supporters. It signals to all pro-lifers that he wants us to stop fighting for the rights of the unborn and to start waving our white flags of defeat.

Governor Daniels, the truth is sometimes not popular. Neither is taking the high road. Those thinkers and doers who historically have stood in support of justice knew this.

To call a truce sounds more like the words of pro-choice President Obama during his address at Notre Dame last May. It does not sound like the voice of a candidate who recognizes and cherishes the right to life. However, even President Obama didn't go as far as to call a truce, he only called for an open discussion on the topic in an effort to find common ground. Full story at

UN Leaders in Disarray as Studies Show Abortion Doesn't Help Maternal Mortality
by Susan Yoshihara
New York, NY ( -- Deep divisions with top United Nations (UN) officials and abortion activists on one side and maternal health researchers on the other became public this week during the Women Deliver 2 conference in Washington DC.

The dispute threatens to derail hopes of raising $30B for family planning at international development conferences in the coming months. These include the Group of Eight summit this month and the UN High Level Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Review in September.

The medical journal The Lancet published a study in April refuting UN research claiming 500,000+ annual maternal deaths has remained unchanged for decades. The new study put the figure at 342,900 with 60,000 of those from HIV/AIDS, and said the number has been declining since 1980.

World Health Organization (WHO) executive director Margaret Chan told journalist Christiane Amanpour that legal abortion was a key factor in reducing maternal deaths, but the Lancet study she referred to never mentioned abortion. Full story at

Pro-Abortion Women Deliver Conference Sees Low Attendance, Fundraising
Washington, DC ( -- Three thousand abortion advocates packed into the Washington, DC Convention Center this week for the Women Deliver 2 conference, a meeting aimed at increasing funding and government accountability for maternal mortality reduction strategies, including access to "safe abortion."

While organizers closed the conference amid applause and cheers from a half-empty auditorium, outcomes fell far short of the ambitious funding goals set by organizers in the months leading up to the conference.

Women Deliver brought together United Nations (UN) agencies like the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Health Organization and prominent abortion organizations like Ipas, International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Catholics for Choice, to call for an additional $12 billion USD a year in funding and to galvanize political support.

By the end of the conference the only significant new income came from the $1.5 billion USD initiative launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Political participation was similarly underwhelming. Unlike the original conference in London in 2007, Women Deliver 2 failed to produce a government document, though parliamentarians and government ministers were sequestered in closed-door meetings for much of the conference. Full story at

Youth Pro-life Mission Team to Hit the Road for Summer Christian Festivals

Washington, DC ( -- On Friday, June 11, nine high school and college students will meet in Troy, Ohio to start the 2010 Stand True Summer Pro-life Mission Trip. These pro-life missionaries are dedicating their whole summer to pro-life mission work at music festivals, prayer vigils and other events around the country.

Every summer Stand True educates, equips and activates some of the most passionate and dedicated youth as part of their Summer Pro-life Mission Trip. The missionaries will go through intense pro-life training in Ohio before hitting the road. The missionaries live in a van and tents all summer and rely on donated food and supplies as they travel the country.

The mission team will set up pro-life booths at major music festivals such as Creation, Cornerstone, Alive, Soulfest, Purple Door, Ichthus , Jubilee and many more. These festivals draw between 20,000 and 80,000 people each, and Stand True will have a major presence with their pro-life booths. Full story at

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Right to Life of Michigan Announces Proudly Pro-Life Social Networking Day

Lansing, MI ( -- On Wednesday, June 16, Right to Life of Michigan will host a Proudly Pro-Life Social Networking Day throughout social networking web sites. Prolife social networking users on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and other sites will share links, pictures and status updates including the message "I am proudly prolife."

Utilizing the growing popularity of online networking tools, Right to Life of Michigan will promote the message using their own social networking accounts and encourage other users from Michigan and throughout the online communities to join in the event.

Former Memphis Cop Kills Girlfriend After She Refuses His Abortion Request

Memphis, TN -- The Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper reports that a former Memphis police officer is charged with first-degree murder in the 2008 shooting of his girlfriend.

Chancy K. Jones initially was vague or silent during questioning but then admitted shooting Phyllis Malone because Jones said she threatened to tell his wife about their two-month affair if he did not give her money.

Malone, 31, was found shot to death in her car the morning of September 9, 2008 at a Shell gas station at 1709 Whitten Road near Interstate 40.

Indiana County Considering Whether to Hire Pro-Life Group to Defend Law

Fort Wayne, IN ( -- Allen County commissioners this week will consider whether to allow the Alliance Defense Fund, a pro-life legal group, to defend the county in a lawsuit challenging a local ordinance.

The law is designed to keep women's health and safety in mind. In April, the county commissioners approved an ordinance cracking down on botched abortions that injure women.

Because so many women suffer from botched abortions that require immediate follow-up medical care, local officials approved what it said is a needed ordinance.
Full story at

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