![]() Dear Deacon, In the first days of a 40 Days for Life campaign, when abortion workers watch your peaceful presence outside their building, they do NOT like what they are seeing. They view us as enemies and a nuisance. Over time, however, they witness your prayers, love and compassion ... in the rain, snow or heat. Eventually, some begin to question the work they are doing. Of the 76 workers who have had a change of heart and left their jobs, many have done so in the last two weeks of the campaign. This time, it's a first for an international 40 Days for Life campaign. We’ve just learned that an abortion center worker in Sydney, Australia has quit her job and left for good! This now makes 77 abortion employees who have decided that they cannot continue with their work and walked out during 40 Days for Life campaigns. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA ![]() PHOTO: ARCHDIOCESE OF SYDNEYThe Sydney team tells the story of a young woman who had moved to Australia from Nigeria two years ago. She was trained as a nurse assistant, and quickly became certified to work in her new home – and this was a good thing, as her family needed money.She enrolled with an agency and was placed at various healthcare facilities. Recently, however, she was assigned to Preterm Foundation in the Sydney area. This woman did not know that Preterm Foundation was an abortion facility. At first, she was asked to sterilize instruments. But then she was told to help with “procedures,” guiding an ultrasound wand as abortions were carried out. That’s when she approached the 40 Days for Life prayer group. “She was desperate to leave. But she had been placed there by the agency and was convinced if she left that would be the last job they would ever find for her,” said Paul Hanrahan, one of the 40 Days for Life leaders. She said that with only her husband’s factory job, there would not be enough money to pay the rent. However, with the promise of financial help from various pro-life sources, she went to church and prayed … and found the courage to quit her job. This young woman says that once she finds a new position, she will tell the whole story of what it was like to work at an abortion center. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA The people praying on the sidewalk say it’s common to see women leaving in tears. They were watching when one woman was picked up after an abortion, with a sweatshirt over her head to hide her face. Recently, though, they’ve seen something else – ambulances and emergency medical teams. It’s now happened four times. The people praying on the sidewalk say an ambulance pulled up, and a woman was wheeled out of the abortion center. One of the volunteers say the woman looked in their direction, so they hope she realizes that they were praying for her – and her baby. “Let us pray for these women and all women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy, and bring out to the light the malpractices that take place in our neighborhood under so-called safe, legal abortion,” said Alejandra in Orange County. “Please bring your cameras … and document these incidents if you witness them.”
Today's devotional is from Carmen Pate, a member of the 40 Days for Life board of directors. DAY 31 INTENTION Pray for opportunities to share with an abortion-minded woman that the newness of life she is seeking is found only in Christ. SCRIPTURE If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new. -- 2 Corinthians 5:17 REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life An unexpected pregnancy is perceived by many young women as the end of their life as they know it. News of an unexpected pregnancy pulls the rug from under her well laid plans. Sadly, these women may choose abortion as a matter of self-preservation, believing that an abortion will help return life to normal and give them opportunity to start anew. They don't see abortion as killing a child, but rather as saving their own life. Of course, abortion will not bring the newness of life they are seeking, but instead will bring death to their child, lifelong regret, and unexpected -- possibly devastating -- consequences to their own life. Abortion will be the choice made if we don't meet them at the crossroad between life and death with a better way. Almost without exception, these young women are looking for love, acceptance, and to be valued. In their efforts to have those needs met, they have become promiscuous. Most, if honest, will admit the needs were only met momentarily, if at all, during their brief encounter, and afterward the needs returned unmet. The truth is, only Christ loves them unconditionally with an everlasting love. Only Christ will accept them as they are, and only Christ sees them for their true value in Him. He has a perfect plan for each woman and her child if only she will allow Christ to transform her life as she surrenders to Him. No, an unexpected pregnancy is not the end of life, but rather can be the beginning of two beautiful lives if God's plan for them is given opportunity to unfold. PRAYER Heavenly Father, you give us a new song, a new purpose, a new direction, a new perspective. You remind us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Christ came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. Give us boldness to share this Good News with those at the crossroads. May they choose life for their children and enjoy newness of life in You. Because of Christ we pray, Amen. PRINTABLE DEVOTIONAL To download today's devotional as a formatted, printable PDF to share with friends: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/ ------------------------------ Yours for Life, Shawn Carney Campaign Director 40 Days for Life PS: How have you been personally -- and spiritually -- affected by 40 Days for Life? Please reply to today's blog posting if you have a story to share: http://40daysforlife.com/blog/ |
40 Days for Life
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