LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Friday, March 22, 2013
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Top Stories
• Democrats Defeat Cruz Amendment to Repeal Pro-Abortion Obamacare
• Senate Votes to Reaffirm the Pro-Abortion Obama HHS Mandate
• Senate Democrats Vote Against Conscience Protections From HHS Mandate
• Black Pro-Lifers: Race No Defense to Gosnell Snipping Babies’ Necks
More Pro-Life News• North Dakota Passes Personhood Amendment Abortion Ban
• New Mobile App Has Amazing Pictures of Unborn Babies, Helps Women
• Planned Parenthood Sponsors 40 Days of Prayer for Legal Abortion
• A Tale of Two Mothers: My Pro-Life Mom Versus Margaret Sanger• Rapper Mack Maine: My Mom Was Going to Abort Me But Changed Her Mind
• Loving Children With Down Syndrome: Love Doesn’t Count Chromosomes
• High School Runner Loses Eligibility for Running Pro-Life Relay
• Despite No Cures, Scientists Still Hype Embryonic Stem Cells
• Michigan Senate Committee Approves Pro-Life Conscience Bill
• Arkansas: Bill to Ban Webcam Abortions in Jeopardy, Help Needed
• Montana Physicians Back Bill to Affirm Assisted Suicide Not Legal
Democrats Defeat Cruz Amendment to Repeal Pro-Abortion Obamacare
On the third anniversary of the passage of President Obama’s controversial pro-abortion health care bill, Democrats defeated an amendment to repeal Obamacare.
Sen Ted Cruz, a pro-life Republican from Texas, filed an amendment to the budget bill to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to provide for the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to encourage patient-centered reforms to improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/democrats-defeat-cruz-amendment-to-repeal-pro-abortion-obamacare/
Sen Ted Cruz, a pro-life Republican from Texas, filed an amendment to the budget bill to establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to provide for the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and to encourage patient-centered reforms to improve health outcomes and reduce health care costs. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Senate Votes to Reaffirm the Pro-Abortion Obama HHS Mandate
Members of the Senate voted today on a mostly party-line vote to reaffirm the controversial HHS mandate, that compels religious groups to pay for birth control and abortion-causing drugs despite their religious or moral objections.
Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a pro-abortion Democrat from New Hampshire, filed an amendment to reaffirm the HHS mandate authorized under the Obamacare health care law. That amendment passed on a 56-43 vote (see below). http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/senate-votes-to-reaffirm-the-pro-abortion-obama-hhs-mandate/
Senator Jeanne Shaheen, a pro-abortion Democrat from New Hampshire, filed an amendment to reaffirm the HHS mandate authorized under the Obamacare health care law. That amendment passed on a 56-43 vote (see below). http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Senate Democrats Vote Against Conscience Protections From HHS Mandate
Senate Democrats voted on Friday against an amendment from pro-life Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska to the budget that would offer Americans conscience protections from the controversial HHS mandate.
The amendment would establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to protect women’s access to health care, including primary and preventive care, but in a manner consistent with protecting rights of conscience. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/senate-democrats-vote-against-conscience-protections-from-hhs-mandate/
Black Pro-Lifers: Race No Defense to Gosnell Snipping Babies’ Necks
Black pro-life leaders are upset that the attorney for Kermit Gosnell is using his race, as an African-American, as a defense for the abortion practitioner against multiple charges that he killed babies by “snipping” their necks and spinal cords.
They say they are upset the defense attorney for the Philadelphia abortionist, whose abortion clinic earned the title “Gosnell’s House of Horrors,” has tried to reduce Gosnell’s charges to “prosecutorial lynching.” http://www.lifenews.com/2013/![](http://lifenews.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/gosnell1-e1363967365819.jpg)
North Dakota Passes Personhood Amendment Abortion Ban
The North Dakota legislature finalized passage of a personhood amendment that backers claim will lead to banning abortions in North Dakota. However, leading pro-life groups are concerned the measure would only entrench legalized abortion further.
The North Dakota House approved the bill 57-35 after the Senate already okayed it. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, a Republican, has not said if he will sign the bill into law. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/north-dakota-passes-personhood-amendment-abortion-ban/
New Mobile App Has Amazing Pictures of Unborn Babies, Helps Women
I recently discovered a mobile app on my Smartphone created by the people at WebMD, a website run by doctors that gives medical and health information. It is still another example of how technology is rendering standard pro-abortion arguments utterly obsolete.
webmd-pregnancyThe app is called “WebMD Pregnancy,” and it is described as “a free pregnancy app…that delivers trusted health information to expectant moms as well as fun features and tools. Whenever. Wherever. Online or offline.” http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/new-mobile-app-has-amazing-pictures-of-unborn-babies-helps-women/
The North Dakota House approved the bill 57-35 after the Senate already okayed it. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, a Republican, has not said if he will sign the bill into law. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
New Mobile App Has Amazing Pictures of Unborn Babies, Helps Women
webmd-pregnancyThe app is called “WebMD Pregnancy,” and it is described as “a free pregnancy app…that delivers trusted health information to expectant moms as well as fun features and tools. Whenever. Wherever. Online or offline.” http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Planned Parenthood Sponsors 40 Days of Prayer for Legal Abortion
Lots of people love the peaceful approach of 40 Days for Life and see how God has used this effort. BUT … it comes as no surprise to find out that not everybody is a fan.
There are people in the abortion industry who call this campaign “40 Days of Harassment.” No one is being harassed, of course (except maybe the prayer volunteers).
A Tale of Two Mothers: My Pro-Life Mom Versus Margaret SangerHistory. It’s disposable. How often do we use it to bolster a cause and then quickly discard it when its inconvenient truths call that effort into question? March is Women’s History Month. Americans celebrate the courage and tenacity of those who’ve made the world a better place. We should take the opportunity to pause and intentionally look closer at the totality of these women’s lives. Understanding their motivation, what sustained their passion, and how such indelible marks along the human timeline have been made, is simply powerful. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/a-tale-of-two-mothers-my-pro-life-mom-versus-margaret-sanger/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
Rapper Mack Maine: My Mom Was Going to Abort Me But Changed Her MindRap artist Mack Maine is happy to be alive. You see, his mother was going to have an abortion when pregnant with him, but changed her mind at the last minute. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/rapper-mack-maine-my-mom-was-going-to-abort-me-but-changed-her-mind/
Loving Children With Down Syndrome: Love Doesn’t Count ChromosomesAlmost seven years ago, my brother died. He had Down syndrome. He was alive for only eighteen short weeks, but that short amount of time showed me that truly all life is precious. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/loving-children-with-down-syndrome-love-doesnt-count-chromosomes/
High School Runner Loses Eligibility for Running Pro-Life RelayI live in a state where in some cases it is easier to solve the Rubik Cube than figure out what makes students eligible—or ineligible—for a myriad of school-related activities. But this story—“Helias runner loses eligibility over pro-life relay, but not his conscience”—may be in a league of its own. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/high-school-runner-loses-eligibility-for-running-pro-life-relay/
Despite No Cures, Scientists Still Hype Embryonic Stem CellsNever has so much hype been shoveled than the CURES! CURES! CURES! propaganda that sold embryonic stem cell research to the American public. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/despite-no-cures-scientists-still-hype-embryonic-stem-cells/
Loving Children With Down Syndrome: Love Doesn’t Count ChromosomesAlmost seven years ago, my brother died. He had Down syndrome. He was alive for only eighteen short weeks, but that short amount of time showed me that truly all life is precious. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
High School Runner Loses Eligibility for Running Pro-Life RelayI live in a state where in some cases it is easier to solve the Rubik Cube than figure out what makes students eligible—or ineligible—for a myriad of school-related activities. But this story—“Helias runner loses eligibility over pro-life relay, but not his conscience”—may be in a league of its own. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Despite No Cures, Scientists Still Hype Embryonic Stem CellsNever has so much hype been shoveled than the CURES! CURES! CURES! propaganda that sold embryonic stem cell research to the American public. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Michigan Senate Committee Approves Pro-Life Conscience BillA bill to protect the conscience rights of health care providers was addressed in Lansing on March 21. The Senate Health Policy Committee, by a vote of 5-1, reported Senate Bill 136 to the full Senate for consideration. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/michigan-senate-committee-approves-pro-life-conscience-bill/
Arkansas: Bill to Ban Webcam Abortions in Jeopardy, Help NeededArkansas Right to Life, the main statewide pro-life group in the Natural State, is seeking calls and emails from residents to their legislators to help push through a ban on webcam abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/arkansas-bill-to-ban-webcam-abortions-in-jeopardy-help-needed/
Montana Physicians Back Bill to Affirm Assisted Suicide Not LegalWe are 112 Montana physicians who have joined together to support HB 505. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/22/montana-physicians-back-bill-to-affirm-assisted-suicide-not-legal/
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