Tuesday, March 26, 2013

From CMMB: A living stone

Carol Willard
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For forty days we’ve been sacrificing; whether we’ve given up a luxury, fasted or helped others, our Lenten journey has brought us closer to God, closer to a new beginning. Our Church, too, has experienced a new beginning with the election of Pope Francis.
In his homily on March 14th, His Holiness said:
“Building. Building the Church. We speak of stones: stones are solid; but living stones, stones anointed by the Holy Spirit. Building the Church, the Bride of Christ, on the cornerstone that is the Lord himself…” 
One of our Medical Volunteers, Carol Williard, is an example of a “living stone”. Carol is a Physical Therapist and is currently volunteering in Uganda. Carol saw the need for a properly equipped, child-friendly rehabilitation space at the Good Shepherd Home for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children. Carol took it upon herself to rebuild the facility, sacrificing her own resources and free time to complete the project.
By supporting CMMB, you too are a “living stone”. The people and projects supported by your generosity are improving the lives of the poorest of the poor in the developing world.
Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter. May God continue to bless you for all the good that you do.
Bruce Wilkinson Signature.png
Bruce Wilkinson
President & CEO
Catholic Medical Mission Board
PS - As we celebrate Holy Week and Easter, we have asked priests around the country and around the world to pray for you and your intentions. Download our Easter prayer calendar and join together in prayer during this special time of year.
Give with Confidence

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