LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, March 21, 2013
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Top Stories
• Prosecution Reconstructs Abortion Clinic in Court for Gosnell Murder Trial
• Senators Will Push Pro-Life Amendments on Abortion to Budget Bil
• Expert: Kermit Gosnell’s Ineptitude Led to Woman’s Abortion Death
• Gosnell Did Three-Day-Long Abortions at 30 Weeks of Pregnancy
More Pro-Life News• Catholic Bishops: HHS Mandate “Unprecedented” Religious Violation
• New Study: Abortion Can Lead to Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
• Gosnell Murder Trial Points to Inconsistent Arguments for Abortion
• Texas Bill Could Close 37 of 42 Abortion Clinics for Problems• Dear Abby Tells Mom: Get Over Your Daughter’s Abortion
• AP’s Crack Reporting: “Abortions Are Typically Performed In Utero”
• After Controversy, Rand Paul Clarifies He’s 100% Pro-Life on Abortion
• Planned Parenthood Preys on College Students With Abortions
• A Surrogate Mom’s Courage: A Baby is Not a Product
• We Must Stop Texas Bill OKing Doctors Forcing DNR Without Consent
• Canada: MPs Not Allowed to Vote to Condemn Sex-Selection Abortions
• Does Planned Parenthood Actually Prevent Access to Birth Control?
• Legislator Now Running Massachusetts Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
• Connecticut Residents Stand Strong Against Bill for Assisted Suicide
• Portland School District Boots Teacher Fighting Planned Parenthood
Prosecution Reconstructs Abortion Clinic in Court for Gosnell Murder Trial
A macabre drama is unfolding in a Philadelphia court room as testimony is now underway in one of the most horrific serial killer cases in U.S. history. On trial for eight counts of murder and a host of other criminal charges is late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who is accused of birthing viable late-term babies alive, then snipping their spinal cords with scissors amidst appallingly squalid conditions.
Since Judge Jeffrey P. Minehart ruled that prosecutors could not take the jury to see the squalor that has been preserved at Gosnell’s West Philadelphia abortion clinic, prosecutors have set up a replica of one of Gosnell’s procedure rooms complete with rusty, aging obstetrical equipment. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/prosecution-reconstructs-abortion-clinic-in-court-for-gosnell-murder-trial/
Since Judge Jeffrey P. Minehart ruled that prosecutors could not take the jury to see the squalor that has been preserved at Gosnell’s West Philadelphia abortion clinic, prosecutors have set up a replica of one of Gosnell’s procedure rooms complete with rusty, aging obstetrical equipment. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Senators Will Push Pro-Life Amendments on Abortion to Budget Bil
When members of the U.S. Senate vote tomorrow on the budget bill, they will consider a wide range of amendments on various political topics, including three that focus on the issue of abortion.
As the Senate continues the debate on the Budget Resolution, pro-life amendments will be filed and therefore may be considered as part of Vote-a-Rama Senate Democrats have planned for changes to the must-pass bill to keep government running and funded. Votes on these amendments are expected as soon as Friday. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/senators-will-push-pro-life-amendments-on-abortion-to-budget-bil/
As the Senate continues the debate on the Budget Resolution, pro-life amendments will be filed and therefore may be considered as part of Vote-a-Rama Senate Democrats have planned for changes to the must-pass bill to keep government running and funded. Votes on these amendments are expected as soon as Friday. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Expert: Kermit Gosnell’s Ineptitude Led to Woman’s Abortion Death
Abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell was so inept as to the proper use of anesthesia during an abortion procedure that his shoddy clinic standards led to one woman dying from a legal abortion.
That’s the conclusion of a Pittsburgh anesthesiologist, who told a jury today during is trial for eight counts of murder that the amount of anesthesia given to one woman during her abortion was enough to kill her. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/expert-kermit-gosnells-ineptitude-led-to-womans-abortion-death/
Gosnell Did Three-Day-Long Abortions at 30 Weeks of Pregnancy
A former worker for abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell has told a court evaluating eight charges of murder for the embattled abortion practitioner that he did three-day-long abortion procedures at 30 weeks of pregnancy.
Gosnell, whose squalid “house of horrors” abortion clinic and callous, has had almost flippant attitude toward his macabre abortion practices shocked the nation. In all, Gosnell faces 43 criminal counts, including eight counts of murder in the death of one patient, Karnamaya Monger, and seven newborn infants. Additional charges include conspiracy, drug delivery resulting in death, infanticide, corruption of minors, evidence tampering, theft by deception, abuse of corpse, and corruption. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/![](http://lifenews.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/judgepic10.jpg)
Catholic Bishops: HHS Mandate “Unprecedented” Religious Violation
The nation’s Catholic bishops have taken a new comprehensive look at the Obama HHS mandate that compels religious groups and businesses to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions.
The general counsel of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops states that the current proposed revisions of the Obama Administration’s contraceptive mandate are “an unprecedented …violation of religious liberty by the federal government” and must be changed. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/catholic-bishops-hhs-mandate-unprecedented-religious-violation/
New Study: Abortion Can Lead to Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
A new study has found that women with a history of induced abortion were more likely to experience metabolic syndrome compared to women who had never had abortions, increasing their risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke.
Women who had a history of induced abortion were 1.25 times more likely to have metabolic syndrome compared to women who had never had abortions. No significant association was found between women who had a history of spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, and increased risk of metabolic syndrome. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/new-study-abortion-can-lead-to-risk-of-heart-disease-and-stroke/
The general counsel of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops states that the current proposed revisions of the Obama Administration’s contraceptive mandate are “an unprecedented …violation of religious liberty by the federal government” and must be changed. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
New Study: Abortion Can Lead to Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
Women who had a history of induced abortion were 1.25 times more likely to have metabolic syndrome compared to women who had never had abortions. No significant association was found between women who had a history of spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, and increased risk of metabolic syndrome. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Gosnell Murder Trial Points to Inconsistent Arguments for Abortion
At what point should humans’ right to life be protected? The moment of conception? After the first trimester? Viability? After birth?
Two abortion-related stories in the news point to this key question in the abortion debate.
Texas Bill Could Close 37 of 42 Abortion Clinics for ProblemsOn Tuesday a Texas Senate committee advanced a bill that could shutter all but five of the abortion facilities in the state. Abortion is surgery, and Texas wants to make sure women who have them are treated like any surgery patient by having a minimum standard in all facilities that provide abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/texas-bill-could-close-37-of-42-abortion-clinics-for-problems/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
Dear Abby Tells Mom: Get Over Your Daughter’s AbortionAdvice columnist Dear Abby has a message for a mother who is upset that her daughter aborted her grandchild: get over it. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/dear-abby-tells-mom-get-over-your-daughters-abortion/
AP’s Crack Reporting: “Abortions Are Typically Performed In Utero”As both Matthew Balan and Mark Steyn have noted, the mainstream media has for the most part gone missing in reporting the murder trial of late-term Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/aps-crack-reporting-abortions-are-typically-performed-in-utero/
After Controversy, Rand Paul Clarifies He’s 100% Pro-Life on AbortionSen. Rand Paul has clarified controversial comments he made in a recent CNN interview, during which he described “thousands” of exceptions to a potential ban on abortion. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/after-controversy-rand-paul-clarifies-hes-100-pro-life-on-abortion/
Planned Parenthood Preys on College Students With AbortionsThis spring, Students for Life of America’s full-time team is criss-crossing the country starting new pro-life groups. But what some folks may not know is that we spend the a vast majority of our time helping the 705 already active Students for Life groups already in existence – training them to handle anything that is thrown their way on campus.http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/planned-parenthood-preys-on-college-students-with-abortions/
AP’s Crack Reporting: “Abortions Are Typically Performed In Utero”As both Matthew Balan and Mark Steyn have noted, the mainstream media has for the most part gone missing in reporting the murder trial of late-term Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
After Controversy, Rand Paul Clarifies He’s 100% Pro-Life on AbortionSen. Rand Paul has clarified controversial comments he made in a recent CNN interview, during which he described “thousands” of exceptions to a potential ban on abortion. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Planned Parenthood Preys on College Students With AbortionsThis spring, Students for Life of America’s full-time team is criss-crossing the country starting new pro-life groups. But what some folks may not know is that we spend the a vast majority of our time helping the 705 already active Students for Life groups already in existence – training them to handle anything that is thrown their way on campus.http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
A Surrogate Mom’s Courage: A Baby is Not a ProductImagine for a moment you’re a young, single mom. You’ve just lost your job as a nanny for other people’s kids. You’re in a tight spot. Then another couple offers you $20,000—or two thousand, two hundred and twenty-two dollars a month—to carry their baby to term. That’s a lot of money, and can help solve some of your financial problems. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/a-surrogate-moms-courage-a-baby-is-not-a-product/
We Must Stop Texas Bill OKing Doctors Forcing DNR Without ConsentI just returned home from Austin, Texas, where I testified against SB 303–a very bad bill that would permit doctors to force DNAR orders on patient’s charts without consent, requiring the patient to “appeal.” (“Do Not Attempt Resuscitation,” aka, DNR, Do Not Resuscitate.”). http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/we-must-stop-texas-bill-oking-doctors-forcing-dnr-without-consent/
Canada: MPs Not Allowed to Vote to Condemn Sex-Selection AbortionsLeading pro-life advocates in Canada are upset the Canadian Parliament will not allow members to vote on a motion to condemn the practice of sex-selection abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/canada-mps-not-allowed-to-vote-to-condemn-sex-selection-abortions/
Does Planned Parenthood Actually Prevent Access to Birth Control?Planned Parenthood has been caught RED-HANDED denying millions of women access to contraception, refusing them permission to use birth control, and controlling their reproductive choices. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/does-planned-parenthood-actually-prevent-access-to-birth-control/
Legislator Now Running Massachusetts Planned Parenthood Abortion BizOne of the latest chapters in the saga of Planned Parenthood’s incestuous, self-perpetuating relationship with the government is playing out in Massachusetts, where State Representative Martha Walz this month took over the leadership of Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM). http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/legislator-now-running-massachusetts-planned-parenthood-abortion-biz/
Connecticut Residents Stand Strong Against Bill for Assisted SuicideActivists gathered at the Connecticut State Capitol yesterday to testify and advocate for their positions on a bill which would legalize a type of assisted suicide in the state. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/connecticut-residents-stand-strong-against-bill-for-assisted-suicide/
Legislator Now Running Massachusetts Planned Parenthood Abortion BizAn exemplary math and computer science teacher has been unjustly escorted out of Benson High School by police following a protracted battle with school officials about Planned Parenthood’s presence in the school and its association with his students. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/21/portland-school-district-boots-teacher-fighting-planned-parenthood/
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