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Dear Friends For Life,
Alex Schadenberg sent me the following information about "Euthanasia at the water cooler". "Euthanasia at the water cooler" is a video that was produced by Vancouver area disability leader, Norman Kunc. Link to: Euthanasia at the water cooler.
Kunc brought a preliminary version of this video to the meeting of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) BC. At the meeting, Kunc explained that he was inspired to produce this video while attending the demonstration, on March 4, 2013, near the courthouse in Vancouver. Kunc was speaking on behalf of EPC - BC at the demonstration.
CBC interviewed Norman at the demonstration. There is a video interview, with Kunc, linked to the CBC news article from March 4.
While at the demonstration, Kunc explained that he struck up a conversation with a woman who was attending the pro-euthanasia demonstration that was happening at the same time.
After he got home, Kunc wrote down his thoughts related to the conversation and then created the video "Euthanasia at the water cooler" as a representation of that conversation.
We are looking forward to more productions by Norman Kunc. God Bless,
Jerry Novotny, OMI
(The Difference is LIFE)
"We live in a society in which it seems that every space, every
moment must be 'filled' with initiatives, activity, sound; often there
is not even time to listen and dialogue... Let us not be afraid to be
silent outside and inside ourselves, so that we are able not only to
perceive God's voice, but also the voice of the person next to us, the
voices of others." -Pope Benedict XVI.
Lifeissues.net Newsletter #620
March 24, 2013 ****************************************
1. How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used to Create Novel Flavor Enhancers
2. Why I am "Anti-Abortion"
3. In South Korea, one newborn boy in five will not marry
4. For almost a third of the country, poverty and chronic hunger remain
5. Japan's new problem: an ageing homeless population
6. The Language of Life
7. Thailand's Prostitution Image Is Embarrassing
8. What happens to marriage and families when the law recognizes "Same-Sex Marriage"?
9. Should children and incompetent persons be euthanized in Belgium?
10. Porn turned thousands of British children into sex offenders, report says
11. Defining Marriage: How to Communicate Effectively
12. How to reduce abortions
(Pornography): "Video: How pornography addiction works and affects your life" - Basically,
the visual images of pornography associate themselves with the dopamine
release you receive from pleasure. And in turn, you become less
sensitive to sexual images, meaning it can become harder for you to be
turned on by reality. You'll also be compelled to seek out porn more and
more often, of course. Like any other addiction, you can shake porn
addiction through prolonged avoidance of the material, but you're going
to go through withdrawal symptoms along the way.
ITEM #1: How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used to Create Novel Flavor Enhancers
The Flavorists. Morley Safer reports on the multibillion dollar flavor industry, whose scientists create natural and artificial flavorings that make your mouth water and keep you coming back for more.
ITEM #2: Why I am "Anti-Abortion"
Every American, even those who protest against us, knows abortion is tragic and wrong. They admit that nobody wants an abortion; what they don't talk about is why. Distancing themselves from the word "abortion" is a smart move for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. They know that while it is profitable for them, they lose when they mention the word "abortion."
ITEM #3: In South Korea, one newborn boy in five will not marry
Low birthrate and economic competition are undermining South Korea's social structures. The national statistical institute projects that one boy in five will not marry with a devastating impact on the country's development. The Church sounds the alarm and offers pro-life support to counter the trend.
ITEM #4: For almost a third of the country, poverty and chronic hunger remain
Millions in Bangladesh feel fortunate if they eat two meals in a day.
ITEM #5: Japan's new problem: an ageing homeless population
Homelessness and the greying of the population are among some of Japan's current biggest concerns. Put them together and the ageing homeless population becomes a growing problem for the country's policy makers.
ITEM #6: The Language of Life
If unborn children are disposable through abortion, then why shouldn't we treat human embryos with a similar lack of dignity? If procreation is no longer a purpose of marriage, why should it be limited to one man and one woman? If inconvenient human life can be killed before birth, then why shouldn't we kill any human life that is too burdensome?
ITEM #7 Thailand's Prostitution Image Is Embarrassing
Prostitution has become so widespread in Thailand for so long that it has become world famous for it. Many foreigners in other countries associate Thailand as a place where prostitution is its major industry. Some even make jokes about it. But the reality is not that funny for the prostitutes.
ITEM #8: What happens to marriage and families when the law recognizes "Same-Sex Marriage"?
The experience of legalising marriage for same-sex couples in Europe and North America shows that such legalisation has negative effects for real marriage and for families, shows latest evidence.
ITEM #9: Should children and incompetent persons be euthanized in Belgium?
The AFP has reported that the Belgian legislators are debating extending euthanasia to Children, primarily newborns with disabilities and incompetent people with Alzheimers disease or dementia.
ITEM #10: Porn turned thousands of British children into sex offenders, report says
Pornography and depictions of sexuality have turned more than 4,500 British children - some of them as young as five - into sexual offenders, according to a UK-based child welfare charity.
ITEM #11: Defining Marriage: How to Communicate Effectively
Debate Is Not About Homosexuality. As same-sex "marriage" continues to be a hot topic, those who defend marriage face increasing criticism in the media that they are prejudiced or that they hate homosexuals.
ITEM #12: How to reduce abortions
But assuming we don't want to focus on compromising the autonomy and dignity of women to achieve a sterile population, what approaches with wide popular support could reduce abortion, even as it remains legal under the Supreme Court's decisions?
1. BE INFORMED: "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6. Visit Lifeissues.net Website for insights into current Life Issues www.lifeissues.net. Access to all prior Newsletters is located in the Archives on main page.
2. PRAY DAILY: for the courage to be God's presence in society and to strongly support those who are deemed "unworthy of life". "If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
3. BECOME INVOLVED: Several years ago Fr. Jerry created a project entitled, "Journey for Life into the Heart of Asia". The project appeals for donations to help finance plane travel for lectures and seminars to developing countries in Asia. Strong focus is centered on reaching Asian Catholic Major Seminaries, Universities, Parishes, Hospitals and Family/Pro Life related groups. The lectures place emphasis on "The Asian Family at Crossroads: Life Issues, Trends and Challenges".
For information about no-cost Pro Life Talks to your group in Asia: contact Fr. Jerry at jerry@shirt.ocn.ne.jp.
To become a supportive Missionary participant for this Asian project, kindly send your donations to:
** Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI
** LifeIssues.net, Editor
** Akebono-cho 1-15-9
** Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072
(or transfer donation directly to ProLife bank account: Jerome Novotny, Shikoku Bank, Asakura Branch, No. 102-1-0080824)
Get a weekly dose of clear thinking: subscribe to our free Lifeissues newsletter! Sign up at www.LifeIssues.net. Pass this free service to your friends and various groups.
Contact EDITOR:
Jerry Novotny, OMI
Akebono-cho 1-15-9
Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072
[tel/fax: 088-843-0406]
[email: jerry@shirt.ocn.ne.jp]
["Due to volume of spam received, we're asking you not to reply to this message but instead send all correspondence to jerry@shirt.ocn.ne.jp. Thank you! Editor"]
Websites by Editor:
English LifeIssues Site: http://www.lifeissues.net,
Japanese LifeIssues Site: http://www.japan-lifeissues.net ,
HIV/AIDS Site: http://capcha.org
OMI Japan/Korea Site: http://omijapankorea.net/
Alex Schadenberg sent me the following information about "Euthanasia at the water cooler". "Euthanasia at the water cooler" is a video that was produced by Vancouver area disability leader, Norman Kunc. Link to: Euthanasia at the water cooler.
Kunc brought a preliminary version of this video to the meeting of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition (EPC) BC. At the meeting, Kunc explained that he was inspired to produce this video while attending the demonstration, on March 4, 2013, near the courthouse in Vancouver. Kunc was speaking on behalf of EPC - BC at the demonstration.
CBC interviewed Norman at the demonstration. There is a video interview, with Kunc, linked to the CBC news article from March 4.
While at the demonstration, Kunc explained that he struck up a conversation with a woman who was attending the pro-euthanasia demonstration that was happening at the same time.
After he got home, Kunc wrote down his thoughts related to the conversation and then created the video "Euthanasia at the water cooler" as a representation of that conversation.
We are looking forward to more productions by Norman Kunc. God Bless,
Jerry Novotny, OMI
(The Difference is LIFE)
"We live in a society in which it seems that every space, every
moment must be 'filled' with initiatives, activity, sound; often there
is not even time to listen and dialogue... Let us not be afraid to be
silent outside and inside ourselves, so that we are able not only to
perceive God's voice, but also the voice of the person next to us, the
voices of others." -Pope Benedict XVI.
*---*(Due to volume of spam received, do not reply to this message but instead send all emails to jerry@shirt.ocn.ne.jp. Thank you!)
******************************March 24, 2013 ******************************
1. How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used to Create Novel Flavor Enhancers
2. Why I am "Anti-Abortion"
3. In South Korea, one newborn boy in five will not marry
4. For almost a third of the country, poverty and chronic hunger remain
5. Japan's new problem: an ageing homeless population
6. The Language of Life
7. Thailand's Prostitution Image Is Embarrassing
8. What happens to marriage and families when the law recognizes "Same-Sex Marriage"?
9. Should children and incompetent persons be euthanized in Belgium?
10. Porn turned thousands of British children into sex offenders, report says
11. Defining Marriage: How to Communicate Effectively
12. How to reduce abortions
ITEM #1: How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used to Create Novel Flavor Enhancers
The Flavorists. Morley Safer reports on the multibillion dollar flavor industry, whose scientists create natural and artificial flavorings that make your mouth water and keep you coming back for more.
ITEM #2: Why I am "Anti-Abortion"
Every American, even those who protest against us, knows abortion is tragic and wrong. They admit that nobody wants an abortion; what they don't talk about is why. Distancing themselves from the word "abortion" is a smart move for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. They know that while it is profitable for them, they lose when they mention the word "abortion."
ITEM #3: In South Korea, one newborn boy in five will not marry
Low birthrate and economic competition are undermining South Korea's social structures. The national statistical institute projects that one boy in five will not marry with a devastating impact on the country's development. The Church sounds the alarm and offers pro-life support to counter the trend.
ITEM #4: For almost a third of the country, poverty and chronic hunger remain
Millions in Bangladesh feel fortunate if they eat two meals in a day.
ITEM #5: Japan's new problem: an ageing homeless population
Homelessness and the greying of the population are among some of Japan's current biggest concerns. Put them together and the ageing homeless population becomes a growing problem for the country's policy makers.
ITEM #6: The Language of Life
If unborn children are disposable through abortion, then why shouldn't we treat human embryos with a similar lack of dignity? If procreation is no longer a purpose of marriage, why should it be limited to one man and one woman? If inconvenient human life can be killed before birth, then why shouldn't we kill any human life that is too burdensome?
ITEM #7 Thailand's Prostitution Image Is Embarrassing
Prostitution has become so widespread in Thailand for so long that it has become world famous for it. Many foreigners in other countries associate Thailand as a place where prostitution is its major industry. Some even make jokes about it. But the reality is not that funny for the prostitutes.
ITEM #8: What happens to marriage and families when the law recognizes "Same-Sex Marriage"?
The experience of legalising marriage for same-sex couples in Europe and North America shows that such legalisation has negative effects for real marriage and for families, shows latest evidence.
ITEM #9: Should children and incompetent persons be euthanized in Belgium?
The AFP has reported that the Belgian legislators are debating extending euthanasia to Children, primarily newborns with disabilities and incompetent people with Alzheimers disease or dementia.
ITEM #10: Porn turned thousands of British children into sex offenders, report says
Pornography and depictions of sexuality have turned more than 4,500 British children - some of them as young as five - into sexual offenders, according to a UK-based child welfare charity.
ITEM #11: Defining Marriage: How to Communicate Effectively
Debate Is Not About Homosexuality. As same-sex "marriage" continues to be a hot topic, those who defend marriage face increasing criticism in the media that they are prejudiced or that they hate homosexuals.
But assuming we don't want to focus on compromising the autonomy and dignity of women to achieve a sterile population, what approaches with wide popular support could reduce abortion, even as it remains legal under the Supreme Court's decisions?
1. BE INFORMED: "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6. Visit Lifeissues.net Website for insights into current Life Issues www.lifeissues.net. Access to all prior Newsletters is located in the Archives on main page.
2. PRAY DAILY: for the courage to be God's presence in society and to strongly support those who are deemed "unworthy of life". "If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
3. BECOME INVOLVED: Several years ago Fr. Jerry created a project entitled, "Journey for Life into the Heart of Asia". The project appeals for donations to help finance plane travel for lectures and seminars to developing countries in Asia. Strong focus is centered on reaching Asian Catholic Major Seminaries, Universities, Parishes, Hospitals and Family/Pro Life related groups. The lectures place emphasis on "The Asian Family at Crossroads: Life Issues, Trends and Challenges".
For information about no-cost Pro Life Talks to your group in Asia: contact Fr. Jerry at jerry@shirt.ocn.ne.jp.
To become a supportive Missionary participant for this Asian project, kindly send your donations to:
** Fr. Jerry Novotny, OMI
** LifeIssues.net, Editor
** Akebono-cho 1-15-9
** Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072
(or transfer donation directly to ProLife bank account: Jerome Novotny, Shikoku Bank, Asakura Branch, No. 102-1-0080824)
Get a weekly dose of clear thinking: subscribe to our free Lifeissues newsletter! Sign up at www.LifeIssues.net. Pass this free service to your friends and various groups.
Contact EDITOR:
Jerry Novotny, OMI
Akebono-cho 1-15-9
Kochi City, Japan, 780-8072
[tel/fax: 088-843-0406]
[email: jerry@shirt.ocn.ne.jp]
["Due to volume of spam received, we're asking you not to reply to this message but instead send all correspondence to jerry@shirt.ocn.ne.jp. Thank you! Editor"]
Websites by Editor:
English LifeIssues Site: http://www.lifeissues.net,
Japanese LifeIssues Site: http://www.japan-lifeissues.ne
HIV/AIDS Site: http://capcha.org
OMI Japan/Korea Site: http://omijapankorea.net/