Friday, March 22, 2013

Abortion Abolitionists to Gather at California Abortion Clinic

MISSION HILLS, Calif., March 22, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- Evangelist, blogger, and radio show host Tony Miano will lead an effort to create public awareness of an abortion clinic that may murder as many as 50 babies a day.

According to Miano, "I've stood outside the Mission Hills Family Planning Associates (FPAMG) abortion clinic almost every Tuesday morning, for nine months. When I asked one clinic worker how many babies would die that day, she smiled and shouted, '50!'"

The abortion clinic, located at 10200 Sepulveda Boulevard Mission Hills, CA, is in an office building managed by the Moss Group. "I have dealt with two representatives of the Moss Group, one who identified himself as a senior property manager, while standing outside the clinic. Neither went well." Miano said. "In fact, the senior property manager became so irate and unprofessional; he hurled expletives my way as he was entering the building."

What will make this effort different from other pro-life abortion clinic protests is that as many as 50 abortion abolitionists, one for each of the estimated 50 children murdered in a day at the clinic, will surround the building holding signs that read: "Babies Are Murdered Here." Specific people in the group will be designated to plead and preach, while others will engage women seeking abortions in conversation.

"The reason for the signs is two-fold." Miano said. "It's time the pro-life movement starts calling abortion what it is -- murder. And it's time the men and women who participate in the murder of unborn children are brought to the knowledge of their sin against God. They are murderers."

According to Miano, the other reason for the signs is to promote a soon-to-be released documentary titled Babies Are Murdered Here, produced by Crown Rights Media. The documentary takes a candid and provocative look at the effort to abolish abortion from the perspective of the men and women who minister on sidewalks outside abortion clinics.

"Our primary goal," Miano said, "is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone associated with the abortion industry, from the women having abortions to the people working inside the clinics. We don't want anyone to perish in their sin. But we must stop showing deference to the feelings of women who are murdering their children. Yes, we must speak the truth in love, but it must be the whole truth."

The "Babies Are Murdered Here" effort is scheduled for Saturday, March 23, 2013.