LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Monday, March 22, 2013
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Top Stories
• Jury to Hear How Gosnell Coerced Staff to Help Third-Term Abortions
• Seven-Month-Old Baby Becomes Victim of Forced Abortion in China
• MSNBC Talking Head Calls Babies “Things That Might Turn Into Humans”
• 40 Days for Life Concludes With 554 Babies Saved From Abortion
More Pro-Life News• Campaign April 8th Will Help Abortion Clinic Workers Quit Jobs
• Here Comes Obamacare’s “Expected Life Years” Rationing
• Company With Motto “Honor God in All We Do” Sues Over HHS Mandate
• Bill Gates to Spend $1 Million to Build a Better Condom• A Horrible Easter Anniversary: The Killing of Terri Schiavo
• Pro-Lifers to Mark Good Friday With Prayer Vigils at Abortion Clinics
• Tim Johnson’s Retirement May Help GOP Retake Senate in 2014
• Abortion Not About Women’s Rights: Men Often “Make” the Decision
• Oldest Natural Foods Company Files Lawsuit Against Obama HHS Mandate
• Abortion Clinic Offers No Health Care, “We Only Do Abortions Here”
• Canadians Flood MPs With Emails After Ditching Sex-Selection Abortion Ban
• California School Spent $350K to Remodel Planned Parenthood Clinic
• Mother Victimized by China’s One-Child Policy Commits Suicide
• Planned Parenthood Abortion Referral Clinic Closes in Connecticut
Jury to Hear How Gosnell Coerced Staff to Help Third-Term Abortions
For good reason, most of the focus in the case against Kermit Gosnell has been on how he killed a patient in a failed abortion and “snipped” the spinal cords of babies in late-term live-birth abortions.
Now, the jury in the murder trial case may hear about how Gosnell abused his staff, treated and paid them poorly, and coerced them to participate in third-term abortions so they could make more money.
Now, the jury in the murder trial case may hear about how Gosnell abused his staff, treated and paid them poorly, and coerced them to participate in third-term abortions so they could make more money.
Seven-Month-Old Baby Becomes Victim of Forced Abortion in China
The graphic photograph of a of an aborted 7-month boy is widely circulating among Chinese people on the Internet following a horrifying forced abortion that took place on Friday.
The forced abortion took place in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province as a woman named Lü, a 33-year-old Chinese woman whose husband reported the case and released the photograph, was victimized. (WARNING, GRAPHIC: The extremely graphic picture can be seen here.) http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/seven-month-old-baby-becomes-victim-of-forced-abortion-in-china/
The forced abortion took place in Chuzhou City, Anhui Province as a woman named Lü, a 33-year-old Chinese woman whose husband reported the case and released the photograph, was victimized. (WARNING, GRAPHIC: The extremely graphic picture can be seen here.) http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
MSNBC Talking Head Calls Babies “Things That Might Turn Into Humans”
During a recent MSNBC show on abortion, talking head Melissa Harris-Perry made a comment that will surely make people wonder whether she has any grasp on the science behind fetal development.
Harris-Perry talked about how much it costs “to have this thing turn into a human” when referring to an unborn baby. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/msnbc-talking-head-calls-babies-things-that-might-turn-into-humans/
Harris-Perry talked about how much it costs “to have this thing turn into a human” when referring to an unborn baby. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
40 Days for Life Concludes With 554 Babies Saved From AbortionBefore I take a break from email, I do want to thank you for all you’ve done the past 40 days … and to let you know that we are aware of 554 babies spared from abortion through God’s mercy these past 40 days!
Those are 554 stories of children — made in God’s image and likeness — who were so close to becoming another statistic. But because of your prayers, and your courage to be there for their moms, they have life.
Those are 554 stories of children — made in God’s image and likeness — who were so close to becoming another statistic. But because of your prayers, and your courage to be there for their moms, they have life.
Campaign April 8th Will Help Abortion Clinic Workers Quit Jobs
Abby Johnson made national headlines when she resigned from her position as a clinic director at Planned Parenthood. She explains that she began working there because she genuinely wanted to help women and make a difference. Though she was initially pro-choice, that all changed when she was made to observe a 13-week abortion.
She saw the baby fight for his life before he was killed, and with that, her heart was changed. She quit shortly thereafter, causing a firestorm of controversy. Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies demonized her; pro-lifers applauded her. Since then, she’s worked as a pro-life educator, public speaker, and author. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/massive-campaign-april-8th-will-help-abortion-clinic-workers-quit-jobs/
Here Comes Obamacare’s “Expected Life Years” Rationing
The researchers are busy creating computer models and testing hypotheses to see if they can predict mortality accurately–as a way, I suspect, of justifying health care rationing.
My concern was heightened by a study just published as a letter in the March 6 Journal of the American Medical Association, in which the authors claim that they were able to predict likely mortality 10-years out.
She saw the baby fight for his life before he was killed, and with that, her heart was changed. She quit shortly thereafter, causing a firestorm of controversy. Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies demonized her; pro-lifers applauded her. Since then, she’s worked as a pro-life educator, public speaker, and author. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Here Comes Obamacare’s “Expected Life Years” Rationing
My concern was heightened by a study just published as a letter in the March 6 Journal of the American Medical Association, in which the authors claim that they were able to predict likely mortality 10-years out.
Company With Motto “Honor God in All We Do” Sues Over HHS Mandate
All their corporate offices display a document that reflects their core value, “Honor God in all we do by serving our customers and employees with honesty and integrity.”
Karen and Rod Mersinos’ business success is an example of the fruits of hard work and their Christian faith. Rod began as an hourly wage construction worker. He and Karen placed a second mortgage on their home to start their first company which ultimately grew into a multi-million dollar enterprise with 184 employees. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/company-with-motto-honor-god-in-all-we-do-sues-over-hhs-mandate/
Bill Gates to Spend $1 Million to Build a Better CondomBill Gates is offering $1 million to the inventor that can build a better condom. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/bill-gates-to-spend-100000-to-build-a-better-condom/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
A Horrible Easter Anniversary: The Killing of Terri SchiavoAs Holy Week begins and we reflect on the passion of Jesus Christ, it is especially appropriate to remember another person who eight years ago at this time was subjected to a tortuous, brutal and heinous death – one whose anniversary falls this year on Easter Sunday: Terri Schindler-Schiavo. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/a-horrible-easter-anniversary-the-killing-of-terri-schiavo/
Pro-Lifers to Mark Good Friday With Prayer Vigils at Abortion ClinicsPro-life advocates across America will mark Good Friday with a day of mourning and prayer at abortion facilities nationwide. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/pro-lifers-to-mark-good-friday-with-prayer-vigils-at-abortion-clinics/
Tim Johnson’s Retirement May Help GOP Retake Senate in 2014Tim Johnson, a pro-abortion Democrat from South Dakota, will announce tomorrow he is retiring from the Senate. Johnson’s retirement makes it more easy for Republicans to potentially retake the Senate in 2014. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/tim-johnsons-retirement-may-help-gop-retake-senate-in-2014/
Abortion Not About Women’s Rights: Men Often “Make” the DecisionOne of the slogans used by extremists in the pro-abortion movement is, “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/abortion-not-about-womens-rights-men-often-make-the-decision/
Pro-Lifers to Mark Good Friday With Prayer Vigils at Abortion ClinicsPro-life advocates across America will mark Good Friday with a day of mourning and prayer at abortion facilities nationwide. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Tim Johnson’s Retirement May Help GOP Retake Senate in 2014Tim Johnson, a pro-abortion Democrat from South Dakota, will announce tomorrow he is retiring from the Senate. Johnson’s retirement makes it more easy for Republicans to potentially retake the Senate in 2014. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Abortion Not About Women’s Rights: Men Often “Make” the DecisionOne of the slogans used by extremists in the pro-abortion movement is, “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Oldest Natural Foods Company Files Lawsuit Against Obama HHS MandateThe Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national non-profit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, today announced that it has filed its fourth legal challenge to the HHS Mandate. This fourth case was filed yesterday on behalf of Michael Potter, Chairman and President of Eden Foods and his for-profit company, Eden Foods, Inc. in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/oldest-natural-foods-company-files-lawsuit-against-obama-hhs-mandate/
Abortion Clinic Offers No Health Care, “We Only Do Abortions Here”An undercover investigation of the Southwest’s largest so-called “women’s clinic” has revealed that the purpose of this clinic is not to provide women’s healthcare at all, but to sell women one product – abortion. In fact, abortion, is the only option given to women at the misnamed Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is abortion. Period. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/abortion-clinic-offers-no-health-care-we-only-do-abortions-here/
Canadians Flood MPs With Emails After Ditching Sex-Selection Abortion BanCanadians have flooded their members of Parliament with emails complaining about a decision last week preventing Parliament from voting on legislation that would condemn sex-selection abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/canadians-flood-mps-with-emails-after-ditching-sex-selection-abortion-ban/
California School Spent $350K to Remodel Planned Parenthood ClinicIn 2008, the Los Angeles Unified School District began quiet negotiations with Planned Parenthood to establish one of their many East L. A. abortion clinics on the Roosevelt High School Campus. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/california-school-spent-350k-to-remodel-planned-parenthood-clinic/
Mother Victimized by China’s One-Child Policy Commits SuicideIn another tragic case, a 42-year-old mother took her life last week inside a local Family Planning Office after two botched forced sterilizations. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/mother-victimized-by-chinas-one-child-policy-commits-suicide/
Planned Parenthood Abortion Referral Clinic Closes in ConnecticutA Planned Parenthood clinic in Connecticut that arranged for abortions for women at another nearby facility closed on Friday. Planned Parenthood of Southern New England closed its clinic in Shelton as a cost containment decision. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/25/planned-parenthood-abortion-referral-clinic-closes-in-connecticut/
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