![]() Dear Deacon, I was in frigid Green Bay, Wisconsin yesterday for a closing event that included a march outside the hospital that does abortions in that city. It’s a cause for rejoicing when 40 Days for Life volunteers learn that no abortions are scheduling during a day the facility is usually open – or even for a whole week. Or even longer in at least one case. One location that had no abortions this week was a notorious late-term facility in Maryland. GERMANTOWN, MARYLAND “Two more lives were spared from abortion,” said Andrew in Germantown. “Praise God!” He also noted that abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who works at the facility where the 40 Days for Life vigil is conducted on the sidewalk outside, had not been seen. “So, no abortions at all this week in Germantown,” he said. “What a great way to end our campaign!” Vigil participants say they’ve noticed that a particular abortion center employee has not been seen at work in more than four weeks. “Please pray,” Andrew said, “that she no longer works at Germantown Reproductive Health Services and has found employment outside of the abortion industry.” COLUMBIA, MISSOURI ![]() “How awesome is our God and what wondrous signs He gives us,” said Kathy in Columbia. She also mentioned a man who stopped to speak with one of the volunteers. “He said 23 years ago, he encouraged his girlfriend to have an abortion. She refused. The baby was born by C-section--he held his baby as he cried. He could not believe that he had wanted her to abort his own child.” The man gave the volunteer a donation – two dollars. It may have been his lunch money. “This man has such a priceless treasure -- a child -- and he gave us his widow's mite,” Kathy said. “People ask us why we stand on the sidewalk. I think you know why.” LANSING, MICHIGAN ![]() At the end of his two hours, two young women drove up. "Is there where they do abortions?" the driver said. "Are you thinking about having an abortion?" Ken replied. "Yes," she said. "Do you know what they do with the fetuses?" “That's when I told her that we raise alpacas,” Ken said. “Well, we raise them for breeding and when we find out one is bred we celebrate. And the mother protects the alpaca carefully. If she loses one, she goes there and stands in the same spot to grieve. He said a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit and showed the woman a flyer describing stages of the baby’s growth and when the heartbeat begins. She started to cry. As tears were streaming down, “I gave her the phone numbers of the various pregnancy clinics,” Ken said. “I told her that something so precious and valuable as a baby alpaca doesn't compare at all with a child." Today's devotional is from Carmen Pate, a member of the 40 Days for Life board of directors. DAY 39 INTENTION Pray that volunteers will replace exhaustion or discouragement with rejoicing over the miracles we have seen thus far, and enthusiastic service as God takes us on to victory! SCRIPTURE In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. -- 1 Peter 1:6-7 REFLECTION by Carmen Pate, 40 Days for Life We have reason to rejoice when we consider the many babies whose lives have been saved during the 40 Days for Life campaign. Add to those lives, the women and men who have been spared from a devastating decision and now have opportunity to make a plan for their baby that is both life affirming and God honoring. Whether directly, or indirectly, you have contributed to these testimonies of praise with your sacrificial service. Perhaps you have been grieved by various trials during your commitment to 40 days. The attacks of the enemy come in many forms -- difficulties in relationships, finances, health. Or maybe you are physically and mentally exhausted and have been marking off the days on your calendar, eagerly waiting for Day 40. Consider these trials in light of God's plan for you. The Apostle Paul understood the big picture when he said in Romans 8:18, "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." This is our Hope and our victory. Let us rejoice in the opportunity to give that Hope to others in our path. PRAYER Dear Heavenly Father, we sing to You a new song, for You have done marvelous things. Forgive us when we allow circumstances to defeat us. You give power to the faint and You increase strength in those who have no might. We rest in You, dear Lord, and ask You to empower us again for Your service as You work out Your plan for us and through us. May You receive glory through our victory in Christ, in whose name we pray, Amen. PRINTABLE DEVOTIONAL To download today's devotional as a formatted, printable PDF to share with friends: http://40daysforlife.com/docs/ To ensure that this 40 Days for Life finishes strong, if there is any way you can carve out one extra hour this weekend to go pray outside the nearest abortion facility ... it could make a world of difference. Who knows? God might even use you to help save a life! Yours for Life, Shawn Carney Campaign Director 40 Days for Life PS: Have you prayed at an abortion facility for the first time during this 40 Days for Life campaign? If so, please share your experiences by responding to today's blog entry at: http://40daysforlife.com/blog/
40 Days for Life
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Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA