Thursday, March 14, 2013
The woman then took Rae’s phone inside the clinic and gave it to a Planned Parenthood worker.
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One of Pope Francis' first acts as pope this morning was to visit the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, where he greeted and blessed the unborn child of a woman who is five months pregnant.
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“It does not matter,” the abortion facility employee insisted.
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Archbishop Samuel Aquila said the legislation, which lacks conscience protections, endangers the ability of Catholic charities to be involved in adoption.
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Scholars have filed more than 50 amicus briefs with the Supreme Court urging it to uphold California’s Proposition 8, but the media seem obsessed with ignoring them.
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As Betty Friedan's feminist bestseller turns 50, it is clear a rise in single-mother households has repercussions for the health, happiness, and financial well-being of women -- and children.
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Judge Winmill’s opinion is not that of someone familiar with the real and serious risks associated with chemical abortions.
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"Children need to be free to generously receive from and express affection to parents of both genders," said Doug Mainwaring. "Genderless marriages deny this fullness."
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All 12 jurors have been seated in the "house of horrors" murder trial.
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Justice William R. Wolski had found her guilty two days earlier of disobeying a court order after her arrest outside the "Morgentaler Clinic" abortion site.
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The Supreme Court made it clear in its ruling that Bill Whatcott’s use of the Bible to reach out to homosexuals was problematic.
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“I find this to be police bullying,” he said. “He destroyed my personal property. It’s not right.”
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“As far as I am concerned, it’s a fait accompli," Garneau said, opening the door to the left-wing Liberal.
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Gwen Landolt of REAL Women of Canada told he will remain “a solid voice leading us on and pro-family [values] that have kept society.”
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Pro-life MP Stephen Woodworth was forced to cancel a talk Wednesday night as pro-abortion advocates shouted him down.
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The most important quality of the new Pope is and will always be his willingness to represent the humbled Christ.
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Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family, warned a British audience of an “extremely rapid" change in laws “that endanger the very survival of the family.”
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When Vice President Joe Biden goes to Rome to pay his respects to the Pope, he would be wise not to present himself for communion.
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For 22-year-old Anna McShirley, starring in the film was an experience that opened her eyes to the challenges facing women with crisis pregnancies.
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A new report from The Lancet claiming that millions worldwide are longing for birth control is based on wordplay, not need.
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