Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dr. Alveda King Leads Prolife Freedom Rides and Goes on to Celebrate Jubilee

ATLANTA, June 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by: The National Black Pro-Life Union: 

Calling the Prolife Freedom Rides "the next major civil rights campaign," and Jubilee Fest a "Christian Woodstock," pro-life activist Alveda King is urging "people of goodwill to join the Prolife Freedom Rides on July 23, then to make their way to Sam Yoder's farm in Houston, Delaware" on July 29- August 1, 2010 for a weekend of fellowship, ministry, praise, worship and music for people of all ages. 

Alveda, a pastoral associate with Priests for Life will be leading the freedom rides with Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for life. "People are invited to join us on July 23 for a powerful concert in Birmingham, ALA, a focused prayer rally and more prayer in Atlanta, GA." 

At Jubilee the next week, King will join her colleague, Father Denis Wilde, an associate director with Priests for Life. Other notable participants at Jubilee Fest include featured worship leader Dr. Ron Kenoly; Dr. David Jerimaiah, Dr. Josh McDowell; and "many talented speakers, comedians, artists and musicians of every Christian style." 

"Coming right after our Pro-Life Freedom Rides on July 23," Jubilee Fest is a wonderful part of the summer campaign for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that is moving across America," Alveda said. King also said that "there is a wave of passionate 'come to Jesus' messages sweeping across America. Procreative lifestyles including ending abortion, strengthening marriage, and accepting good stewardship as part of economic recovery is a theme that is resounding across our nation." 

Along with leading the Pro-Life Freedom Rides with Frank Pavone, and speaking at Jubilee Fest, King will be praying with leaders and members of America's communities, including a rally on the Mall in Washington, DC on August 28, the anniversary of the "I Have A Dream" Speech, led by her famous uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

More information is available at

The National Black Pro-Life Union is an organization founded to serve as a clearing house to coordinate the flow of communications among all African American pro-life organizations and individuals in order to better network and combine resources.