Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Pro-Life News Report 6/10/10 Pro-Life News Report

Thursday, June 10, 2010

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Current Headlines

Pro-Life Women Win Big in Tuesday Primary Elections in California, Nevada
Pro-Life Group Worries Kagan Could Push Supreme Court on Assisted Suicide
Abortion Advocates Deny Ulipristal an Abortion Drug as FDA Hearing Comes
Joe Biden Lends Support to Vote Process for Pro-Abortion Kenya Constitution
Pro-Life Groups Back Sharron Angle in Nevada After Primary Election Victory
Autopsy Determines Baby Killed in Teen's Self-Abortion With Pencil Was a Boy
Peter Singer: Eliminate People Via Abortion, Euthanasia to Alleviate Suffering
Pro-Life Pastor Arrested at Washington, DC Planned Parenthood Abortion Ctr
Alveda King Leads New Pro-Life freedom Rides Raising Abortion Awareness
American Society for Repro Medicine Attacks Embryo Adoption, Donation
Ireland Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Protecting Unborn Children

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Pro-Life Women Win Big in Tuesday Primary Elections in California, Nevada
Washington, DC ( -- Tuesday's primary elections saw the political landscape in a few states move in the direction of pro-life women and one pro-life organization is delighted by the results. With Carly Fiorina's Senate victory in California and Sharron Angle's in Nevada, pro-life women are now on center stage.

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina will face Sen. Barbara Boxer, the leader of the pro-abortion forces in the Senate, this November.

Fiorina cruised to an easy victory in the race for the Republican nomination defeating pro-abortion former Rep. Tom Campbell and pro-life state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore. She took home 54 percent compared with 26 percent for Campbell and 19 percent for DeVore.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of the pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List, said in a statement that Carly Fiorina is helping to usher in the year of the pro-life woman.

She added, "With the victories of pro-life leaders Carly Fiorina in California and Sharron Angle of Nevada, the void of a pro-life woman's voice in the Senate could finally be filled this November."

"We have worked tirelessly on her behalf to reach voters who are hungry for a strong, pro-life alternative to Barbara Boxer. In choosing Carly Fiorina, California voters have endorsed an authentic feminist and set the stage for a battle of opposites in November," the pro-life women's leader added.

State Assemblywoman Sharron Angle earned the right to face pro-abortion Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid this November.

Angle led the race with 60 percent of the votes compared with 39 percent compared with 28 percent for former Republican Party Chairwoman Sue Lowden and businessman Danny Tarkanian receiving 23 percent. Full story at

Pro-Life Group Worries Kagan Could Push Supreme Court on Assisted Suicide
Washington, DC ( -- A memo the Clinton presidential library turned out last week showing Elena Kagan opposed a ban on assisted suicide gave pro-life groups even more reason to oppose her nomination. Now, a pro-life legal organization says it worries Kagan could push the Supreme Court on the issue.

As reported, the issue of assisted suicide came up in the Clinton administration following a vote by Oregon voters to make the state the first in the nation to legalize the practice.

Clinton officials were considering issuing a ruling saying Oregon doctors who prescribe federally controlled drugs to kill patients in assisted suicides were not violating federal law in doing so.

Kagan penned a hand-written note about whether the Justice Department ruling should be accompanied by legislation -- such as a ban on assisted suicide -- and called it "a fairly terrible idea."

Kagan asked other members of the Administration whether they needed to run some kind of policy process on the issue.

In a legal memo released today, attorneys at Americans United for Life noted there are no additional memoranda, emails, or notations in the collection of documents released by the Clinton library which indicate why Kagan thought a federal assisted suicide ban was a terrible idea.

Since that time, Washington voters and the Montana Supreme Court allowed assisted suicides in those states and several other states including California, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Connecticut and others have defeated legal or legislative attempts to bring the practice to their states. Full story at

Abortion Advocates Deny Ulipristal an Abortion Drug as FDA Hearing Comes
Washington, DC ( -- As the FDA prepares for an advisory committee to meet on June 17 to consider whether the agency should approve a new drug called ulipristal (ellaOne), abortion advocates have ramped up their campaign to deny the drug causes abortions and are getting media help to do so.

This week, a USA Today article falsely portrayed the drug as a "morning after pill" and "a new emergency contraceptive" that can prevent pregnancy "five days after sex."

The truth is that ellaOne is a drug that will almost always cause an abortion because it is designed to prevent implantation -- when a unique human being days after conception attaches to the lining of the uterine wall and begins the next stage of the pregnancy process.

In other words, the drug acts as an abortion agent by destroying the life of the new person conferred at conception, or fertilization.

That's the view of a national organization of pro-life obstetricians and gynecologists as well as a pro-life legal group -- both of which have filed papers with the FDA asking the agency not to approve the drug for over the counter sales.

The USA Today article feature an interview with Paul Fine, co-author of a study examining ulipristal and professor of obstetrics, gynecology and urology at Houston's Baylor College of Medicine.

While that sounds like a strong mainstream background, Fine also has a pro-abortion agenda -- as he is medical director of Planned Parenthood of Houston, southeast Texas and Louisiana. Full story at

Joe Biden Lends Support to Vote Process for Pro-Abortion Kenya Constitution
Nairobi, Kenya ( -- Vice President Job Biden campaigned in Kenya today and, although he did not officially endorse the pro-abortion constitution Kenya citizens are considering this summer, he backed the process allowing its consideration. Kenya is one of many African nations that currently protects women and unborn children.

Biden urged the Kenyan government and its people to support the reforms the government wants to implement.

The government is currently supporting the constitution, which expresses support for the legal rights of children before birth but includes a health exception loophole that would essentially allow unlimited legal abortions.

In a speech at the Kenyatta International Conference Center in Nairobi during the second day of his visit, Biden re-affirmed President Barack Obama's support for Kenya's process of reviewing its newly proposed constitution.

He said reviewing the draft is a key component of foreign nations having diplomatic and economic ties with Kenya.

"We are hopeful, Barack Obama is hopeful, I am hopeful that you will carry out these reforms to allow money to flow," Biden said -- which could prompt some people to support the constitution out or fear that the United States government will not support Kenya. Full story at

Pro-Life Groups Back Sharron Angle in Nevada After Primary Election Victory
Carson City, NV ( -- Two pro-life groups that supported Sharron Angle's pro-life primary opponent Sue Lowden say now is the time for pro-life advocates to rally around Angle and support her in her bid to unseat pro-abortion Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The National Right to Life Committee and the Susan B. Anthony List both backed Lowden, seeing her as the best hope for toppling Reid.

But with her campaign faltering and Angle winning the Republican nomination last night, they are uniting together with the pro-life candidate to take on her pro-abortion opponent.

In the state legislature, Sharron Angle was a strong advocate for life, said National Right to Life Political Director Karen Cross.

She told, Our endorsement reflects Sharron Angle s unwavering commitment to renewing a culture of life in Nevada and throughout the nation.

Melissa Clement, the president of the NRLC affiliate Nevada Right to Life, also joined in in supporting Angle.

Sharron Angle has a perfect pro-life voting record in the Nevada legislature, and was the lead sponsor of pro-life legislation, Clement said. Nevada Right to Life PAC is pleased to join National Right to Life PAC in endorsing Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate. Full story at

Autopsy Determines Baby Killed in Teen's Self-Abortion With Pencil Was a Boy
Stroudsburg, PA ( -- Officials in Pennsylvania have conducted an autopsy on the body of the unborn child killed in a bizarre self-abortion that saw a 13-year-old teenager use a pencil to cause the abortion. The Monroe County Coroner's Office issued a ruling today indicating the unborn child was a boy.

The teen girl subjected herself to the abortion after her much-older 30-year-old boyfriend victimized her in a reportedly consensual sexual relationship lasting a year.

The boyfriend, Michael James Lisk, of Kunkletown, is believed to be the father of the unborn child, then buried the body of the dead unborn child after the abortion was completed.

Police indicated Lisk put the baby's body in a plastic shopping bag and buried the bag in a wooded area alongside a road between his house and the girl's.

Coroner Dave Thomas, according to the Morning Call newspaper, ruled the death as intrauterine fetal demise. That means the unborn baby boy died in his mother's uterus at some point between pregnancy and before birth.

Thomas would not rule on the specific manner of death and would not estimate how old the boy was in the pregnancy at the time his mother took his life in the self-induced abortion. Full story at

Peter Singer: Eliminate People Via Abortion, Euthanasia to Alleviate Suffering
Washington, DC ( -- Peter Singer is at it again. He is the Princeton "bioethicist" who suggested euthanizing disabled newborns before and now he has given a sympathetic review to a book that suggests human extinction as a way of preventing human suffering.

Singer doesn't agree with the supposition, but his take is one that can appreciate killing people to supposedly save the human race.

"In my judgment, for most people, life is worth living. Even if that is not yet the case, I am enough of an optimist to believe that, should humans survive for another century or two, we will learn from our past mistakes and bring about a world in which there is far less suffering than there is now," he writes.

"But justifying that choice forces us to reconsider the deep issues with which I began. Is life worth living? Are the interests of a future child a reason for bringing that child into existence?" he asks.

"And is the continuance of our species justifiable in the face of our knowledge that it will certainly bring suffering to innocent future human beings?" he continues.

Wesley J. Smith, a pro-life bioethicist has a response for Singer, who continues to put forward an ethic that supports abortion and euthanasia.

"Good grief. Under the influence of anti-human advocates like Peter Singer, we have gone in the West from seeking to 'secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity,' to seriously questioning whether there should be any posterity at all," he writes. Full story at

Pro-Life Pastor Arrested at Washington, DC Planned Parenthood Abortion Ctr
Washington, DC ( -- For years, pro-life advocates have been able to pray and counsel women heading to the Planned Parenthood abortion center in the nation's capital. That changed when the abortion business built a fence around the center and posted signs saying those who went beyond the fence were trespassing.

Patrick Mahoney, a pastor who heads the Christian Defense Coalition, challenged those signs on Tuesday.

He said Planned Parenthood wrongly obtained a permit allowing it to prevent pro-life people from going to areas that he believes are public property protected by First Amendment free speech rights.

"The city of Washington, D.C., is threatening to arrest citizens for praying on a public sidewalk," Mahoney said as he walked past the fence and began kneeling and praying on what had formerly been a public sidewalk leading to the front door of the abortion facility.

Men and women who have prayed here for years have been threatened with arrest," Mahoney told the crowd as he kneeled. "We're going to pray here today! And if it means going to jail, then we're going to file a federal civil rights lawsuit against D.C. in order to keep praying! Full story at

Alveda King Leads New Pro-Life freedom Rides Raising Abortion Awareness
Washington, DC ( -- Raising awareness about how abortion is decimating the black community, Alveda King, the niece of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is leading new Freedom Rides. Calling the Pro-Life Freedom Rides "the next major civil rights campaign," King is urging "people of goodwill to join" them.

The Freedom Riders of 1961 made history as they took their lives in their hands to protest the injustice of segregation.

This summer, a group of black pro-life advocates will join leaders of the Catholic pro-life group Priests for Life to stage pro-life Freedom Rides among some of the same routes used decades ago.

"People are invited to join us on July 23 for a powerful concert in Birmingham, Alabama and a focused prayer rally and more prayer in Atlanta, Georgia," King said.

The Freedom Riders took their action to test a Supreme Court ruling that struck down segregation laws.

The African-American leaders say they ride to protest the Roe v. Wade ruling issued by the same Supreme Court that allowed the destruction of another class of human beings. Full story at

American Society for Reproductive Medicine Attacks Embryo Adoption, Donation
Washington, DC ( -- The American Society for Reproductive Medicine is coming under criticism from pro-life advocates for going after embryo adoption. Embryo adoption has been hailed as a way to save embryos -- unique human beings who need only a full-term pregnancy to be born.

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Ethics Committee issued a report defining embryo donation.

Dr. Jeffrey Keenan, Medical Director of the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) has composed a two-page response to the committee's statement regarding embryo donation, specifically the use of the term adoption.

"The primary intent of the committee in issuing their statement apparently was to discredit the term 'embryo adoption' as well as to eliminate any restrictions on this practice by those organizations that perform these services," he told

"Although the intentions of the committee may indeed be honorable," Keenan stated, "we would like to point out several of the errors and omissions or contradictions inherent in such a position." Full story at

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Ireland Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for Protecting Unborn Children
Dublin, Ireland ( -- A new poll commissioned that surveys voters in Ireland following last year's Supreme Court decision finds a substantial majority favors a law that would protect human embryos from deliberate destruction either by experimentation or by methods of assisted human reproduction.

Last December, the Ireland Supreme Court ruled that human embryos -- unborn children just days after conception -- are not persons.

The ruling came in a case involving a woman who wanted to implant the embryos and give birth to the children despite the wishes of her estranged husband.

Mary and Thomas Roche underwent in-vitro fertilization treatment in 2001 and the couple
originally went to court in 2006 to decide the fate of the embryos, unique unborn children, who are stored in a fertility clinic in Rathgar.

The Supreme Court eventually ruled that Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution does not afford protection to the human embryo prior to implantation. Full story at

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