Thursday, July 31, 2014

LifeNews Pro-Life News Report 7/31/14 Pro-Life News Report

Thursday, July 31, 2014
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Current Headlines

Top Stories
• Meriam Ibrahim Finally Heads to U.S. After Being Sentenced to Death for Her Faith
• Amazing Video Shows Life Before Birth: “Everything a Newborn Baby Does, a Fetus Has Already Done”
• A Christian Told Him Abortion Will Never be Stopped, His Response Was Priceless
• Ruth Bader Ginsburg Accuses Pro-Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Judges of Being Sexist

More Pro-Life News
• Mom Takes Daughter For Abortion After Husband Rapes Her
• Mother Arrested After Giving Birth During Lunch Break, Abandoning Baby, Returning to Work

• To Hide Botched Abortion Injuring Woman, Planned Parenthood Refuses to Call 911
• Did a Federal Court Just Rule That Every Single State Has to Have an Abortion Clinic?
• UN Abandons Children Born of Rape in War-Torn Countries When Women Reject Abortion
• You Won’t Believe What Police Did When Pro-Lifers Tried to Protest at This Abortion Clinic

• Pro-Life Billboards Make it Clear: Real Men Support Pregnant Women and Their Unborn Baby

• Refuting the Ridiculous Pro-Abortion Claim: The Pro-Life Movement is Anti-Sex
• Toledo, Ohio May Become Abortion Free as Abortion Clinic Has License Revoked
• Philippines Welcomes Baby Number 100 Million as It Rejects Abortion

• 72% of Canadian Doctors Oppose Legalizing Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide

• Planned Parenthood, ACLU Bankroll Effort to Stop Pro-Life Amendment 1 in Tennessee
• Pennsylvania Bill Would Deny Women Information on Abortion Risks

Meriam Ibrahim Finally Heads to U.S. After Being Sentenced to Death for Her FaithThe Sudanese woman who was pregnant and sentenced to death for not recanting her faith is finally headed for the United States after she spent weeks in a U.S. embassy after her release from prison.
At eight months pregnant, Ibrahim had been sentenced to death for not renouncing her Christian faith and she was imprisoned and eventually forced to give birth in chains while shackled in the Omdurman Federal Women’s Prison in North Khartoum, Sudan.
Amazing Video Shows Life Before Birth: “Everything a Newborn Baby Does, a Fetus Has Already Done”An amazing new video that appeared on the Today show shows life before birth. The pro-life movement already knows unborn babies are capable or truly astonishing things and this report confirms it.
Dr. Bill Fifer, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and a leading expert on fetal and newborn learning, appears on the program and says “Everything that a newborn baby does, a fetus has pretty much done already.”
A Christian Told Him Abortion Will Never be Stopped, His Response Was Priceless“Abortion cannot be stopped.” That is what a man said to me as I was coming out of Mass with the Stand True Mission Team and the walkers from Crossroads Pro-life Walks Across America.
You may be kind of surprised that I would hear this from someone coming out of church but it is not that uncommon. Pessimism coupled with apathy permeates in our churches and people who claim to follow Christ.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Accuses Pro-Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Judges of Being Sexist
Apparently the phony “war on women” has made its way to the Supreme Court. Upset by the fact that a majority of the justices on the high court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby’s religious freedoms, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is now accusing them of being sexist.
In a new interview with pro-abortion media icon Katie Couric, Ginsburg lashes out at her colleagues and claims they have a “blind spot” towards women because they decided that Hobby Lobby should not be forced to pay for drugs that cause abortions for their employees.

Mom Takes Daughter For Abortion After Husband Rapes HerA new report just released by the group Life Dynamics, Inc. shows documented criminal cases of men who raped innocent kids and when the child became pregnant they were taken, sometimes by the pedophile, and sometimes by another person to abortion clinics who failed to file abuse reports with the state.
According to the report, every state has mandatory reporting statutes.
Mother Arrested After Giving Birth During Lunch Break, Abandoning Baby, Returning to WorkA woman in Poland has been arrested after she left work for her lunch break, gave birth, abandoned her baby, and then returned to her office. Fortunately the baby was found alive.
Jolanta Czarnecka stands accused of attempted murder after leaving baby. During trial, the court heard it was ‘a miracle’ the baby survived after being left for two days. Czarnecka is now facing five years in jail if she is found guilty.

To Hide Botched Abortion Injuring Woman, Planned Parenthood Refuses to Call 911In what is becoming an all-too-familiar occurrence, pro-life sidewalk counselors snapped photos as an ambulance arrived to transport yet another patient from the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in St. Louis, Missouri. Planned Parenthood volunteers held up bed sheets as a covered woman was wheeled out of the abortion facility on a gurney in an attempt to prevent pro-life supporters from documenting the event.
This incident, which took place on July 10, 2014, boosts the number of known medical emergencies at the St. Louis Planned Parenthood site to 26 in the past five years.

Did a Federal Court Just Rule That Every Single State Has to Have an Abortion Clinic?Earlier this week, in a transparent act of judicial slight-of-hand, two judges on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a pro-life bill in Mississippi unconstitutional.
UN Abandons Children Born of Rape in War-Torn Countries When Women Reject AbortionAs the issue of sexual violence has risen at the UN, the matter of the children born of that violence has fallen precipitously.
You Won’t Believe What Police Did When Pro-Lifers Tried to Protest at This Abortion ClinicDays after the police in Jackson Mississippi watched as business owners took the signs from the pro-life group Created Equal, the organization has uploaded a video showing what they claim is mistreatment by the police again.

Pro-Life Billboards Make it Clear: Real Men Support Pregnant Women and Their Unborn BabyThis month, Ohio Right To Life launched a new pro-life ad campaign in Cleveland’s low-income, majority black neighborhoods.
Refuting the Ridiculous Pro-Abortion Claim: The Pro-Life Movement is Anti-SexThe pro-abortion claim that pro-lifers are anti-sex is nothing new.
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event in 2014? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Toledo, Ohio May Become Abortion Free as Abortion Clinic Has License RevokedThe city of Toledo may soon be abortion free as the last remaining abortion clinic there has had its license revoked.
Philippines Welcomes Baby Number 100 Million as It Rejects AbortionPopulation Research Institute welcomes the birth of little Chonalyn Sentino. Baby Chonalyn was born this past Sunday to parents Clemente and Dailin, and was feted in the Philippines as “Baby 100 Million.”

Heroic News: “Life in the womb” plus 5 more


Life in the womb is much busier than you might expect, said Dr. Bill Fifer, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and a leading expert on fetal and newborn learning.

Attached to a few comments were death threats and statements like, "I hope you die of pancreatic cancer." And then these same people have the audacity to accuse me of being filled with hate, filled with Satan, calling me a delusional piece of trash, an absolute monster, and other grossly offensive obscenities not appropriate for public space. One could easily have mistaken them for terrorists who delight in killing those who refuse to convert to their ideology.

“Her passing was so tough, because I love her so much. She’s a gift that was given from God, he knows that I needed her, and she was this amazing gift.”
Countries that allow euthanasia have already fallen pretty far, allowing for children and people with mental illnesses to be killed.
marriageThe indissolubility of marriage is one of the most difficult teachings of the Church.
image002Pope Paul VI was right: Family matters.

We Saved a Girl Whose Grandmother Tried to Force her Mother to Abort her.

Women's Rights Without Frontiers | Forced Abortion Is Not A Choice |

Li Meng, rescued from abortion and abandonment by our "Save a Girl" Campaign.
This August 2nd, China celebrates the Qixi Festival, China’s Valentine’s Day – an important day for young Chinese girls. Will you “Save a Girl” – a girl like Li Ming -- for China’s Valentine’s Day?
Look at beautiful baby Li Ming! (Her name has been changed to protect her identity.) Isn’t she as cute as a button?
Her grandmother doesn’t think so, and she did everything she could to force her mother to abort her. But Li Ming’s mother cried out for help and was amazed to find it -- not from her own family, but from people like you.
When Li Ming’s mother met her father, they wanted to marry. But his mother did not approve of the match. Why? Because Li Ming’s mother appeared “too thin and unhealthy.” According to Chinese superstition, only a robust woman can give birth to a boy. When Li Ming’s mother did conceive and the child was found to be a girl, Li Ming’s grandmother tried to force her mother to abort her. Li Ming’s grandmother cast blame on her poor mother, saying it was her “fault” that the baby would be a girl. Traditionally, raising a girl in China is a sign of shame for a family, for one day she will grow up, marry a husband, and become joined to his family. Girls are seen as a waste of time and money, only something to be acquired later on in life.
Once Li Ming was born, her grandmother tried to force Li Ming’s mother to abandon her. Li Ming’s mother began to cry out in anguish and did not know where to turn or what to do. Thankfully, one of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers’ (WRWF) undercover fieldworkers found Li Ming’s mother before it was too late. The fieldworker told this mother about our “Save a Girl” program. Our fieldworker told her that we are helping families keep their girls because we believe that girls matter just as much as boys. Through the aid of one year of WRWF monthly stipends, Li Ming’s’s mother is defying the criticisms and pressures from her mother-in-law. She proudly gave birth and is raising her little girl!
Our “Save a Girl” program saved Li Ming’s life. Her mother was surprised to get help from us. She said that even though Li Ming’s own grandmother did not like her, “strangers are loving my daughter unconditionally.” Strangers, like you, are saving baby girls and changing the culture, one family at a time.
This Chinese Valentine’s Day, will you show love for a girl child and become a GirlSaver? Any donation is welcome, including a one-time donation. But would you consider becoming a monthly donor, a “GirlSaver?” For only $25 per month or $300 per year, our GirlSavers have helped WRWF save at-risk babies in China, babies like Li Ming, who might not be alive if one of our undercover fieldworkers had not met her mother and assured her that little girls are just as special as boys. Because of your generosity, we can continue to save girls in China.


Your donation enables Women’s Rights Without Frontiers to continue to be a voice for the voiceless women and children of China. This huge effort comes at a cost. We need your support. Please give as generously as you can. Every donation makes a difference! Thank you for your generosity!

P.O. Box 54401 | San Jose, CA 95154

PO Box 521 | Lafayette, CA 94549 US

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

LifeNews Pro-Life News Report 7/30/14 Pro-Life News Report

Wednesday, July 28, 2014

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Current Headlines

Top Stories
• Massachusetts Governor Signs Radical Bill Prohibiting Pro-Life Free Speech
• Mom Just Watched as Neighbor Found Abandoned Baby She Left on the Side of the Road
• Man Took 14-Year-Old For Three Abortions After Impregnating Her, Clinics Ignored the Rapes
• Democrat: Stop “Whining” About Cancelled Insurance Plans Under Obamacare

More Pro-Life News
• She Was 15, Raped, and Wanted to Abort Her Baby, Then This Happened
• Girl Cries When She Learns Her Little Brother Will Grow Up: “But He’s So Cute!

• Ebay User Sells Abortion Drug Mifepristone for $200 Plus Shipping
• Nancy Pelosi on Immigration: “Let Us Not Turn Away From Jesus’ Children,” But Abortion’s A-OK
• Baby Saved From Brain Tumor After Insurance Company Refusing to Cover Surgery Changes Mind
• Texas Man Faces Murder for Beating Pregnant Girlfriend So Brutally He Killed Her Unborn Baby

• Tears Streamed Down Her Face as She Talked About Her Abortion, But Abortion Doesn’t Hurt Women?

• Poll Shows Women are Tired of the Phony “War on Women” Mantra
• MSNBC Host Applauds Court’s Decision Preventing Mississippi From Becoming Abortion Free
• 90% of Babies Diagnosed With Down Syndrome Are Aborted, One Abortion Activist Wants More

• 72% of Canadian Doctors Oppose Legalizing Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide

• Planned Parenthood, ACLU Bankroll Effort to Stop Pro-Life Amendment 1 in Tennessee
• Pennsylvania Bill Would Deny Women Information on Abortion Risks

Massachusetts Governor Signs Radical Bill Prohibiting Pro-Life Free Speech Despite the fact the nation’s highest court took the state of Massachusetts to task for passing a law curtailing the free speech rights of pro-life advocates, the Bay State is again trying to suppress them.
In a unanimous decision last month, the Supreme Court struck down a Massachusetts buffer zone law prohibiting pro-life free speech outside abortion clinics. The decision was a huge victory for pro-life sidewalk counselors who provide women with abortion alternatives.
Mom Just Watched as Neighbor Found Abandoned Baby She Left on the Side of the RoadThere were hints in the early reports about an abandoned baby who was found on a dirt road in White Cloud, Michigan that there were even more shocking revelations.
On Monday, a little after 10:00 am, Bobby, a black Labrador, pulled his owner, Jeff Kopp, down the road and toward a satellite dish. What Kopp initially thought was a rock or a rabbit was, in fact, a baby girl, evidently about six hours old.
Man Took 14-Year-Old For Three Abortions After Impregnating Her, Clinics Ignored the Rapes Last week the pro-life organization, Life Dynamics, Inc. released a stunning report which detailed actual criminal cases of adult pedophiles who used abortion to cover their crimes.
The group points out that in case after case where the predators impregnated their victims, the abortion clinics failed to report the abuse, leaving the young victims to suffer sometimes years of rape as a result.

Democrat: Stop “Whining” About Cancelled Insurance Plans Under Obamacare
The pro-life movement raised the alarm during the health care debate that adopting Obamacare would lead to rationing of health care in a way that could cost patients their very lives. Then, that started to happen more and more often.
Now, one Congressional Democrat has a response to Americans who lost their health insurance under Obamacare and Republicans who are speaking out on their behalf: quit “whining.
She Was 15, Raped, and Wanted to Abort Her Baby, Then This HappenedShe was my hardest case thus far determined to abort her rape conceived baby. By mistake this fifteen year old went to a pregnancy center looking for an abortion. They called me.
She wanted a life, to stay in school to go into the military and this child would only get in the way. She regurgitated every lie society had told her. For an hour she looked straight ahead away from me seemingly void of any emotion. We had seen the sonogram but she was unaffected. She was told she was having a son. I told her about my own hero mom and how I love my life.
Girl Cries When She Learns Her Little Brother Will Grow Up: “But He’s So Cute!When a girl finds out her little brother will grow up, she’s devastated. That’s because Sadie has the same reaction most of us do with it comes to babies: “They’re so cute!
Sadie is a five-year-old who just found out her adorable baby brother is going to grow up and no longer be as cute. She takes the news terribly.
Ebay User Sells Abortion Drug Mifepristone for $200 Plus was recently contacted and tipped off that a seller on eBay was selling the abortion drug, mifepristone. When the listing was looked into on July 29, it was no longer available. However, by the morning of July 30, it was not only back up, but had been sold.
The listing has a time stamp of sale ended July 30, 2014 at 05:20:46 PDT. The name of the item sold was nothing more than “Abortion,” and the only description given reads, besides “Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing[,]” is “Done at the privacy at your own home. Instructions are included in the box.

Nancy Pelosi on Immigration: “Let Us Not Turn Away From Jesus’ Children,” But Abortion’s A-OK Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi has this uncanny ability to cite Scripture to defend her position on other political issues, but when it comes to abrotion, she ignores the pro-life verses in the Good Book..

Baby Saved From Brain Tumor After Insurance Company Refusing to Cover Surgery Changes Mind The pro-life movement warned that health care rationing incidents would increase with the adoption of Obamacare.
Texas Man Faces Murder for Beating Pregnant Girlfriend So Brutally He Killed Her Unborn Baby A Texas man faces murder charges for beating his pregnant girlfriend so brutally that he killed her three-month unborn baby.
Tears Streamed Down Her Face as She Talked About Her Abortion, But Abortion Doesn’t Hurt Women? She sat across from me, tears streaming down her face. The subject of abortion came up and this woman struggled to discuss it.
Poll Shows Women are Tired of the Phony “War on Women” Mantra The state of Colorado is a top mid-term election battleground state with one of the hottest Senate races in the nation.
Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event in 2014? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

MSNBC Host Applauds Court’s Decision Preventing Mississippi From Becoming Abortion Free MSNBC’s chief abortion rights absolutist Irin Carmon is giddy over a move today by a “conservative” federal circuit court panel to scotch an abortion-clinic regulation in Mississippi which requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.
90% of Babies Diagnosed With Down Syndrome Are Aborted, One Abortion Activist Wants More Earlier this week, Live Action News writer Sarah Terzo wrote an article detailing the abhorrent treatment that many new parents receive from the medical industry after they are told of a positive diagnosis of Down syndrome.
72% of Canadian Doctors Oppose Legalizing Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) published the results of its online poll and it national dialogue concerning euthanasia, assisted suicide and end-of-life care.

Heroic News: “TV Shows Featuring Nudity Highlight Culture's Crisis of Truth” plus 5 more


A tawdry and titillating TV trend is under way. Seven—that's right, seven—shows are being rolled out on cable and satellite channels featuring one central theme: complete nudity.
Northwestern University will offer “gender-open restrooms” to its students this fall.
Little Sadie, 5, is grappling with the big questions at an early age. In this YouTube video, she heartbreakingly tells her family she doesn't want her little brother to grow up.
Liberal darling and free-birth-control advocate Sandra Fluke is her own biggest donor in her state Senate race, according to official California campaign finance reports.
I am not sure why so many “science” bloggers and writers want to opine on ethics. Perhaps having to be objective and purely evidence based gets boring.

A federal Appeals Court has struck down a Mississippi law that would have shuttered the state's only abortion clinic.

Judie Brown: "I am not a rug!"


Judie Brown

Judie Brown
July 30, 2014

Animals, especially those that are threatened or endangered, deserve our care and protection. But we must not close our eyes to humanity-to life that grows within a woman's womb. Defenseless babies are regularly killed and discarded without much thought or concern. It is time to stop their slaughter.
To read the article, click here: