This young Kenyan girl was treated for malaria by a CMMB volunteer because of your support.
The mosquito is tiny, but every year its impact is huge. According to
the most recent WHO report, malaria spread by mosquitoes killed an
estimated 627,000 people in 2012; 86% of those who died were under the
age of five.
Breana, a CMMB volunteer in Kenya, wrote to us about the girl on the left whom she treated for malaria at her clinic:
was actually convulsing when she came in. She had [severe] malaria.
Besides the malaria she was relatively healthy. The convulsing was
caused by her fever."
Thanks to your support, Breana was able to treat the young girl successfully.
Malaria is not just treatable, it's preventable. Your gift of $25 can provide a simple, cost-effective malaria protection pack to a vulnerable family.
Where malaria is the problem, your gift is the solution.
Best regards,
Bruce Wilkinson
President & CEO