Sunday, May 26, 2013

Heroic News: “Gay 'marriage' roiling Paris” plus 1 more


Posted: 26 May 2013 04:22 AM PDT
The French government is considering banning a far-right group believed to be planning violence at a protest against the country's new gay marriage laws on Sunday 26 May.
Posted: 26 May 2013 02:06 AM PDT
The couple sat down with Kyson and Gavin, and explained that “Jude is not strong enough to live outside of mommy’s tummy.” Eager to share their brotherly love, the boys recorded messages to Jude and had the recordings placed inside stuffed animals they made for him. Kyson made Jude a gift at school. Each night before he goes to sleep, Gavin gives his little brother a kiss through his mommy’s tummy.