Friday, May 24, 2013

Heroic News: “A human response to 'coming out'” plus 6 more


Posted: 24 May 2013 08:03 AM PDT
So we love people who commit adultery, but we don’t call their adultery “one of the infinite ways God’s love can be manifested in our world,” and we don’t stop at identifying them as Adulterers. We love people who are chronically tempted to abuse alcohol, but we don’t tell them that their alcoholism is “a life-giving gift,” and we don’t stop at identifying them as Alcoholics.
Posted: 24 May 2013 03:48 AM PDT
A blockbuster study in which US researchers reported that they had turned human skin cells into embryonic stem cells contained errors, its lead author has acknowledged.
Posted: 24 May 2013 03:46 AM PDT
This is as shocking as it gets: a husband and his wife are currently in police detention for allegedly engaging children trafficking, with the pregnant woman revealing the shocking news that her husband had already sold her unborn baby for N200,000.
Posted: 24 May 2013 12:35 AM PDT
“We wouldn’t have anticipated that there’d be demand for these type of Band-Aid plans in 2014,” the Journal quotes former White House health adviser Robert Kocher. “Our expectation was that employers would offer high-quality insurance.”
Posted: 24 May 2013 12:31 AM PDT
The Boy Scouts of America has voted in favor of a resolution that lifts the ban on openly gay members but will not allow gay adult troop leaders.
Posted: 23 May 2013 11:11 PM PDT
In a recent debate with Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation, NYU Professor and frequently-sought-after "expert witness" in court cases to redefine marriage, made some very telling remarks revealing the underlying agenda of many of those who say that same-sex marriage "won't affect the rest of us."
Posted: 23 May 2013 11:10 PM PDT
Dr. Anthony Levatino is a pro-life physician from New Mexico but, before having a change of heart on the issue of abortion he was an OBGYN who also performed abortions. Levatino did as many as 1,200 abortions — some of them after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Then, after his daughter died in a tragic automobile accident, he re-evaluated his position on abortion and stopped doing abortions.