Wednesday, May 22, 2013

National Right to Life News Today 5/22/2013

Stories for Wedesday, May 22, 2013

Media Advisory: U.S. House Judiciary Panel Holds Hearing Thursday, May 23, 2013, on Legislation to Protect Pain-Capable Unborn Children

WASHINGTON (May 22, 2013) — A panel of the House Judiciary Committee will begin action on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 1797), legislation to protect unborn children who are capable of feeling pain by generally prohibiting abortion after

Worse than Gosnell? Could it Be?

By Carol Tobias, NRLC President Visually, at least, this could be worse than Gosnell. I know that’s hard to believe.  But new media accounts and photos allegedly from an abortion facility in Texas have led a high state official there

Gosnell’s defense attorney, Fox anchor go toe-to-toe

By Dave Andrusko It crossed my mind the day that abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of three first-degree murder charges that America would never seen his flamboyant defense attorney, Jack McMahon, on FOX News’ “America Live” program. Anchor Megyn Kelly

Now is the right time for a nationwide Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

Rep. Trent Franks
By Dave Andrusko First, a thank you to all those who liked yesterday’s NRL News Today story, “House Judiciary Subcommittee to hold hearing on nationwide ban on late abortions to end Gosnell-style atrocities.” When people click on the “like” button, it

Opposition to Obama Health Law Intensifies ahead of Fall Exchange Roll-out

Pro-abortion President Barack Obama
By Jennifer Popik, JD, Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics Last week, the House of Representatives voted for the 37th time to repeal all or part of the Obama Health Care Law. While all House Republicans and two Democrats supported the

100 different reasons to attend the NRLC Convention in Dallas, June 27-29

By Luis Zaffirini There are many reasons to be excited about the upcoming National Right to Life Convention.  (See for details how to register.) In its 43 years, the Convention is taking place for the first time in Dallas,

Vatican to Host Special Commemoration for Evangelium Vitae

By Carol Tobias, President, National Right to Life In 1995, Pope John Paul II issued a clear and ringing endorsement of the pro-life position in an encyclical that reaffirmed “the value and inviolability of human life.” In Evangelium Vitae, or

Women suffer in multiple ways from abortion, reveals new analysis of research

WHA urged to focus on improved maternal health care GENEVA, Switzerland — Legalized abortion is widely touted as beneficial to women, but a wealth of medical and psychological evidence suggests otherwise, according to a new analysis of decades of research.

Preemie born weighing just 15 ounces on her way home

Harley Daylee Gulliksen with her parents
By Thaddeus Baklinski VANCOUVER, Washington, May 21, 2013– The smallest surviving baby ever born at a Vancouver, Washington hospital is on her way home after spending her first five months struggling for life in the neonatal intensive care unit of

Pro-Life Perspective: “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation,” Part 3

All week, Pro-Life Perspective been looking at a 1983 essay written by President Ronald Reagan. Entitled, Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation, President Reagan’s words have been an invaluable contribution to the pro-life movement and to the cause of

Robertson County Freshman Wins Pro-Life Speech Contest: Knox County Teen will represent Tennessee at national contest at National Right to Life Convention

Pictured are Drew Martin, Danielle Quesinberry,
Justin Brown, and Olivia Malham
“As a society, we cannot afford the attitude that everyone should decide for themselves when a human being is a human being and then kill anyone not fitting the definition,” stated 13-year-old Olivia Malham during the recent Tennessee Right to

Suicide Contagion is Real

Dr. Ian Colman
By Wesley J. Smith One suicide begets another, a study in Canada has demonstrated. From the Ottawa Citizen story: That suicide is contagious is a widely held–and controversial–theory. A groundbreaking new study co-authored by a University of Ottawa researchers has
Check out the full stories and more at:


National Right to Life
512 10th St., NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20004