Dear Friends,
You've got to see the amazing photo taken yesterday:
Yes, that's the sign being torn down outside the CLOSED Planned
Parenthood abortion center in Bryan/College Station, Texas -- the site
of the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign, and the center previously
directed by Abby Johnson, who had a conversion, quit her job and became a
pro-life activist. Isn't that symbolic of the abortion industry as it continues to flounder and fail? Think what it will be like when the sign is torn down outside the closed abortion center in YOUR city. In fact, two more Planned Parenthood centers -- where 40 Days for Life campaigns were held -- shut down this week alone! In just a week and a half, on Saturday, September 7, the place where that picture was taken will be the site of BREAKTHROUGH 09.07.13 where people from across America -- and beyond -- will gather to:
- REMEMBER the children who lost their lives
- PRAY for healing of those harmed by abortion
- THANK God for hearing and answering prayers
- SHARE the hope with cities across America
10 AM - 12 NOON followed by fellowship time with free lunch at separate location for those who RSVP at: |
In the public right-of-way outside the closed Planned Parenthood abortion center 4112 East 29th Street Bryan, Texas |
Hundreds more people have RSVP'd for the event over the last few
days, and people have confirmed that they are coming from as far away as
AUSTRALIA to learn how to replicate this success where they live!
Now, whether you can attend in person or not, I have a favor to ask ... Can you help spread the word about this epic event? There are three ways you can do that:
- DOWNLOAD FLYERS and post them in public places to promote the event. Download the PDF flyer at:
If you live anywhere near Bryan/College Station, Texas, you can pick up
pre-printed posters and handouts to distribute from the Coalition for
Life office. Call them for info at 979-846-2825.
- Use SOCIAL MEDIA to spread the word:
Post on Facebook, encouraging people to visit Send tweets on Twitter like this: #prolifebreakthrough Join the celebration of the most historic abortion center closure since Roe v. Wade:
- FORWARD THIS to other pro-lifers, encouraging them to visit:
This truly is a turning point moment in our collective efforts to
end abortion, and we can't wait to see what God has in store for
BREAKTHROUGH 09.07.13 -- and then for this fall's 40 Days for Life
campaign, which begins on September 25! For Life, David Bereit National Director 40 Days for Life