Sunday, August 18, 2013

CMMB: Your Weekly Reflection in Prayer 8/18/2013

Weekly prayer reflection for Summer
“Let us persevere in running the race that lies before us
while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Leader
and Perfecter of faith.”
Hebrews 12:1-2  August 18, 2013
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Friends,
The World Series in baseball, the World Cup in soccer, the Olympics, the Tour de France in cycling. Major sports events mark our calendars. St. Paul knew of the Olympic games and on several occasions spoke of the Christian life as a race or combat striving to win the crown. Both local and international sports can bring together the young and old from around the globe in healthy competition. We engage in both individual sports and in team sports. At times we enjoy participating, and then for a change we enjoy being spectators.
May we live and learn the lessons and virtues of sports – fairness, honesty, team work, the importance of physical conditioning, and the importance of mental toughness. Let’s add a prayer for those involved in sports.
O God, You gave us bodies— as well as minds and hearts— with which to praise and worship You.
Our sports and exercises are a fitting use of gifts and talents You have given us.
Bless our workouts and the games we play, and those with whom we exercise or compete.
Give us strength, endurance, courage and agility as we compete or train.
Keep us safe and healthy as we celebrate our physical and mental skills in sports.
Rev. Peter Schineller, S.J., CMMB Board of Directors
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