Summer Subway Ad Floods EMC With Moms, And Here's How We Deployed 65
Life-Saving Interns to Start or Assist Life saving in 12 US Cities!
EMC Life-Savers DESPERATE for Food, Travel, Rent and Cell Phone Funds, now!
Dear Deacon John ,
Your nationwide team of 65 EMC FrontLine lifesavers, in a dozen US cities, desperately need your funds now,
for critically needed food, fuel, transportation and phones to keep
saving moms and babies in America's highest rate abortion cities like
New York, Miami, Detroit and LA.
We have saved literally hundreds
of babies this summer, in a dozen cities, (see photos, left) here in
America's Abortion Capital and in new EMC offices, and at major abortion
mills, but some of my life-saving interns are trapped without funds for
food, cell phone, and return-home-travel money! This is bad news.
It would warm my heart tremendously, and bail them out from being stranded, if right now,
you can make a critically needed gift to pay for food, rent money, cell
phone payments, and gas money, bus, metro passes and a select number of
air tickets. Please click on the Heart>
from the heart, via credit card, check or PayPal. Sponsor a whole
summer for one intern for $1,200, or give $30 toward a weekly MetroCard,
or anything in between!!
Just click on the heart above, please, RIGHT NOW, to keep the life-savers going!
In the past 28 years, we have been privileged to save over 42,000 girls and women from abortion.
Greatest Summer of Life-Saving ever, your NYC based pioneering, baby-
saving group, opened new operations in Washington, DC; Arlington, VA,
Miami, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Austin and San
Antonio, TX, and sent lifesavers to assist street counselors in Dayton,
OH, and pregnancy centers in Los Angeles and Boise, ID.
Our young pro-life workers with seasoned vets in Miami
28 year old life-saving NYC outreach, extends across the City of New
York, in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn and in our northern
neighbor of Westchester County.
this summer, your EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers have stretched
mightily to train and deploy fresh troops in America's highest abortion
rate cities and establish a beachhead in each city for long term work.
support again, right now, will enable us to provide terribly needed
pro-ife counseling services to expectant moms, both, inside, of new
strategically located pregnancy centers, and, outside, at key Planned
Parenthoods, and other large and small abortion providers preying on
vulnerable women in crisis.
Numerous pro-life leaders have begged us to come to help them in their cities.
to many of my nationwide contacts, we have been able to find free beds
for our staff in a dozen cities, but in more than half of our homes we
must pay for all the food for staff, and expensive intrastate and local
transportation almost everywhere.
specialty is to convert mothers, and fathers to Life inside dozens of
our very wisely located pregnancy centers, and outside the worst
abortion mills from New York to Miami, to Washington, DC, to Detroit, to
Philly, to Austin, to Los Angeles.
This is not just a good idea. This is happening, and it is high time it was tried, and done well.
There are so many skeptics in our movement, friends.
But YOU and I have done it! But we must keep it going!
am very proud of your stand with us, and prayers for us, and i am
confident you will help us close out this amazing summer very well.
God Bless you for ALL you do for Life and true Love, to help moms and babies survive who would otherwise be abandoned.
Yours for Life, Chris Slattery 212-213-4690 National Director, EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers www.EMCFrontLine.org
You know the "kids", mostly 20 somethings, working for EMC in droves,
for the moms and babies this summer, (pictured to my left) gave up 8 to
12 weeks to serve till it hurts, for just pennies a day. Can we not send
them home with their bills paid, and help us pay our rents off to keep
the life-saving going across the USA? It has truly been "The Greatest
Summer of Life-Saving Ever" and with your help, right now, we can finish
it very well.