Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
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Top Stories
• Our Baby Boy Lived Less Than Five Hours But She’s Still the “World’s Best Mom”
• Spokesman Claims Recycling Plant Never Burned Aborted Babies for Electricity
• When My Son Told Me: I Wish You Hadn’t Aborted My Brother and Sister• Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in Lubbock, Texas Closes Thanks to Pro-Life Law
More Pro-Life News• Man Whose Mom Abandoned Him in a McDonalds 36 Years Ago: Thanks for Giving Me Life
• Study: Abortion Multiplies Women’s Breast Cancer Risk by 2.8 Times
• NARAL’s False Victory: Google May Not Have Pulled a Single Pregnancy Center Ad
• She Had an Abortion to Save Her Music Career, Now She Says “I Wish I’d Kept the Baby”
• Clump of Cells? Nurse Describes Abortions of “Miniature Human Beings”
• CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Gives $200,000 Grant to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
• Wendy Davis’ Campaign is Imploding And Unborn Babies Couldn’t be Happier
• National Day of Prayer Event Calls for Prayers to End Abortion
• Congressman’s Bill Stops Federal Funds for Medical Centers Targeting Kids Like Justina Pelletier
• National Vigil for Life Will Show Ireland’s Pro-Life Battle Far From Lost
• Pro-Life Group Defeats NOW’s Attempt to Silence It and Extort Legal Fees
• Pro-Life Doctors in UK Facing Massive Discrimination if They Oppose Abortion Drugs
Our Baby Boy Lived Less Than Five Hours But She’s Still the “World’s Best Mom”
That’s a lofty title, I know. And believe it or not, I know her. Even more amazing (to me) is that I’m married to her.
One might think the world’s best mom would be someone with years of motherly experience and a number of kids — someone who has been doing it for a long time. My wife, Katie, doesn’t come close to qualifying under those terms.
Spokesman Claims Recycling Plant Never Burned Aborted Babies for Electricity
A spokesman for the facility found to be burning aborted babies for energy says the recycling plant never burned aborted babies and claims multiple reports of that happening in Oregon are false.
Local officials in Oregon are upset that an energy plant is reportedly burning aborted babies from Canada to generate electricity. As LifeNews reported, they launched an investigation into how and why aborted babies were included along with medical waste shipped from Canada to Oregon to be incinerated for energy at a recycling plant.
One might think the world’s best mom would be someone with years of motherly experience and a number of kids — someone who has been doing it for a long time. My wife, Katie, doesn’t come close to qualifying under those terms.
Spokesman Claims Recycling Plant Never Burned Aborted Babies for Electricity
Local officials in Oregon are upset that an energy plant is reportedly burning aborted babies from Canada to generate electricity. As LifeNews reported, they launched an investigation into how and why aborted babies were included along with medical waste shipped from Canada to Oregon to be incinerated for energy at a recycling plant.
When My Son Told Me: I Wish You Hadn’t Aborted My Brother and Sister
This particular day seemed ordinary, like so many others. I picked up my children from school as usual. My son Gabriel began to tell me about his day. He told me that during class that day one of his tasks was to write a story about building a time machine.
“Oh, really,” I replied as I listened. Then I asked him “If you could go back in time, to which time period would you travel?” In my mind I thought he would say when Jesus lived or when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in Lubbock, Texas Closes Thanks to Pro-Life Law
Here is more evidence that pro-life laws make a difference. When Texas approved a measure that banned abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it included a provision that required abortion practitioners to have admitting privileges at local hospitals.
Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz in Lubbock, Texas Closes Thanks to Pro-Life Law
So many abortion clinics do not have abortion practitioners who can admit patients to hospitals when, as frequent happens, abortions go awry and women are killed or injured by botched abortions. Such abortion clinics must also meet the same kind of standards as legitimate medical centers that perform surgeries, but many abortion clinics are not able to meet those health and safety standards because they offer sub par medical care for women.
Man Whose Mom Abandoned Him in a McDonalds 36 Years Ago: Thanks for Giving Me Life
David Volk was just hours old when he was found by a manager in the sink of the women’s restroom in a Newark McDonald’s in December 1977. He was adopted a year later and never really considered looking for his birth mother because he had no information about her.
But, inspired by the case of a woman who found her birthmother decades after she left her in a Burger King, Volk says he is thankful for his life and is looking for his birthmom.
But, inspired by the case of a woman who found her birthmother decades after she left her in a Burger King, Volk says he is thankful for his life and is looking for his birthmom.
Study: Abortion Multiplies Women’s Breast Cancer Risk by 2.8 Times
An Indian study found a statistically significant 2.8-fold increased breast cancer risk among women who’d had abortions.[1] Dr. Unmesh Takalkar led the study. He serves as a consultant surgeon and chief medical director at United CIIGMA Hospital in India and an endoscopic surgeon and fellow at Johns Hopkins.
Although dozens of studies dating from 1957 support an abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link[2], the latest study is the seventh on the Indian subcontinent to implicate abortion as a risk factor for the disease[1,3-8], with a Bangladesh study reporting as much as a statistically significant 20-fold risk elevation.[3]
NARAL’s False Victory: Google May Not Have Pulled a Single Pregnancy Center Ad
One of the leading national networks for pregnancy centers is responding to the dustup this week that Google has supposedly banned pregnancy center ads after pressure from the pro-abortion group NARAL. But it appears NARAL is enjoying a hollow victory, as few, if any, pregnancy centers have seen their ads removed.
Representatives from from Heartbeat International, a network of thousands of pregnancy centers across the country and around the world, tell LifeNews that they’re not worried about their ads being banned because they don’t lie to or mislead women, contrary to NARAL’s false claims.
She Had an Abortion to Save Her Music Career, Now She Says “I Wish I’d Kept the Baby”This will be a brief post because I could find very little about “Clothes, Clothes, Clothes, Music, Music, Music, Boys, Boys, Boys,” the memoir of Viv Albertine.
Clump of Cells? Nurse Describes Abortions of “Miniature Human Beings”In a December 2013 article, I wrote about a nurse who was staunchly pro-choice until she was called upon to assist in abortion procedures.
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Gives $200,000 Grant to Planned Parenthood Abortion BizThe Baltimore Sun is reporting that CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is giving abortion giant Planned Parenthood of Maryland a $200,000 grant to invest in technology at its eight clinics.
Wendy Davis’ Campaign is Imploding And Unborn Babies Couldn’t be HappierThat’s the beauty of the Internet and hyperlinks.
National Day of Prayer Event Calls for Prayers to End AbortionEvery year on May 1, millions of Christians across America come together under the banner of the National Day of Prayer. .
Congressman’s Bill Stops Federal Funds for Medical Centers Targeting Kids Like Justina PelletierCongressman Steve Stockman will introduce legislation cutting off funds to medical institutions that conduct greater than minimal risk research on wards of the state, deny First Amendment rights to parents and wards of the state, and take children away from their parents over disagreements on subjective medical diagnoses. /
Pro-Life Group Defeats NOW’s Attempt to Silence It and Extort Legal Fees“This ruling is long-awaited good news,” said Joseph Scheidler, founder of the Pro-life Action League and the chief defendant in the twenty-eight-year-old RICO lawsuit filed by the National Organization for Women.
Pro-Life Doctors in UK Facing Massive Discrimination if They Oppose Abortion DrugsLast week I highlighted the fact that a faculty of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) is barring doctors with pro-life views from receiving its degrees and diplomas.
Pro-Life Doctors in UK Facing Massive Discrimination if They Oppose Abortion DrugsLast week I highlighted the fact that a faculty of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) is barring doctors with pro-life views from receiving its degrees and diplomas.