Friday, May 3, 2013

Gosnell Trial: Fox News Channel to air special at 9:00 EST tonight

See a “Trial of the Century” story on Fox News Channel tonight!
In another era, this would have been called one of those “Trials of the Century.”

It meets all the criteria for a sensational case:  A medical doctor is accused of multiple murders involving cutting through and severing the spinal cords of four newly born babies.  He’s charged with causing the death of a 41-year-old woman with an overdose.  He’s under federal indictment for the distribution of narcotics.

The doctor, Kermit Gosnell of Philadelphia, is said by witnesses to have run a clinic that re-used dirty instruments when performing abortions, kept parts of unborn babies in jars around the office, had blood stains on the floor and on blankets the patients used, a flea-infested cat and cat feces present, a smell of urine filling the air – the list goes on and on.   

Added to the depravity of such a clinic is the scandal of a state government that endangered its own citizens by not once inspecting the clinic for more than 15 years.  Despite multiple well-substantiated complaints, successive administrations of pro-abortion governors did nothing.

In what is known as the “Mother’s Day Massacre” in 1972, Gosnell allegedly used patients as guinea pigs, testing something called the “super coil” on them.

The “super coil” was, in effect, a cluster of razors packed in wax.  When it was inserted in the womb, the wax would melt, exposing the razors to the baby, who would then be cut to death.  Of the 15 women who are said to have received the coil at Gosnell’s clinic that day, nine had serious complications, including hemorrhages, infections, a punctured uterus, and parts of babies left inside the womb.  One woman had to have a hysterectomy.

So the story of the current trial contains a history of medical abuses, multiple deaths, and a government scandal to boot.  Every journalist and aspiring journalist in the country would like to get their hands on that story, right?


Until very recently, most national news organizations either downplayed or completely ignored the story.

You see, this story makes everything about abortion look bad.  Real bad.

And most of the media don’t want to write or talk about anything that does that.

To their great credit, a few news outlets, such as Fox News Channel, have shown they respect the people’s right to know and have covered the case.  Others, late to the case, have had to be shamed into offering a news story or two.

A major expose on the case will be aired tonight on Fox News Channel at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time.  It's called "Fox News Reporting:  See No Evil -- The Kermit Gosnell Case."  I encourage all pro-lifers to view this special program so we can be conversant in the facts of this case and so we can educate our fellow citizens on how extreme the practice of abortion has become

Because, sadly, reports of killing babies born alive after an abortion, or just leaving them to die, isn’t unique to Gosnell.  Nor is the practice of doing late abortions.

National Right to Life not only has a long track record of exposing these practices, we’ve worked successfully for laws to put a stop to them.  We originated the national ban on partial-birth abortion and bans in nine states on abortions when a baby is developed enough to feel pain.

We also initiated and helped pass the national Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, a law that protects certain legal rights for babies born alive during abortions.  Most Americans probably don’t even know that their president, Barack Obama, while an Illinois state senator, led the opposition against a state version of this bill!

Few Americans know this because once again, the media have refused to cover it.

You can help us publicize these abuses – and pass the laws that will stop them – with your support of National Right to Life.  Your donations help the most successful federal and state pro-life legislation teams in the country and enable us to pass laws that directly protect the unborn from monsters who would brutally kill them before or after birth.

Please watch the Fox News Channel’s program on Gosnell at 9:00 p.m. tonight, and please support our work to prevent any future Gosnells and protect the lives of innocent unborn babies with a generous contribution today. 

Thank you for your help to put an end to these terrible tragedies and to return our nation to the respect and protection that every innocent human life deserves!
ctobias-pic-sm Carol-Tobias-Signature
Carol Tobias
National Right to Life President

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National Right to Life
512 10th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004