Sunday, May 5, 2013

Heroic News: “Bioethics hates the light?” plus 3 more

Posted: 05 May 2013 04:28 AM PDT
Last year, the Journal of Medical Ethics–a reliable fount of radicalism–published an article promoting “after-birth” abortion, e.g., infanticide–as an ethical action. It sparked a firestorm, and I was one of the match lighters, along with the clearing house of bioethical articles and news, Bioedge.
Posted: 05 May 2013 04:23 AM PDT
“If criteria such as the costs (social, psychological, economic) for the potential parents are good enough reasons for having an abortion even when the fetus is healthy, if the moral status of the newborn is the same as that of the foetus and if neither has any moral value by virtue of being a potential person, then the same reasons which justify abortion should also justify the killing of the potential person when it is at the stage of a newborn.”
Posted: 05 May 2013 04:02 AM PDT
Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee has signed a law redefining “marriage” to include homosexual couples, making Rhode Island the tenth state to accept same-sex “marriages.”
Posted: 05 May 2013 02:16 AM PDT
Dr Nitschke staged a Dying Well in the West workshop in Wembley yesterday, where he showcased his $660 nitrogen gas product. Australian Medical Association president Richard Choong condemned the man dubbed Dr Death. "He's teaching people how to commit suicide."