Friday, December 30, 2011

Facebook Wreaks Havoc on One-Third of Marriages in the U.K.


Husbands and wives in the United Kingdom headed for divorce are increasingly citing Facebook in their petitions, according to a survey from Divorce-Online, a website that focuses on divorce in the U.K.

The survey, released this week, revealed that 33 percent of divorce petitions in the country contained the word Facebook. That's a significant increase over that last time the site performed the survey in 2009. At that time, Facebook was mentioned in 20 percent of the petitions sampled by the researchers.

While Facebook is being combed for signs of infidelity by divorce attorneys, they're also looking for disparaging remarks made by spouses about each other after they've separated and are embroiled in litigation, according to the website. It found the most common reasons for citing Facebook in a divorce petition to be:

Inappropriate messages to members of the opposite sex.
Separated spouses posting nasty comments about each other.
Facebook friends reporting spouse’s behavior.


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