Sunday, December 18, 2011

Your Weekly Reflection in Prayer: 4th Sunday of Advent

Your Weekly Prayer Reflection During Holy Times


"Drop down from above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down the Just One. Let the earth be opened and bring
forth a Savior."

Entrance Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent (Isaiah 45:8)

December 18, 2011
4th Sunday of Advent

Dear John,

Christmas draws near.  To help us appreciate the gift of Christmas, the Church sets before us what are called the Seven O Antiphons.   Rich with imagery of the Old Testament, these descriptions of Jesus help us to understand the mystery of God’s love. This year and every year God wants to be our wisdom, our light, our Lord, and in perhaps the most beautiful description, he wishes to be Emmanuel, God-with-us.

May we always be open and willing to welcome Jesus Christ into our hearts, into our world. 


Christ Emmanuel, icon with riza by Simon Ushak...

Christ Emmanuel Icon. Image via Wikipedia

Let us acclaim Christ our Lord:  O Wisdom of God, you are our wisdom.
O Root of Jesse, you are the vine and we are the branches.
O Lord of Lords, you are the newborn child.
Key of David, you are the key to the gates of heaven.
O Dayspring, you are the light of the world.
O Ruler of the world, you are the Lord of lords.
O Emmanuel, you are God-with-us.


Rev. Peter Schineller, S.J., CMMB Board of Directors

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