Thursday, December 1, 2011

CMMB Commemorates World Aids Day

Check out this website I found at


CMMB Contributes to an "AIDS Free Generation"

Today, December 1, CMMB is commemorating World AIDS Day through its programs around the globe. CMMB’s commitment to preventing HIV and providing treatment and support to those living with HIV and AIDS dates back to the earliest days of the epidemic in Southern Africa. Throughout the years, CMMB’s portfolio has expanded to include programs in Haiti, Kenya, South Africa, South Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia.

Many of CMMB’s strengths have recently been brought to the forefront through Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent speech for an “AIDS-Free Generation.” Clinton specifically endorsed scientifically proven interventions, taking a three-prong approach to ending the epidemic.

CMMB plans to contribute significantly to this goal by expanding its own innovative and effective programs which address the three prongs of the “AIDS-Free Generation” plan. Here are some highlights of CMMB’s accomplishments in 2011:

CMMB has provided more than 32,000 safe male circumcisions since March 2010 to prevent HIV transmission.
CMMB reached 5,532 pregnant women with HIV prevention services in 2011, which averted thousands of pediatric HIV infections.

CMMB provided antiretroviral treatment to 52,443 AIDS patients and cared for nearly 128,000 men, women, and children affected by HIV/AIDS in 2011.

With your help, CMMB can continue the fight against HIV and AIDS. Please be generous, and please say a prayer today for all those who are suffering from HIV and AIDS. If you would have a prayer intention that you would like to share with us, please email it to and we will add it to our intentions. Thank you.
