Pro-Life News Report
Monday, December 31, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Texas Judge Rules State Can De-Fund Planned Parenthood
• Abortion Effect: U.S. Seeing Slowest Population Growth Since 1930
• Company Gets Injunction Stopping HHS Mandate Enforcement
• Five Reasons the Obama Abortion-HHS Mandate Should Upset You
More Pro-Life News
• Is International Planned Parenthood Abetting Criminal Activity?
• Spectacular Images of Fetal Development Now Available as iBook
• Michigan County Denies Planned Parenthood Abstinence Ed Grant
• Surrogacy: Renting Wombs in India Exploits the Powerless
• Short-Film Crescendo Called a Powerful Pro-Life Tool
• New Poll is Wrong, Americans Don t Want Assisted Suicide
• Euthanasia Group Challenges Minnesota Assisted Suicide Ban
Texas Judge Rules State Can De-Fund Planned Parenthood
A Texas state judge has delivered a ruling in response to the second legal challenge Planned Parenthood has brought against the state for removing the abortion business from its taxpayer-funded women s health program.
The judge refused today to grant a temporary restraining order allowing Planned Parenthood to rejoin the Texas Women s Health Program in time for the January launch of it. The judge ruled the program ca move ahead as planned, with out the abortion giant, while its lawsuit continues.
Abortion Effect: U.S. Seeing Slowest Population Growth Since 1930
After almost 40 years of legalized abortions throughout the United States and longer in states that okayed abortions pre-Roe the U.S. population has been decimated to the point that the nation is seeing the lowest population growth since the 1930s.
Abortion has destroyed not only one generation of Americans but a second as well people who should be boosting the fertility rate in their childbearing years now who were victims of abortions in the 1970s and 1980s. In total, more than 55 million Americans are been victimized by abortions and millions more were never born because their parents were aborted.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
Company Gets Injunction Stopping HHS Mandate Enforcement
In one of the dozens of cases against the pro-abortion HHS mandate under Obamacare, a company has won a court-ordered injunction against enforcement of the mandate, which goes into effect tomorrow.
The American Center for Law and Justice, a pro-life legal organization that focuses on constitutional law, achieved a significant victory in the legal battle against the mandate on Friday when a federal appeals court granted an emergency motion for an injunction putting the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate on hold preventing it from being enforced against an Illinois business and its owners.
Five Reasons the Obama Abortion-HHS Mandate Should Upset You
As we look back on the past year, we conclude that 2012 is a year that will go down in infamy.
For the first time in history, the government has attempted to force Americans to pay for the ending of human life even if abortion violates their religious beliefs.

Is International Planned Parenthood Abetting Criminal Activity?
International Planned Parenthood Federation s Carmen Barroso sent around an e-mail today soliciting year-end donations. She illustrates the role IPPF plays throughout the Western Hemisphere by telling the story of Valeria, a young Argentine woman:
This year, we provided vital health services to individuals like Valeria, a young Argentine woman who never received sexuality education at home or in school. She suspected she might be pregnant, but wasn t ready to be a parent. Valeria needed information about her options, and we were there for her. (Emphasis in original.)
Spectacular Images of Fetal Development Now Available as iBook
Both NRLC Director of Education Dr. Randall K. O Bannon (see below) and myself have written glowing reviews of a book that transformed the way we understand fetal development: From Conception to Birth: a Life Unfolds. The author is Alexander Tsiaras.
His work is amazing, but it is hard to give a name to what Tsiaras does. He describes himself a scientist, an artist, and a journalist, but what he has done is to develop scanning and visualization software that enables him to develop rich, 4-D animations of different human body parts, organs, and processes.

Michigan County Denies Planned Parenthood Abstinence Ed Grant
A county in Michigan has denied a $12,000 grant to Planned Parenthood. Ironically, the local affiliate of the nation s biggest abortion business claimed it wanted to teach abstinence education to young people.
Grand Traverse County Commissioners denied Planned Parenthood s application for the taxpayer-financed grant to pay for abstinence-based sex education in area schools. The local Traverse City newspaper has additional details.
Surrogacy: Renting Wombs in India Exploits the Powerless
Colonialism used to be about the rich exploiting the resources of other lands. Now, biological colonialism (as I call it) finds well off (mostly) Westerners exploiting destitute people in developing countries for their body parts and functions, essentially using people as natural resources.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
Short-Film Crescendo Called a Powerful Pro-Life Tool
Crescendo, a short film with a powerful pro-life message, will be released nationwide on Feb. 28, 2013, for a special one-night event to raise money for pregnancy centers around the country.
New Poll is Wrong, Americans Don t Want Assisted Suicide
A recent poll indicates that 55% of Americans support assisted suicide. The poll that was conducted by NPR, from October 1 11, 2012 asked 3000 respondents their opinions concerning assisted suicide.
Euthanasia Group Challenges Minnesota Assisted Suicide Ban
An article in the Huffington Post that was written by Amy Forliti and published on December 18 under the title: Right to Die group wants Minnesota charges dismissed, concerns The Final Exit Network (FEN) who challenging the constitutionality of the assisted suicide law in Minnesota in an attempt to overturn criminal charges against their members.
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