After three and a half years of legal wrangling, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in August, 1985 ordered the 16,433 mangled babies’ bodies found in Woodland Hills in 1982 to be turned over to the Guerra-Gutirrez-Alexander Mortuary for burial. Per the court’s order, the mortuary was selected because they didn’t have a religious affiliation.
To comply with the court order that the identity of the mothers, babies and abortionists be concealed, the Los Angeles County health department ordered the bodies to be dumped in bulk out of the individual containers into six coffin-sized plywood boxes lined with plastic. The department assured the ACLU that there would be no containers with identifying marks. While the ACLU would not object, the Feminist Women’s Health Center petitioned the Los Angeles Superior Court to block the burial, but the courts refused.
The largest babies were carefully placed inside. The smaller bodies were finally placed within each box until all six coffins were filled. The weight of each of the six boxes containing the 16 thousand babies’ bodies was so heavy that six adult men were needed to carry each of these six coffins.
On Sunday afternoon, October 6, 1985 six grey hearses carrying the coffins arrived at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Boyle Heights. The non-denominational Odd Fellows Cemetery was chosen after pro-abortionists importuned the courts to block burial in a Catholic or other religion affiliated cemeteries, which had offered burial spaces.
Hundreds of people attended, including county supervisor Michael Antonovich, who read a eulogy from Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s message stated “Just as the terrible toll of Gettysburg can be traced to a tragic decision of a divided Supreme Court, so also can these deaths we mourn. Once again a whole category of human beings has been ruled outside the protection of the law by a court ruling which clashed with our deepest moral convictions.”
(Reagan had written a letter in May, 1982 encouraging a memorial for the 16 thousand babies. White House counsel – now Supreme Court chief justice – John Roberts wanted this letter to be kept private. But the letter was published widely, including in the American Holocaust brochure.)
Others in attendance were Representative Bob Dornan, state Senate President David Roberti, and state Representative Joseph Montoya. Archbishop Roger Mahony was unavailable to attend, but auxiliary bishop John Ward attended and blessed the graves and bodies. Hank Stolk, the employee who was the Martin Container company employee involved in discovering the 16,433 bodies, also gave a testimonial.
This was the largest known cemetery burial of human bodies in history.
Past stories in this series on California Catholic Daily:
16,433 aborted unborn babies found in San Fernando Valley
Inglewood Women’s Hospital and the men behind it
Were there to be no support in the whole history of ethical and moral thought, were there no acknowledged confirmation from medical science, were the history of legal opinion to the contrary, we would still have to conclude on the basis of God's Holy Word that the unborn child is a person in the sight of God. He is protected by the sanctity of life graciously given to each individual by the Creator, Who alone places His image upon man and grants them any right to life which they have.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Evidence of the American Holocaust–part 6: Largest known cemetery burial in history