Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Family Cares for Daughter in Coma for 42 Years Before Dying
• Euthanasia Activist Importing Nitrogen Canisters for Suicides
• Planned Parenthood Gives Up Stopping 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period
• Welcome the Little Children With Adoption, Like Joseph Did Jesus
More Pro-Life News
• Judge Confirms Oklahoma Can Cut Planned Parenthood Funding
• Judge Stops Georgia Fetal Pain-Based Abortion Ban After ACLU Suit
• Ethics Debate: Does Human Exceptionalism Rely on God?
• Are Unborn Children Merely Potential Human Beings?
• Study: Telemed Abortions Increase Complications for Women
• Washington Activists Push Bill Again to Force Tax-Funded Abortions
• The Future is Now: Whole-Genome Sequencing and Pro-Life Concerns
• Nobel Laureate Promotes Human Cloning, Destroying Human Lives
Family Cares for Daughter in Coma for 42 Years Before Dying
An article written by Wayne Drash for CNN and published on December 23 recounts the love of a mother and family for their daughter and sister who lived in a comatose condition for 42 years. The article that was titled: Comatose since Christmas 1969: A tale of unconditional love and miracles focuses on the life and love of the O Bara family for Edwarda who went into diabetic shock on January 3, 1970 and became comatose.
Edwarda was cared for, around the clock at home, by her mother Kathryn (Kaye) until she died in March 2008 and more recently she was cared for by her younger sister Colleen until Edwarda recently died on November 21, 2012.
Euthanasia Activist Importing Nitrogen Canisters for Suicides
Recently, (Tuesday 18th December) the ABC s National Current Affairs program, The 7:30 Report, ran a story on Dr. Nitschke and his promotion of nitrogen for suicide.
For the first time, he admitted that he imports the nitrogen canisters from China and the report said that he did so through the company, Max Dog Brewing which is wholly owned by Dr. Nitschke through another company, Northern Analytics P/L.

Planned Parenthood Gives Up Stopping 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period
The Planned Parenthood abortion business has given up trying to stop a 72-hours abortion waiting period in the South Dakota, in what is the longest abortion waiting period on abortion in the country.
The law in question, which has been embroiled in a legal battle since passage, would require women considering an abortion to visit a crisis pregnancy center before going to an abortion business to get counseling on abortion s alternatives as well as the risks associated with having one. The idea behind the bill which goes further than legislation in other states is to get women tangible pregnancy help and support that they won t normally find at an abortion center. The counseling would not require any out of pocket expense on behalf of the women considering an abortion.
Welcome the Little Children With Adoption, Like Joseph Did Jesus
Recently, Dr. Russell Moore visited FRC to present a lecture on adoption. He reminded us of a very important adoption story we often fail to consider the adoption of Jesus by his earthly father, Joseph. He recounted the verse in James that tells us that true religion is caring for orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27). Joseph made a choice to put that true religion into practice when he decided to care for and protect Mary and her son, Jesus.
The Bible records two lineages of Jesus, one from Mary and one from Joseph. Thus, Jesus became Joseph s actual son, just like every child who is adopted today becomes the true child of the parents who adopt him. As Dr. Moore stated, adoption creates a real relationship.

Judge Confirms Oklahoma Can Cut Planned Parenthood Funding
A federal judge ruled on Monday that the state of Oklahoma has the right to cut taxpayer funding to the Planned Parenthood abortion business. The abortion giant sued the state of Oklahoma after state officials yanked taxpayer funds it received through a taxpayer-funded program that provides food for low income women and children.
In October, Oklahoma officials dropped the abortion giant so it could steer tax dollars to legitimate agencies helping women and children in need.
Judge Stops Georgia Fetal Pain-Based Abortion Ban After ACLU Suit
A judge has temporarily stopped a new pro-life law in Georgia from being enforced while a lawsuit from the ACLU continues against it.
The ACLU is trying to take down the Georgia law that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy based on the scientific evidence showing unborn children feel pain at least at that point in development, if not sooner.

Ethics Debate: Does Human Exceptionalism Rely on God?
I have long argued that human exceptionalism the unique and intrinsic moral importance and value of us does not depend on the existence of the soul or reliance on God. Many of the differences between humans and all other known life are moral in nature, not merely biological.
Hence, hawks have exceptional eyesight, but that is merely biological, as is our bipedalism. On the other hand, we (as just one example), are whether due to random evolution, creation, of intelligent design the only known moral agents. It is in our very natures to so be, and those of us who aren t are either too immature for the moral natures to have fully expressed, or are injured or disabled in some capacity. That is a distinction with a moral difference.
Are Unborn Children Merely Potential Human Beings?
Valerie from Silver Lake, Kansas emailed Life Report to ask for advice on a discouraging debate she had with her pro-choice, Christian father about abortion.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
Study: Telemed Abortions Increase Complications for Women
The American Journal of Public Health has preliminarily released an electronic version of Changes in Service Delivery Patterns After Introduction of Telemedicine Provision of Medical Abortion in Iowa, a study which examines the effect that offering webcam-advised prescriptions for abortion pills has had on both the number of abortions and the demographics of women seeking abortions in Iowa.
Washington Activists Push Bill Again to Force Tax-Funded Abortions
The abortion insurance mandate is a bill forcing insurance on citizens to cover abortions. It comes to us compliments of the abortion industry. Anyone buying a maternity insurance plan would be forced to buy additional coverage that would cover an abortion of the pregnancy. No exceptions. Every business would have to buy it for their employees. No exceptions. So much for the abortion industry actually being pro-choice.
The Future is Now: Whole-Genome Sequencing and Pro-Life Concerns
In the 1997 film Gattaca, Vincent, the narrator and protagonist, tells the audience that he will never understand what possessed [his] mother to put her faith in God s hands, rather than her local geneticist..
Nobel Laureate Promotes Human Cloning, Destroying Human Lives
Nobel Laureate John Gurdon of the U.K. has come out in support of human cloning.
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