| “I was sick and You took care of me.... Just as You did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, You did it to me.” | Matthew 25:36 & 40 December 16, 2012 100 Years of Healing and Hope Dear John, How wonderful and privileged we are to be a part of the 100 Years of Healing and Hope, now celebrated by Catholic Medical Mission Board. Thousands of individuals have worked for and with CMMB over this past century, and tens of thousands friends and benefactors have made this possible with their prayers and donations. Above all, we think of the thousands of children, mothers, parents and families around the world, those we have been privileged to serve by assisting them with medicines, medical assistance and loving care. All this leads us to look ahead with Hope, to recommit ourselves, our energy and resources to continue and expand this mission and ministry. As the Lord has been with us, we pray that He will continue to bless CMMB as it boldly and strongly moves into its second century of Healing and Hope, sharing in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. | In gratitude, we pray for God’s blessing upon Catholic Medical Mission Board, as it celebrates 100 years of service to the neediest. We thank You for all who have shared in reaching out a healing hand around the world – friends and benefactors who have donated time, talent, funds and medical supplies, those who have personally volunteered, those who assist in gathering and shipping much needed pharmaceutical supplies, and those who work in the offices to facilitate this work. Lord God, we ask that You continue to pour Your blessings upon Catholic Medical Mission Board so that it will not only continue its services, but grow in strength as it shares in the healing mission and ministry of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen Rev. Peter Schineller, S.J., CMMB Board of Directors | | | | |
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