Pro-Life News Report
Monday, December 24, 2012
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Pro-Life Catholic Group Wins HHS Mandate Exemption in Court
• Heart Surgery Before Birth Saves Unborn Baby s Life
• Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Pitches Donations on Christmas Eve
• Dominos Pizza Founder Seeks Emergency Order to Stop HHS Mandate
More Pro-Life News
• A Baby vs. the World: God s Strategy for Overcoming Evil
• Christmas: Jesus Christ is a Light in the Dark Times
• I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day: God is Not Dead, He s Alive
• Notre Dame Students to Lead National March for Life
• The Wise Men s Christmas Lesson: Bowing Over a Newborn Baby
• Judge Blocks Missouri Law Against Obama s Abortion-HHS Mandate
• Ireland: Bishop Faces Death Threat From Abortion Activists
• U.K. Doctors Lose Humanity Serving Government Masters
• Pro-Life Feminist Writer Mary Krane Derr Passes Away
Pro-Life Catholic Group Wins HHS Mandate Exemption in Court
In another victory for pro-life advocates challenging the pro-abortion HHS mandate in Obamacare, a pro-life Catholic group has won a legal battle in court to get an exemption from having to comply with the mandate.
The new mandate compels religious employers to pay for and refer employees for birth control, abortion-causing drugs and contraception in violation of employers religious beliefs.
Heart Surgery Before Birth Saves Unborn Baby s Life
Here is a heartwarming story that is sure to lift your spirits this Christmas time.
The baby s mother discovered during earlier stages of pregnancy that the baby s heart was not properly developing. Doctors at Children s Hospital in Philadelphia wanted to perform an operation on the unborn baby s heart which was just the size of a grape.

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Pitches Donations on Christmas Eve
While the rest of the nation eagerly awaits the celebration of the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ, the Planned Parenthood abortion business took the occasion of Christmas Eve to send out a fundraising donation.
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America sent the email fundraising pitch under the headline What really matters. Apparently the birth of Christ pales in comparison to making sure the nation s biggest abortion business has enough money to keep its clinics operating and it abortion advocacy lobbying going full steam.
Dominos Pizza Founder Seeks Emergency Order to Stop HHS Mandate
The founder of Dominos Pizza has already filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration over the HHS mandate that forces religious employers to purchase drugs that may cause abortions for their employees. Now, he is seeking an emergency order to prevent enforcement of the mandate while the lawsuit continues.
Tom Monaghan calls requiring businesses, schools and other religious places to pay for such drugs a gravely immoral practice and filed suit earlier this month in federal court for Domino s Farms, a business development complex he owns.

A Baby vs. the World: God s Strategy for Overcoming Evil
A Christmas message came to my mind a few years ago as I stood shivering in the autumn chill at the grave side of Father Jerzy Popieluszko. Jerzy was a young pastor who once delivered the dynamic messages that stirred the Polish people to overthrow their Communist oppressors.
His theme was always the same: The Christian is called to defend the truth and overcome evil with good.
Christmas: Jesus Christ is a Light in the Dark Times
Every year the week before Christmas, St. Peter s Church in Purcellville, VA hosts a Blue Christmas service.
The aim is to offer a message of hope and comfort to those who might not be feeling so holly jolly during the holidays. Heaven knows, there are many reasons to feel blue this Christmas. From the senseless, tragic loss of innocent life in New Town, CT, to the seemingly intractable political divide paralyzing our nation s capital, to the escalating tensions in the Middle East. It would be easy to give in to feelings of hopelessness, to let the long and dark December nights lull us into a mood of depression and despair.

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day: God is Not Dead, He s Alive
As I celebrate Christmas together with my family this year, I remember the words of the 19th century poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow whose song, I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day begins:
I heard the bells on Christmas Day."
Notre Dame Students to Lead National March for Life
The University of Notre Dame Right to Life Club recently received the honor of leading the annual March for Life, which this year observes the 40th anniversary of the legalization of abortion handed down in the Roe v. Wade court case.
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email |
The Wise Men s Christmas Lesson: Bowing Over a Newborn Baby
It always slows me down at Christmas to imagine those great wise men kneeling at the side of the brand new baby King. It helps understand real power. Living inside the DC beltway, it s easy to get that definition wrong and it is so important to get it right.
Judge Blocks Missouri Law Against Obama s Abortion-HHS Mandate
On Friday, a federal judge blocked a pro-life Missouri law that provides religious exemptions to the abortion pill mandate. The law requires insurers to exclude birth control coverage for moral objectors but the federal judge ruled it conflicts with the mandate.
Ireland: Bishop Faces Death Threat From Abortion Activists
A Catholic bishop has reported a potential death threat or threat of physical violence that appears to come from pro-abortion activists not happy with his pro-life views on abortion.
U.K. Doctors Lose Humanity Serving Government Masters
The implosion of UK healthcare quality is a warning for the U.S. Now, Prince Charles has another complaint: He says UK doctors have lost the human touch.
Pro-Life Feminist Writer Mary Krane Derr Passes Away
The pro-life movement has been affected by tragic loss. Lifelong pro-life activist Mary Krane Derr passed away suddenly on November 30, 2012.
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