Friday, December 14, 2012
| Human Embryos as Hors D'oeuvres By Judie Brown It seems that, as a whole, our country is getting really good at fooling itself into thinking whatever it wants and justifying whatever actions it wants to take. There is no right and wrong, only what feels good. There are no values about the sanctity of life, only what's best for "me." Morality has nearly gone the way of the dinosaurs. So what do we do now? Read today's commentary for Judie Brown's insights. [ Click here to read more. ] | | |
HEADLINES |  | Planned Parenthood files lawsuit against 'Coercive and Web Cam Abortion Prevention Act' LifeSiteNews With the regularity of swallows returning to Capistrano, Planned Parenthood challenges all pro-life legislation, even those that any objective observer would concede will protect the mother's health. Right on schedule, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin went to U.S. District Court in Madison on Tuesday to challenge a new law that requires that prior to prescription of an abortion-inducing drug----typically RU486----the prescriber must perform a physical exam on the woman and be physically present to give the drug. In its lawsuit, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin argued that Act 217, the "Coercive and Web Cam Abortion Prevention Act," is unconstitutionally vague. |
| Planned Parenthood solicits donations for its 'lifesaving health services' CNS News In an email distributed on Thursday, Planned Parenthood Federation of America's President Cecile Richards asked supporters for donations to help the nation's largest abortion provider continue its "lifesaving health services." In its latest available annual report for fiscal year July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, the organization received "government health services grants and reimbursements" totaling $487.4 million. In addition, according to Planned Parenthood's "Services" fact sheet, its clinics performed 329,445 abortions in 2010. Planned Parenthood's Form 990 filed with the Internal Revenue Service for tax year July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, shows the Cecile Richards' salary, benefits and compensation totaled $420,153. |
| Michigan Right to Work law an opportunity to partially defund Planned Parenthood, gay activists LifeSiteNews Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Tuesday signed the nation's 24th state Right to Work law, a move that some observers say presents an opportunity to at least partially defund major pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activist organizations. Many workers don't realize that their union dues are spent by union officials not just on collective bargaining, but on politics and social activism----much of it offensive to the union members they are supposed to represent. Despite the fact that their membership is about evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, major Michigan unions spend nearly 100 percent of their political cash on the campaigns of some of the nation's most pro-abortion Democratic politicians. They also support Planned Parenthood and same-sex "marriage" campaigns. | |