CHICAGO, Dec. 27, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- There are human experiments that are currently being run at top hospitals across the country without informed consent while patients are under general anesthesia. Patients are not given the opportunity to provide informed consent for the testing of newly developed heart devices.
A recently published expose, The Myxo File Part I and Part II, published on Amazon.com and Kindle Direct Publishing provide the documents from the FDA, communications with the White House and Congress to try and get help for the patients. So far, the requests for an investigation, 48 hours after the Christmas plea to the White House, and still no response. President Barak Obama, inquired into the situation twice but the FDA is not reporting to the White House, the over 4,000 adverse events and close to 700 deaths from these heart devices. Communications and letters from the White House are in the Myxo File Part II.
The Company reported to the SEC that a new device was being invented for myxomatous mitral valve disease. The company provided a similar disclosure to the US patent office regarding the 40 new claims for a new invention. However, the FDA was not informed of the clinical trial until 2 years after the initial prototypes were manufactured and the disclosure was from a patient.
The Honorable Senator John McCain and Senator Richard Lugar are the only Senators who wrote on behalf of the patients in Illinois and Indiana, as of December 27, 2012, still no response from the Senator of Illinois.
Patients are suffering while under general anesthesia. The Myxo File Part I and Part II demonstrates the heart attack, cardiac arrest and repeat surgery in patients who never agreed to be guinea pigs.
These experiments would benefit the company and the inventor in royalties and profits, but the facts regarding the adverse events were left out of the final scientific publication. The laws that protect human subjects date back to World War II after the Nuremberg Trials, and are currently protected under the Common Rule. HHS, FDA, NIH, are responsible for the protection of these human lives in the United States and no response from these US Federal agencies to help the victims of illegal surgical human experiments.
Human beings have the right to know if they receive an experimental device while under general anesthesia.
To view an interview of Nalini Rajamannan on The Wiley Drake Show regarding this issue click here.